Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sounds of birds singing outside of my window, I turn over to see a naked blonde girl lying next to me. Who is she? I lean on my elbows to prop myself up and wipe away the sleep from my eyes.

"Morning." This stranger speaks.

"Who are you?" I question looking at her.

"I'm actually not surprised that you don't remember last night, you was so drunk but so amazing in bed." She smirks.

Oh god I've done it again. When I'm upset or angry, I get pissed out of my brains and fuck the nearest girl in sight. She is not even how much did I actually drink last night?

"Just leave." I spit.

"What? How about the morning sex you promised me?" She pouts.

"Well that promise disappeared , so get the hell out of my house." I nod towards my bedroom door.

"Your manners are terrible. You should learn to treat girls with more respect." The blonde girl stands up off the bed which exposes more of her naked body. In disgrace, I moan covering the pillow over my face as she dresses herself and exits my room.

Why do I always do this? What is wrong with me? Maybe the blonde girl was right that I need to treat girls with more respect and not use them when I'm bored or need entertaining.

Yesterday at work was dreadful, I hated every moment of it. I've always liked to type and thought that I would really like this job but no not now. Not now because I don't have Mia, she belongs with somebody else. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I found her different and so attractive. I know I've wound her up and annoyed her but that's just my way of flirting I suppose.

Since being a little boy, when meeting new girls who I'm attracted too, I would never give them some cheesy chat up lines, it would always be some way of winding them up. I don't know why I do it, but I just hate the way people flirt by giving the person they like some cringey comments.

I'm angry at myself because I should have tried and befriended Mia, not make her angry with me. When I told her not to talk to me again, they was most probably the most words I ever regret saying. But now I have wrecked everything, I would not have fallen for her if I had of known that she was with James. I know her and Danny have had something, I'm not quite sure what but I don't really want to know.

When I wound Danny up on my first day at work, I enjoyed it. Yes it was all a lie, of course I haven't been with Mia. Shamefully everything I stated that I had done with Mia was all bullshit, only a dream in my stupid head! God I do wish it was true though.

I don't know why I have taken to Mia so badly? Normally I would just have one night stands with any girl I chose. If I really wanted too, I bet I could get Mia in my bed if I tried hard. But I don't want just one night with her, I seem to want something more. I want Somebody I can wake up too in the morning and have no regrets about sleeping with her an deep down I know that somebody is Mia.

I know fuck all about the girl but that's why I want to find out, but from the way I've treated her she must hate me.  I've tried to dislike her and not look at her, but when she walks into the room she is like my magnet what I'm attracted to. In the office yesterday, I just sat staring out of the window because that was the next best view compared to Mia. At lunch though that was a different story, I couldn't help myself but look at Mia. I don't know if she seen me staring at her...well that's a lie, I know she seen me staring at her. For god sake everyone in the bloody room noticed that I was staring at her!

I don't mean to make her feel uncomfortable, but I can't help it. Just by looking at her it makes me happy and I feel as if I'm on a different planet with her around. The only thing is though is that she doesn't look happy, she looks troubled and stressed. I want to make her happy and give her love and affection but no I can't all because she has James.

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