Chapter 78

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The song with this chpater really explain Sammie-Jo's character in this book. Check it out.

At the end of this chapter, there is a sudden change of 'Pov' by two different characters, so take note!

Harry’s Pov.

“I’m so sorry Mia. I can’t do this anymore.” Sammie-Jo suddenly runs out of the room.

What the fuck just happened?

“Sammie.” I shout but realise that it is too late once I hear the front door slam.

“Was she being serious? You better not believe her Harry!” Mia stares at me. I can tell that she is upset but her fury is good at hiding it.

“What? No of course I don’t believe her but I do believe that something isn’t right.” I stare at the window.

“Don’t you dare go after her.” Mia says as if she can read my next actions.

“Mia I have too. She is my best friend and something is wrong with her.” I wave my hands towards the door.

“I mean it Harry.” I can hear Mia but my sight is too busy on the door.

“Sorry Mia but I have too. What if it was Victoria? You would run after her.” Maybe I shouldn’t have thrown that at her but I don’t know what else to say.

Mia stays silent, her eyes burning into me but I take no notice.

“I won’t be long.” Finally I turn to her.

“Just go.” Now she is the one looking away.

“Mia I don’t want to argue with you over one of my best friends. I just want to go and see what is wrong with her. Is that so bad?” I ask.

“Harry like I said just go. I’ll see you later.” Mia begins to walk out of the room.

“Mia!” I raise my voice.

“I’ll see you later Harry.” She repeats before going out of sight.

A part of me wants to run after her to make sure that she is okay after Sammie-Jo being a bitch towards her. She was in the wrong calling Mia all of those things. Mia isn’t like that but neither is Sammie. It is not like her to say all of that shit about someone else! Especially not about someone I love.

Taking a deep breath in and out I follow after Sammie. I know that she is walking so I’ll probably be faster to catch her if I go in my car. For fuck sake I’m not up for this kind of crap today!

Jumping into my car as fast as I can, I start the ignition, not bothering to belt up. Through the window I saw Sammie go left. It’s only a small place she couldn’t have gotten far in this short amount of time. Going down the street, I see nothing but parked up cars. Nobody is walking…it’s like a ghost town. There aren’t any drivers on the road, that’s fucking weird for a busy afternoon.

Coming up to the junction, I make the decision to go straight on without making any turns. She could have turned left or right but my instinct is telling me to carry on with this road. Sammie left the house running so that’s why she has gotten ahead of me.

A small car in front on me slows me down as I catch up to it.

“Come on you prick.” I curse.

Still going less than 20mph, I decide to put my foot down and swerve to the other side of the road allowing me to overtake.

I hear the person hit their horn but I take no notice. I hope there is no police around here otherwise I’m fucked.

Seeing a few people ahead of me, I slow my paces. She has to be around here by now.

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