Chapter 26

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Harry's Pov.

"Danny, I will give you one fucking chance to let go of Mia." I sneer towards him as he holds her in a tight grip.

"And what if I don't?" He smirks. Don't fuck around with me now Danny.

"Danny please. You're hurting me. Just let me go." Mia cries.

That's it. He is hurting her.

Before I have a chance to think about my actions, I pounce forward towards Danny. Punching his jaw and then breaking his grip from Mia, I set her free.

"Get off me you dick." He spits.

"I warned you, and you had to go and push it didn't you. You should know by now that nobody gets a second chance of me." I grip tighter around his wrists.

"Harry stop." Mia tugs on my arm.

"No Mia. He deserves everything he gets." Raising my fisted hand, I punch his jaw in the exact same spot ove and over again.

"STOP PLEASE." Mia screams.

As I look behind me to see Mia with tears streaming down her face, I soon feel my body being hit to the ground.

"Now it is my turn." Danny lands on top of me, now punching my face.

"Fuck off." I hit back, rolling over to get from underneath his grip. Wow he is pretty light

"I've hated you from day one." Danny grunts, punching my eye.

"Danny you are hurting him. He has blood streaming down his nose and from his eyebrow. I mean it stop!" Mia tries to grab Danny but he pushes her back.

"Wow you're classy pushing a girl." I pin his body down, hitting him over and over.

"Harry please." Mia sobs.

I know she is upset and hurt, and all I want to do is comfort her but right now isn't the right time. I can feel the blood running down the back of my throat which is enough to make my stomach turn, but I will not give up now. Danny must be covered in blood as much as I am.

"Are you okay love?" A man's voice shouts over towards Mia.

"Please help. Break them up." Mia pleads.

"Okay love, don't panic." I feel him try and pull my body up off Danny's but I elbow him so that he loses his grip.

"Wow he is strong." The stranger grunts and dives in again to separate us.

"Harry please just stop hitting him. He has learnt his lesson." I hear Mia screech, but I take no notice.

Why does she want me to stop hitting Danny? She best not have any feelings for him because if she does I will not be happy at all!

"Come on lads break it up, you are scaring her." The stranger says towards us both, but the grip between Danny and me is too strong for him to disconnect.

"I won't give up until I have her back." Danny says.

"You are not getting her back. I will never let that happen because she is mine." I clench my jaw.

"STOP IT! IF ANY OF YOU CARE FOR ME, YOU WILL STOP!" Mia hysterically screams. This is the only thing that makes me think about what I'm doing. I do care for her, okay I didn't make that clear the other day, but I will make it up to her.

Looking back and forth between Mia and Danny, I finally loosen my grip around Danny whilst shoving him to the ground. I can feel eyes burning into me from every direction but I won't let that bother me right now.

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