“Okay but if you start to feel unwell…”

“Yes Harry I’ll let you know.” I roll my eyes.

“Good.” He smiles, pulling me into him and leaves a gentle kiss on my head.

“So why don’t you invite Sammie-Jo over so we can tell her?” I say.

“No I’m going to look after you. You are my first priority here.” Why does he think I’m seriously ill?

“Harry I’m only going to go for a little sleep in a minute anyway so you will be sat here board. Just invite her around.”

“I’ll come and lie with you.” He smirks.

“Harry.” I stare at him.

“I’ll go and ring her then.” He sighs with union of his eyes rolling.

“Yeah that’s what I thought.” I relax back on the sofa as he gets up.

I really should go upstairs and lie in bed, but I’m too lazy to move at the moment. I don’t know why but over the last couple of days, I’ve just felt so drained. I’ve probably done too much, I just need to relax and catch up on my sleep. I haven’t been sleeping too well either, as soon as I lie down to sleep at night I feel so uncomfortable.

“Sammie is coming over in the next hour.” Harry’s deep voice makes me jump.

“Sorry didn’t mean to make you jump.” He looks over the sofa at me.

“It’s fine don’t worry. I want just in a world of my own.” I smile up at him.

“Babe go to bed.” Harry says.

“No it will look rude for when Sammie comes over.” I don’t like to be rude to guests.

“She coming over in around an hour. Go to bed for a bit and then I will wake you before she arrives. Okay?” He raises his eyebrows.


“Okay?” He cuts across, repeating his word.

“Fine.” I sigh, pulling my legs off the sofa. “Okay.”

Whilst standing on my feet, I feel shattered. I really shouldn’t let myself get this tired.

“Babe are you sure that you’re okay?” Harry walks up to me, putting his hands on either side of my arms.

“Yeah I promise. I’m just too tired. I’ll be fine.” I smile, slowly closing my eyes.

“Right that’s it.” Before I know it, Harry sweeps me up off my feet and carries me bridal style towards the stairs.

“Harry what are you doing?” I screech, laughing.

“I don’t want you falling down the stairs, so I’ll just carry you up them.” I feel his grip tighten as he takes the first few steps.

I lock my arms around his neck to secure myself.

“I could have walked you know.” I giggle.

“Yeah it looked like it.” He sarcastically replies.

“Be quiet Styles.” I roll my eyes.

As we reach the top of the stairs, Harry walks to the end of the hallway to our bedroom.

“There.” Harry places me down gently on the bed. “Now sleep.” He leans over and pecks my head.

“Yes Dad.” I laugh.

He smirks before walking over to the window and drawing the curtains. As the curtains close, the light of the room suddenly turn to dark.

“Do you want anything?” He asks.

The Boy Next Door.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora