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     Days passed, Alicia started getting calls from Luke's family and she always told the lie. She believed she could handle it all alone and those days of lonesome, she wished she could talk to someone what has really been bothering her. Jake and Dawn were great company but she could not tell them she was covering up the crimes of the person who murdered her ex boyfriend.

     She prepared for lectures as usual and that morning all she felt was the guilty feeling and bad feels. She got into school, heading to her class and was stopped by two policemen and one policewoman. She could not hide her nervousness and the lack of ability to speak. "Alicia Bell?" One asked and instead of speaking, she nodded. Those handcuffs was pulled out from his pocket and her stomach heaved. Her knees got jelly and she started to sweat so bad. "You're under arrest as the suspect for the murder of Luke Bowden, Alex Stanton and Jason Cohen."

    "What?" The handcuffs got pulled on her left hand and her right hand followed. "Are you not mistaken?" She asked and got pushed forward to take the lead. She was lead to their parked car and everyone had a look at her, murmuring amongst themselves. She felt her life was over. She should have never gotten involved with Maxwell Ross. She looked around for a sign of him and amongst the crowded people, her eyes locked with his.

     He did not understand what was going on as well. He forced his way forward and they forced her into the car.

    "Max," she mumbled and tears fell on her cheeks. She shook her head to him, sniffing her tears back. The car's door closed and her tears got thicker.

    "Alicia." He spoke.


     Maxwell rushed to his car furiously dialing his parents numbers over and over again. He did not understand what the fuck was going on. Someone framed her. She did not do any of them. While dialing the numbers, a message popped out on his phone and he hurriedly checked it out.

'Stop trying. She hurt you on purpose and I'll do the same to her. I always take your trash out, Ross.'

    He phoned the number and no one was answering. He parked the car by the roadside and phoned his dad one more time. The call got answered to and he sighed. "I think you owe me dad." He said.

    "What do you need?"

    "It's simple. Do what you always do and get my friend out of a mess I created. She just got arrested for something she didn't do."

    "Maxwell! What did you do again?"

    "Nothing. I promise, I'm being good. I just need this favor and I promise again, to carry your lies to the grave."

    "You're good at threats huh?"

    "I learnt from the best. And oh dad, you need to hurry."

   "I'm telling your mom.."

    "I know you can't." he hanged up and leaned in his seat. He was so damned for getting her in this and whoever thought was helping him by hurting people who hurt him, really had to be stopped.

    Maxwell drove to the police station and was told Alicia was under investigation. He knew how scared she might be feeling and the regrets she would have for not doing something about Luke's death when she had the chance to.

    In the interrogation room, Alicia was handcuffed to the table and her head was down listening to the rants of the officers over and over again.

    "Why did you kill them? What was your motive behind this?" he asked. She looked up at him and sighed.

    "You see these hands, how can you believe I was able to stab guys who were in the basketball team and were much fitter and stronger than me?"

   "You don't get to ask the questions here. We do. Were you that spiteful against the boyfriend who broke up with you?"

    "Luke is really dead?" she asked, with strong choice of heartbroken emotions. "No, I thought you were kidding. His mom called me weeks ago to ask me about his whereabouts. I thought he was hiding out like he always did when we dated three years ago. Please tell me he really isn't.." she forced a tear out and her lips quivered, pretending to be really hurt by the revelation of his death.

     "How do you explain the bloody knives with the victims bloods on it found in your possession? I suggest you start spilling your evil deeds. We've had countless people come here and cry buckets of water for something they did."

    "But I didn't. I didn't even know them. The real suspect here is the one who planted all those knives in my possession. Someone is trying to make you believe I did this. I swear, I did not do this."

   "You'll start speaking soon." They stood up and left her all alone in the dark cold room.


     Maxwell waited in his car not knowing what to do next. He sighed one more time and phoned the brother he hadn't heard from in a year. "Hey," he sighed. "Need a favor."

    "You always call when you need one. What is it?"

   "I know you went to law school and you might help me out a little bit. There's someone who's been framed for something bad and the real person is out there somewhere, enjoying all this. How do I fix it?"

    "You can't." he replied. "Unless the real suspect here does this thing again but of course they're wise enough to lay low for a while until the framed suspect gets arrested. And their ways of doing whatever it is they did, will eventually change. So all the previous things the real suspect did, will be pinned to the framed one. If all evidence are pointing to the framed suspect, I'm afraid it's not going to be easy."

    "Let me ask, if this continues, what will happen?"

    "Another investigation will be made..."

    "That's simple." He sighed.

    "I don't think so. I wanted to ask, how's your health?"

    "Fine. Why are you interested?"

    "Nobody has told you anything yet? Don't you remember anything?"

    "About what?"

     "Nothing. Take care." he hanged up on him and Maxwell thought of what he said. What does he have to remember and what is he supposed to know?

A/N— Leave your comments behind. Imma read it all😎

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