Chapter 7

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Mia's Pov.

From getting home from work yesterday and wondering where Harry was, I only had to wait a couple of hours until the music was blasting from his back garden and that's when I knew he was throwing another party. This kid is definitely a party animal who doesn't care about anyone else's needs.

He was one and a half hours late for work this morning, which doesn't surprise me meaning the party didn't end until 3:30am. If I'm honest I was not expecting Harry to turn up to work at all today, I know if I went out partying and tried to come to work I would pass out.

One thing that has shocked me is that Harry came into work and apologised for being late which is not like him, intact I've never heard him apologise to anyone and especially not to me.

We haven't really spoke much today, but we have had a little conversation when Harry offered to get me a coffee. To my surprise Harry hasn't been too annoying, in fact he has been quite entertaining. He has been singing and humming along to music that gets played on the music and has made a few funny jokes about some other people who work out side of the office.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

My phone vibrates on my desk catching Harry's attention.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hiya Mia, I know you're on lunch brake in around thirty minutes. Do you want to meet in town and go and grab something to eat?" Ahh my lovely friend James.

"I would love too." I smile even though he can't see me.

"Okay I will pick you up outside. See you then."

"Thanks James, bye." I hang up and notice Harry has his jaw clenched.

"What's wrong with you?" I question.

"Nothing!" His word is so sudden and sharp.

"Don't start acting like this with me again, what have I done now?" I wonder. We have got along pretty well so I don't know why he is acting like this with me now.

Harry takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He looks like he wants to say something but decides against it.

"You have done nothing." He says a little more calmly.

"Oh okay." Is all I say.

"Urm Mia?" Harry carries on.

"Yeah?" I look up at him.

"Do you want to go and get something to eat?" What? Harry just asked me to go and get lunch with him, I didn't even think he liked me. I thought he hated spending every second with me in the office, never mind spending even more time with me at lunch. I would love to go to lunch with Harry, it would be nice to learn more about him but I can't, not today anyway. I have already promised James so it wouldn't be fare to let him down.

"Well...When James just rang he asked me the same question. Sorry Harry but maybe tomor..." I get cut off.

"Of course he did! Just forget I even ask. In fact I don't even know why I asked you annoy me!" Harry stands hitting his papers of the desk.

"Harry..." I begin.

"No Mia like I said forget I even asked, I'm going for an early dinner brake." He storms out of the room.

What on earth just happened? He was fine with me then suddenly flipped. I can't stand him acting like this, he really needs to learn how to control his anger issues.


'Well done Harry, good on you lad!'

My thoughts torture me. Why did I just storm out of there like that with no explanation.

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