Chapter 16

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Harry's Pov.

I've been sat in the hospital now for around three hours and there has still been no news about Mia. Every nurse or doctor that walks past me, I grab a hold of them and ask them questions. They don't give me any information and it just makes me even more anxious.

"Excuse me, do you have any information about Mia?" I stand to my feet to stop the nurse from walking any further.

"Mia?" She looks confused.

"Urm...Mia..." I look over to Max meaning that I have forgotten her full name.

"Ann Leigh...Mia-Ann Leigh Taylor." Max stands to meet us. Of course it is Mia-Ann Leigh, how the hell could I have forgotten? Well I didn't know about the Taylor part but I knew the rest.

"Oh yes I know who now...I'm not really aloud to let out any information meaning you are not family." She shrugs. I can't cope with still not knowing anything!

"Please just tell me one thing! I'm her boyfriend." I lie but I wish I was.

"Yes and I'm her brother, we just want to know something. I have been here for ages and worried to hell about her, please just let us know one thing even if is something little. I'm begging you." Max pleads and I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"Well I really shouldn't but I suppose I can say that she is in a stable condition." I can tell she wants to walk away, but with Max and me stood in front of her she is not going anywhere.

"So can we go and see her?" I rush my words as my heart skips a beat.

"No I'm sorry you can't. Mia has had a very bad fall and has also cut the side of her head pretty bad. She needs wrest and that is final." Is this bitch getting cocky with me?

"I just want to fucking see her! At least open the blinds so we can keep an eye on her through the blinds." Trying to steady my breathing, I step back from the nurse.

"Maybe later but now is not the time. You just have to sit here and wait." She demands.

"Can't we at least sit outside of her room? I just want to be close to her." Max has a tear in his eye.

"I suppose sitting outside of the room wouldn't hurt. Don't let anyone else sit there, only two at a time okay?" She stares at me and we both nod.

I quickly grab two chairs for Max and myself and make my way through the large heavy doors to Mia's room. With walking fast and barging into anyone that gets in my way, I soon reach her room.

The blinds are still closed and I read over the sign which hangs on the window of the door, what reads HDU. Since a little boy, I have always known that HDU is a room you get rushed into when things are pretty serious. I know it is not the worst room to be in because that is intensive care but HDU is not far from it. I know this is why I am worrying about Mia so much, something must be wrong if she has to be in HDU with her body being monitored every second that passes by.

"Are you really dating Mia?" Max looks up at me.

" mate I'm not. I just said it because she wouldn't have gave us any information otherwise." I bet Max thinks that I'm a right dick saying that I'm her boyfriend when I'm not even close to being it.

"Shame I think you both suite." He shrugs. Okay maybe he doesn't.

"Yeah? Why is that?" I ask.

"Well don't take this offensively, but you both have mood swings, both sarcastic and also know how to cheer each other up. So in my opinion, I think you're a match." He laughs. I don't have mood swings...well that's a lie because I have one most days, but I do try and control them. With people like Danny though, I just can't control them because I want to hit him like I already have.

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