Chapter 36

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Mia's Pov.

Victoria stands before me. Face pale and her heart thumping through her chest.

"What the fuck. How do you know each other?" Niall stands to the side of us.

"Wait is this Victoria as in Victoria who fobbed you off?" Harry is standing behind me.

"Huh huh." Slightly nodding, I stare at her.

She is staring back at me, eyes wide. So let me get this straight Victoria is dating Niall? Since when did this happen? How long have they been dating? Why has she never answered to me since seeing her last?

"Can somebody explain what it going on here because I would love to know?" Looking between us both, Niall searches for answers like a bloodhound.

"She is...was my best friend." I slowly speak, correcting myself half way through.

"I am your best friend." She looks at me.

"You sure haven't acted like it." Raising my voice a little, I give her a disgraceful look.

"What do you mean?" She asks me. Who does she think she is? She knows full well what she has done.

"You know what I mean. Not answering my calls. Never texting back!" I spit.

"Let me explain." She steps forward.

"No I will not allow you to make excuses! I know now why you flipped me off. It is because you have met Niall. Every time you get a boyfriend, you manage to get rid of me and erase me completely." I also step forward.

"That is not true and you know it!" She looks me up and down. What a lying cow!

"Yes it is true. Stop lying to yourself Vic...Victoria. We were like sisters and you knew that you was the only person who I could talk to and made me feel sane. But then you left me to fight my battles alone. Well thanks a lot!" I clench my jaw, tripping over my feet, falling forward a little.

"Babe she's not worth it." Harry pulls me back.

"Shell I tell you what. Harry is right. You are not worth it not one little bit." I step away looking her body up and down.

"No Mia I'm sorry. You're right I was in the wrong and should have never treated you the way I have over the past few weeks. I should know better, I know your problems and I know that you can only talk to me about things." Her face softens.

I want to just hug her and forgive her but I will not fall for it not anymore. I have done it once but that was a stupid idea. Why does she change with me when she is seeing somebody? I would never do that to her.

"It's not good enough Victoria. Why did you change since seeing Niall?" The floor seems to be very interesting as I look down.

"I don't mean to. I just get so caught up acting lovey dovey, I just forget about everything." So she forgot about me? Wow what a great friend she was.

"No I didn't mean it like that." Victoria says as if she can read my mind.

Harry is stood close behind me. I can feel his breath tickling the back of my hair. He stands in silent, just listening to what we have to say. He is holding my hand. It is as if he is trying to hold me back from hitting her. I wouldn't hit her anyway so he doesn't need to worry.

"Whatever." I huff.

"Please forgive me. I won't let it happen again." Victoria says, full of plead in her voice. My conscious is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes.

"No." I don't mean for it to sound as harsh as it came out but I can't help it.

"Please Mia. We are too close to let are friendship go. You are like my sister." Yes and you were like mine, but you were the one who fucked things up between us.

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