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       A detective seeing all the tantrums going on called Ryan aside and informed him they'll need to have a word with him and he complied. "I'm not sure I can let her family know from me. I don't want to be the one to break the news to them." Ryan said. The detective scoffed at him.

      "We will do our job. Do you know of anyone who might want her dead? I believe she was your girlfriend, didn't she tell you anything about her recent activities?" Ryan stayed silent for a second and Kiera and Cole's eyes stared at him.

      "Not really. I believe this was robbery."

     "This is no robbery son. Let us know if you remember anything."

     "I will." The emergency cars left and Kiera drew closer to Ryan. "Thanks for coming."

     "Tell me you don't know who did this to her." Kiera said.

     "I don't know."

     "She said Maxwell wanted to kill her. She said he threatened her and I saw what he did to her when he came here. He strangled her and left all those marks on her neck! You knew he would do this and you did shit to prevent it!"

      "Wait what?!" Cole asked anxiously. "Why will Max want her dead? What have I been missing on?"

      "Tell us Ryan? What is Max hiding from us?"

      "I don't know Kiera! I don't know what to fucking do right now! And I'm not going to let this slide if he really... did this to her. I won't."

     "But he's Maxwell Ross. His dad owns half of this city. The cops works for him. How are you going to do that?" Cole said.

      "Whatever it fucking takes. I'll do same to him if I can't reach him. He needs to know how it feels. He needs to know how loosing someone feels like. I'll make him fucking pay for this!" He roared out and took in deep breaths. He was so ready for this.

      Ryan left in his car to his house and that guilty feeling of not doing shit to protect her was eating him up. He punched his seat with anger and shedding tears. All the bad things he did to her and the time he never spent with her, he wished he could turn back time and make things right.

     Low and behold, Maxwell waited out in front of Ryan's house when he got there and Ryan angrily stepped out of the car heading towards him angrily. Ryan didn't expect to see him trembling in the cold and glum. All the words he wished to say to him, got lost in his head and the only thing he saw was his friend's dispirited eyes.

      "Kiera called." Maxwell said not finding any right word to say. He was expecting Ryan's lash too. What would one more truth about who really was do to him? Ryan stepped in front of him and all he did was punch him really fucking hard in his face. Ryan didn't stop even though he saw blood come out of Maxwell's face. Maxwell gritted his teeth and took in air. Ryan hurt his knuckles from the punch and Maxwell looked up at him.

      "Tell me everything she said about you was lies." Ryan hoarsed. Maxwell shook his head slowly and tears mounted in his eyes. "Max, she lied right? You're not capable of all that. I've known you for years. I would've known what was going on with you. You tell me every fucking thing going on in your life. Prove my thoughts wrong."

      "I can't even prove to myself who I am or who I'm trying to be. Saying sorry won't fix anything."

     "Why her? Why Kesha Max?"

      "I thought I had to." Ryan clenched his fist and Maxwell continued. "She wanted you dead. She knew who shot you and knew about Alicia. She kept pushing and it got on my nerves. I didn't think through this. All I wanted was for Alicia's secret to be kept hidden. When it comes to people I really care about, I do these crazy shit I regret later on." He explained with eyes full of tears and regrets.

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