Chapter 51

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Max's Pov.

It's early morning and everybody is up in the house. The wind and storms were that bad this morning it awoken everyone. Harry made everyone laugh by cursing out the window at it. I don't know what relationship status Harry and Mia are at the moment, they seem pretty happy but I have no idea. For the past three weeks Harry has been staying here, he may as well just move in. He is always here anyway so by him officially moving inn wouldn't change a thing. It's nice to see Mia smiling and laughing because a few weeks back when they had fallen out all she did was cry.

"Max so what do you want to do today?" Mia speaks up.

"I don't know really. I was thinking of going to see dad because I know he is off work today and I haven't seen him for a while." I at least haven't seen him for just over a month now.

"Yeah that's fine. Make sure he hasn't gone into work though because you know what he is like." Mia does have a point.

Many of times dad has said that he is having a day off but he normally ends up going into work anyway.

"Will it be alright if you drop me off Harry?" I ask looking to Harry.

"Yeah whatever is the easiest." He nods.

I always hate asking that because we live so far part I feel as if it is a trouble for people take me to see dad.

I haven't been able to spend any time with dad at all over the past month months, and I really miss it. Okay I haven't really spent quality time with him for a few years but I miss knowing that he is around. Yes I hated living how we used to because mum and dad were always angry at on another, always arguing but at least they were still around. I miss being able to see them both. I miss them being around. Mia doesn't know how I feel because I don't want her being upset.

When we first left the house I couldn't have been happier to get away from all of the arguing, but now I'm really beginning to miss the family being together. It's not that I'm being soppy buy a boy always has a bond with their farther I don't care what anyone says.

It shouldn't be Harry having to tech me new things in daily life, it should be my own dad but he isn't around to do so. I don't think I would have coped this well if it wasn't for Harry. With him around I feel as if I do have somebody I can talk too. I know that I have Mia but boys have different things to talk about like sports for example. Boys could talk for hours about sport. It's the silly things in life that you miss the most.

"Max are you coming or not." Harry's towering body shades over mine.

"What?" Shaking my head, I stand to my own feet.

"Are you going to your dads now?" He asks.

"Y-yeah sorry. I was in a world of my own for a moment back there." I haven't even texted my dad but I don't think he would have gone into work.

"Come on then let's go." He nods towards the door.

As we make our way out of the door and out to the car, I look back to see Mia standing at the front door smiling.

"Aren't you coming?" I stop in my tracks.

"No I'm going to stay and clean the house." She smiles.

The house isn't even messy. What is it with girls and cleaning? There doesn't have to be a mess but they still find something to clean up.

"Oh okay then see you later." I give a little wave before getting into the car.

Sitting in the passenger's seat, I buckle up my seatbelt.

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