Chapter 49

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Harry’s Pov.

Wait! What the fuck is Max doing here at Victoria’s house? I’m pretty sure that Mia told me that Max was staying at Kian’s for the whole weekend. I’m definitely sure that she told me that because I remember thinking that I can have her to myself for a few days before Max gets back home.

Why the fuck is he topless? It’s fucking freezing outside today.

Mia looks so shocked to see Max standing here and Max also looks a little shocked to see Mia here too. Well this is fucking awkward!

“Is Niall in?” I ask to break the silence of the both of them staring at one another.

“N-no he went out.” Max stutters. He doesn’t look at me whilst speaking, just stares at Mia.

Max and Victoria better not be having some sort of fling. No that is just wrong Max is thirteen…twelve or something like that anyway. I shouldn’t even think of something like that. Uch! Hell no! Is it bad that I have already forgotten his age? My memory is crap.

“What are you doing here Max?” Mia asks full of confusion.

“Come in and I will explain.” Max backs away from the door, allowing us into the house.

Trust Niall not to be in. Now I have to sit and listen to Max explain himself. Bloody hell! No wonder my mind is fucked.

We walk into the house and then into the lounge where we are greeted by Victoria.

“Mia I wasn’t expecting to see you.” Victoria moves from her lying down position on the sofa to give us some room to sit.

“What’s going on?” I pipe up.

“So I’m guessing it worked.” Max leans back in the chair eyeing Mia and myself up.

“What worked?” Mia asks.

“Let me take it from here. What worked?” I ask.

“Harry I just said that.” She looks at me.

“Well I thought it would be better if I said it too.” I shrug.

“Shut up.” She half smiles shaking her head before returning her attention back to Max.

I was only trying to help. I’m guessing my help is no longer wanted in this room. I’m just going to shut up like Mia said.

“The plan to get you both back together.” Max says as if we should already have realised.

“What fricking plan.” I love how Mia says fricking instead of fucking. It makes me laugh. I’m easily amused…okay?

“Well Harry was ringing me every day always harassing me to let him come and see you but I though you need a break so I told him to stay away for a little. I kept him in touch letting him know that you were okay though. Then a couple of days ago Harry rang once again to ask me if he could come and see you. At first I said no but then I heard how desperate he was and I felt tight. I knew that you wouldn’t let him in the house so I didn’t know what to do. Harry gave me a day to think of something before he interfered so I had to think fast.” Did Max just really have to say all of that? Most of them thing were supposed to stay between me and him!

Mia looks at me and I hold my hand up in surrender.

“So what is the point? I don’t get it.” Mia looks between everyone in the room.

“Well then I rang Victoria up to see if she could help out. I thought that Victoria could act as if she and Niall were having a party. Niall could invite Harry and Victoria would obviously invite you. So when they agreed, I had to think of somewhere I could go. I haven’t lied completely because I did stay at Kian’s last night but he is busy for the rest of the weekend so Victoria said that I could come and stay here whilst you and Harry sort your problems out.” Max stops as Victoria begins.

The Boy Next Door.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz