Chapter 1

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"Mia!" Victoria's voice rings through my ears as she nudges my arm.

"What?" I grumble.

"You really need to get up, your train leaves in forty minutes and we still have to get you to Littleborough town centre." Victoria stretches to open the blinds.

"Yeah I will get up now." I face plant the pillow.

I've been staying at Victoria's house for the last two weeks. I had time of collage and so did she so we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to see each other again meaning it's been such a long time. Since Victoria moved to Littleborough I can't see her as often and I really miss her. We have grown up together meaning we lived next door since we were babies. Holmes Chapel is no longer the same without Victoria about, I feel so lonely and so distant from everyone. Victoria moved over four months ago and she lives just over a hour away but now today it's time for me to pack up and travel back home.

"So the next brake from collage and work will you come to mine?" I ask pulling my short over my head.

"Of course I will be counting down the days when I find out my holidays." She smiles.

I still can't believe she had to move all because her dad got offered a higher position in his job. I know Holmes Chapel to Littleborough is about 3 hours away from one another but it's still tricky trying to find away of seeing each other as much as possible.

"Let me know when you get home. Yeah?" Victoria pulls me into a hug.

"Obviously, I will be texting you all the way. The train ride is so boring especially for three hours." I zip my suitcase up.

"Stop complaining." She laughs as she opens her bedroom door to lead me out.

All the way into Littleborough town centre Victoria and myself sing in the back of the car and enjoy our last few moments. I'm dreading this train journey home it will be so boring!


"Next stop Holmes Chapel." The intercom echoes across the train as many people stand from their seats as do I. I stand pulling my bag over my shoulder and my suite case follows behind. I wait patiently at the back of the cue whilst the train unloads, I get pushed a few times but I grit my teeth and don't say anything as much as I want to. I have a very short temper but I've learnt to control it more as I've gotten older, people just wind me up easily. 

I step onto platform 5 and make my way up the stairs roughly dragging my case as it clashes up the stairs. 

"Heyy do you want a hand with that." A sweet male voice sounds behind me. I look over my right shoulder to see a dark haired boy who is very familiar to me.

"Hey James." I smile. James is a boy I work with and he is such a gentleman and has so many manners. Let me tell you there's not many boys like James these days.

"What are you doing here?" He takes my heavy case from my grip.

"I went to see Victoria whilst I had the couple of weeks off, what are you doing here?" I smile.

"Well I just went into Manchester town and I couldn't be bothered driving so I thought I would catch the train for a change." We begin walking.

We stay silent as we make our way down the steps to the car park where my dad is suppose to be picking up.

"How are you getting home?" James turns to me.

I look around the car park to try and find my dad's car but it's nowhere to be seen....great!

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