Chapter 63

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Harry’s Pov.

Fucking hell! I know that I heard her voice the other day…I FUCKING KNEW IT! Out of all of the hotels here why did she have to be staying in the same hotel? Is this really god’s way of punishing me? Because if it is I’m never doing fuck all bad again!

How…what…why? My mind is spinning right now and I have no words to say at all. I don’t know where Mia is. Well I do because she stayed inside the hotel lost for words herself. Why did she have to refuse to come out to the car with me? I really want to leave this place right now! But no, I’m stuck waiting for my girlfriend to get out of the fucking hotel. What is she even doing? She better not be speaking to my mum and sister!

Maybe I should go in there and demand for her to come to the car. No otherwise people will begin to think that I’m a control freak with anger issues. The other reason I’m not going back in there is because I will have to face them…my mum and sister. I haven’t seen them for a couple of years and I really don’t know what to think. They haven’t changed one bit! I would have noticed them from anywhere.

Maybe I shouldn’t have run off. Maybe just maybe I should have stayed and talked things through and got answers…the answer that I want. I just had to run though I was in shock and so pissed off with them. The basically disowned me once my mum got with Robin and I felt so lonely. That is why I had to get out of that house when I did. They never tried to contact me really. I know that I’m to blame as well because I didn’t really contact them either.

Why does every single break I go on have to be wrecked? Why can’t everything just go smoothly so that I stay happy for a change? Why does everything good have to turn bad? Especially for me. The only thing in my life that hasn’t gone bad is having Mia. Actually I’m not even going to jinx that! Fuck I shouldn’t have even said that with the amount of bad luck I’m having at the moment.

I don’t know how I feel right now. Angry? Confused? Upset? Sick? Tired? Fuck I don’t know.

I soon get drawn back into reality when the passenger door opens, and Mia takes a seat next to me. She looks a little pale.

What should I say? I’m not up to arguing right now because we will fall out and then it will be a awkward silence drive home.

“Well?” I look at her.

“Well what?”

“What happened? Did they speak to you? Did you speak to them?” I ask.

“Yes Harry I did.” She doesn’t look at me.

“Well then…what was said?” I push for answers.

“Well maybe if you had of stuck around instead of having a tantrum and running off you would know.” She throws back.

Wow a little harsh.

“Okay.” I simply reply.

So even though there was no argument it still is going to be a long, awkward drive home. Why do I always drop myself in the shit? All I did walk run off just so I didn’t cause I scene in the hotel because then Mia still wouldn’t be happy. Fuck can I ever win? Everything I do is wrong or if it is right something always happens to drop me back in the shit again.

Mia’s Pov.

*Flash back.*

“Hey love.” The woman greets with mixed emotions across her face.

“Urm…hi.” I shyly reply. I don’t even know Harry’s mums name. This is so bad.

“I knew that he would run off. I just knew it he has always been the same. He never can handle anything because every time he has to face something he doesn’t want to he just runs. He is a coward and I’m giving up with him. Never are we trying again if we see him okay mum?” The beautiful young girl rants.

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