Chapter 45

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Mia's Pov.

(The next day.)

Once again I haven't slept all night. I'm so tired but just can't ever seem to get off to sleep. The days seem to be dragging lately and the nights are even worse. It's just like there never going to come to an end. I suppose it's because I'm up early that's why they are dragging. I keep trying to get on with normal everyday life which seems more difficult than it should be. The new house is slowly getting there. I'm not going to lie it does need to be done up and a lick of paint here and there but for now it will do, until I can get my head straight anyway. It is very homily and that is all that matters right now. Max seems to be happy with it and I'm trying my hardest to be happy with it. It's not that I'm not happy with it, it's just I feel lonely I suppose.

Harry...well Harry is just never out of mind and there's not a day gone by that I haven't cried since leaving him. I don't have anyone to tell me that it is all going to be okay...I just have to go through everyday life telling myself it instead. Everyone says that it will get easier but I'm dying for that to come.

I've kept in touch with dad every day. He tells me that mum will be okay someday. She is under the best possible care at the moment and that's all they can give her until she has recovered. She apparently suffering from deep depression and pulling through a break through. I haven't been to see her yet, I've stayed away. I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing by staying away but it seems the best thing to do...for now anyway. I've took Max to see mum a couple of times but she doesn't know that I have been standing outside of her room.

Victoria has been great. She comes around to my house throughout the day and doesn't really leave until it is late. She says that she has just came to see if I need a hand with anything but I know that she is worried about me. That's the truth. Niall has also been a star helping me move in to the new house and putting shelves up on the wall etc. At least they look happy together and they always make each other smile...just like Harry and I.

No stop thinking of Harry!

That sentence has passed my mind a few times. Everything just reminds me of him though...I can't help my thoughts or feeling for the boy. He has tried to call my mobile a few times but I turned it off because I didn't know whether to answer or not. As much as I want to answer to him at the same time I don't because I don't want the excuses. What he said really hurt and he needs to realise that! He can't just go and get drunk every time he doesn't get his own way! Harry can be like a child sometimes like for example they have a tantrum and then find a way to get them into trouble. That's all I can class Harry as is childish.

Talk about going through a bad patch in life...well that's all that seems to be going on in my life at the moment. A bad patch! I know that you all might be thinking that it is just a stupid boy who you haven't been with for ten seconds but I really do feel deeply for Harry. It is only now that I realise that I had fallen for him from the second I laid eyes on him. I don't know what it was that attracted me to him except from him gorgeous good looks. I think it was the way he was tried to wind me up and cause trouble. We hardly had one cross word, we always got along and if we did argue it would have just been a joke. He always knew that I couldn't stay mad at him for long. Harry would just creep around me by kissing me or pulling me into a hug. There the type of things that I love...loved about him. He was always amazing with Max and so caring towards me. He always joked and tickled me making me laugh.

Being brought from my long, deep thoughts by a tear rolling down my cheek, I quickly wipe it away. How much can a girl cry? I swear down I could have filled a river.

"Mia are you alright?" Max's voice makes me jump.

"How long have you been standing there?" I turn around.

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