"What's he doing, Mako? He's starting to move." The surpreme leader asked as they all looked at me. They saw that, like in my visions, I was scratching my head in the real world to the point my head was beginning to bleed. 

"Hmm, not sure. Perhaps the truth was too much for him. His mind is splitting. He doesn't know whether to be a hero or a villain." Mako explained. 

"Stop it! You're gonna kill him with this torture! He's just a kid, for god's sake!" Giran pleaded but he was ignored. 

"He can handle it. He's gone through much worse before, as evident by the state of his body." Jin said as I suddenly stopped scratching my head. 

"There, see? He's calmed down now." Mako said as I now started to scream from the top of my lungs. 

"I don't think so. It's only getting worse. I never would've imagined showing him who he is would have this kind of affect on the boy." The supreme leader said as an endless amount of voices filled my head. 

"It is not your quirk that makes you a great hero! It is your actions that show others who you are! You can be a hero, young Cry!" I heard a man say in my head as I started crying again. It felt like I was crying tears of blood as my eyes began to sting. 

"He's truly a remarkable specimen. If Shigaraki weren't here, i'm sure the kid would be in command of the league." Mr. Compress's voice said as I dropped to my knees. 

"Your acts, even as a complete novice are truly heroic. Your words are ones that will surely inspire others. I see a great future for you, Tenshonoma Cryshiki. Now, STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!!" I heard Endeavor's voice shout in my head as I lowered my head to the point it was touching the ground. 

"You've got some real guts now, kid. Maybe you're not so bad, after all." Dabi said to me. 

"He's begun to bleed from the eyes. Call a doctor up, now. I don't want to lose this one. A quirk like his only comes once every generation. I'd hate to lose it." The supreme leader said as Jin called for someone to try and heal me. 

"Hero..... villain..... I don't know..... know..... who..... I am...... who am I....." I muttered. 

"He's trying so hard to fight against his own mind but yet, it's pointless. You can never win or lose against yourself. You simply must accept what happens to yourself." Mako said as the supreme leader agreed with her. 

"I'll admit, the boy has incredible strength, as shown when he was in the sports festival. But, even he must know that he can't win all battles." The supreme leader said.

"It's unlikely that he'll stop. I saw inside his head. His determination is nearly unmatched. He's not one to stop until the job is done." Mako explained. 

"And that is exactly the reason why we need him. That determination will spark our growth and get us one step closer to total quirk liberation." The supreme leader said as I felt myself collapse, falling to my side on the ground as the voices bombarded my very being. 

"I've never seen anyone with a skill set like his. His conviction to protect others, his drive to stand up to those who want to hurt others. He may still be a student, but he's already surpassed me, even All Might in terms of being a hero! I'm proud to call him my son." My supposed mother said as I continued to scream, flailing my body around in pain. 

"Tenshonoma Cryshiki..... Tomura Shigaraki chose you for a specific reason. He saw potential within you, as I do with him. With myself now out of the game, it is up to you to watch over and protect him. You and I are one and the same, Cryshiki. Do not fail me. Do not fail Shigaraki. Do not fail the league." I heard All for One say as the voices began to die down suddenly. I could only hear two now, but they were becoming so loud. 

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