Chapter 75

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Harry’s Pov.

Yesterday was magical. I’ve never felt so many different emotions all at once. Yesterday was the day that Mia and I saw are baby for the first time. We heard their heartbeat pounding through the speakers of the computer. Thank god that’s our baby is healthy. We don’t know the sex of him or her yet because we want to wait until the day. We want it to be a surprise. A part of me really wants to know what sex the baby is but I also want to wait until the day Mia gives birth. Yesterday I felt so proud of Mia and yes I maybe had a tear in my eye when I saw his or hers body on the screen. The baby is so small! The scan photo is already in my wallet and set as my screensaver on my phone. Mia has also done the same. I can’t wait to tell the wonderful news to everyone. It’s been so fucking hard to keep my mouth shut. I’ve nearly slipped up so many times. Well when I say everyone, I know that Niall and Victoria know because they had no choice really.

Today is the day for the meal. I‘m looking forward to it but at the same time I’m shitting bricks because I’ve decided to propose to Mia today. I don’t know why but it just seems right. I know that I’ve always said no to marriage but I want to prove that I want Mia to be mine forever. I don’t want to lose her to anyone else. I want to prove to my family and friends that it is time for me to settle down and that my time playing around is over and done with. This is serious shit for me!

“Mia are you alright in there?” I tap on the bathroom door.

“Yes. Why?” Her sweet voice echoes through the white wooden door.

“Just wondering because you have been in there for ag…” The door opens.

“Aww aren’t you cute, checking up on me.” Mia smiles.

“Have you finished in there now?” I swear down she has been in the bath for two hours.

“Yeah, I just need to dry my hair and then get into my dress.” Mia places her small hand onto my arm as she walks around my standing body.

“So I’m guessing you are taking over the bedroom now.” I turn to face her.

“That’s right.” She smirks, looking over her shoulder. “And you best start getting ready soon.” Her eyes search up and down my body.

“What? I thought of going like this.” I joke, keeping a serious face.

At this moment in time I’m only wearing my trackie bottoms. I don’t have a top on.

“Ha you should be a comedian.” She rolls her eyes.

Running down the hallway, I grab her waist and pull her body into mine. Mia squeals.

“Harry, ahhh put me down.” Mia giggles as I turn her around to face me.

“Were you just being sarcastic with me Mia Ann-Leigh Taylor?” I smirk, gazing into her eyes.

“So what if I was?” She grins, rising her eyebrow.

“Oh really is that how you want to play it?” I look down to her glossy lips.

Mia is killing me right now meaning she only has a towel wrapped around her body.

I begin to play with the hem of the towel until Mia swats my hand away.

“Harry.” She laughs with roughness to her voice. “We need to get ready.”

“Mmm….” I look her body up and down. “I’d rather do something else.”

“You always would. Now come on.” She stands up straight still laughing, walking into the bedroom.

Walking into the room, Mia walks over to the dressing table and takes a seat. By the side of her is the hair dryer.

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