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Toni's POV
After the press conference I go find Cheryl.
"Baby over here," she yells
I walk over and hug her
"I'm sorry Cher, I truly thought I was going to die. I just didn't wanna tarnish the memories you all had of me because of what I could've done," I say starting to cry "I never meant to play with your emotions or confuse the kids I just wanted to finally give you guys peace,"
"Toni I know okay? Your intentions are always pure. I know. The kids are over the moon that you're back. So am I, I know I haven't been receptive but it's just shock okay?"
She kisses my cheek and smiles
"Can I ask something?"
"Sure babe,"
"We're you at your funeral? I thought I saw you,"
"I was not," I say "I thought about it,"
"Did reggie tell you everything that happened by any chance?"
"He did, how is your jaw?"
"A lot better, still hurts some days,"
"I bet,"
I kiss her and she smiles
"I really missed that," she says,"
"Me too,"
Mia runs over and grabs my leg
"Mama uppies?"
I pick her up and kiss her cheek
"How are you?" I ask
"I happy you home,"
"I'm happy I'm home too, you know why?" I ask
She shakes her head
"Because I missed you,"
She giggles and looks at Cher.
"Mommy I stay here right? No new school?"
"Baby we talked about this, no new school. You're going to stay here,"
"Yay!" She cheers
I put Mia on my shoulders and Lizzy comes over with KC.
"She's getting a little fussy,"
"TT, you wanna hold her?" Cher asks
I nod and take her from Lizzy.
"She's.. beautiful Cher,"
"Ya she is baby,"
"Mia you like your little sister?"
"TJ said to," she says "he said it's fun mama,"
"It will be fun sweetheart,"
"Toni the Boys wanna see you," reggie says
"Babe do you mind?"
"Of course not Tones, give me Mia though, we'll go play some games,"
"Can I keep KC?" I ask
"Of course, do some bonding,"
I giggle and go to the locker room
The boys go quiet when I walk in.
"H-hey guys, it's great to see you all," I say leaning against the door
They stay silent and don't really react to me
"Boys, come on. Give coach topaz the respect she deserves,"
"Coach Mantle she abandoned us!" Trey says
"Reg I got it okay?" I say
He nods and sits beside Robbie
"Boys I know I have explaining to do, and I'm sorry. I think you guys are old enough to hear anything that was going on so ask questions,"
"How are you even here?" Will asks
"I wanted to leave Riverdale and my family with a positive memory of me so when I started losing control slowly- I decided it was in my best interest that I leave, I just faked it. The government was very open to helping me since my image helped the army,"
"Why did you put everyone through the funeral? Like just to come back again?"
"I was dying guys, when they gave me the drugs that saved my life I was dead for 4 minutes. The drugs restarted my system and were a Hail Mary. I never thought they'd find a cure, I thought- well I was dead,"
"You're coming back to the team though?"
They all cheer and Robby doesn't.
"I understand trust doesn't come easily and that I put you guys through hell so if I need to earn your respect and trust again I look forward to the opportunity to gain that back,"
They all nod and I smile
"Robbie can I talk to you outside?" I ask
"No," he says leaving out the back
A tear runs down my cheek and I nod.
"I Uh, have a meeting with your guys parents," I say "I'll be back for practice,"
I leave and start crying in the hallway.
"Coach Topaz?"
"Oh hey Ralphy. Sorry it's been a hard day,"
"I understand, I just wanted to talk to you about Robbie,"
"I feel so bad for him. I didn't mean for all of this to happen Ralphy- I really thought I was dying I swear. It sucks. I didn't even want to come back but I couldn't just start a new life. I wanna see my kids grow up,"
"Coach Topaz I understand. Completely, it makes sense. Rob has had a tough time but he was starting to accept it and get better. I think he's just scared,"
"I know, I just never meant to hurt him,"
"I'll talk to him coach topaz, and for what it's worth all the boys are pumped that you're back,"
I nod and thank him. I go to the meeting with the parents and everyone goes quiet when I walk in.
"I would like to begin with an apology. I know the psychological impact that everything that happened and is now happening has on your sons, and I'm sorry. I'm a parent, and I didn't wanna come home, but if I started a life without anyone knowing I could never forgive myself and if anyone ever found me, my family would hate me for it and I couldn't live with that type of burden. I understand the frustrations and anger that I see on some of your faces,"
"Was this always your plan?"
"No, the infection I have- at the end the patient gets aggressive and goes psychotic with young kids at home I didn't feel as if I would be able to put my wife through that so I decided to give them peace and finally allow them to grieve," I sigh "When I was given the cure, I was legally dead for 34 minutes and they had called time of death 4 minutes before. A intern gave the medication to me just to see what it would do and I came back. I was dead, and content with dying under my terms,"
"I think I speak for all of us when we say we're very happy you're back,"
"Thank you,"
"And a new kid," one parent laughs
"Yes, Cher adopted a kid this morning," I laugh "her name is Kaylee,"
"Congratulations and welcome back,"
"I don't know how the therapy was going or still is going, but if they want to talk to someone let me know. They can use the ones I know or if you have one just send me the bill, again I'd like to say that this was never my intention and that I'm sorry about how it all went down,"
They all thank me and I leave to go find Cher
"Hey Tones,"
"Hey Cher,"
"Can I have my little girl?" She asks
I nod and hand her KC.
"Wanna go home?"
I nod and she kisses my cheek.
We go home and she gets the kids situated and I go up to our room
I sit on the bed and start crying
I messed everything up.
"KC is down for her nap.." Cher says before seeing me crying
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"I messed everything up. I thought I was dead but I shouldn't have come back, I should've just stayed away," I cry "I fucked everything up,"
"Oh baby, no you didn't. I swear okay?" She says hugging me "people are confused but i am very happy you're home. It's been a hard few months for me but I'm okay, and I'm very very happy you're home,"
"I'm sorry, I really thought it would be better,"
"Did you get aggressive?"
I nod and sniff
"It got bad for a while,"
"Then it was probably a good decision baby, no one got hurt this way and you thought you were gone anyways,"
"Robbie doesn't want to talk to me Cher, and I'm sure at some point all the kids are going to hate me for it,"
"Tones, last week TJ hated me because I didn't let him ride his bike with LJ," She says "The week before, I washed Mia's toy lion and he wasn't dry for bedtime. They get over this stuff Toni. All Lexi has been asking for, for Christmas- is you, she wanted to see you,"
I chuckle and nod
"I really never thought this would happen," I sigh
"I find it hard to believe you never came to see us,"
"I did, when you were in hospital and I was at one of Riverdales football games,"
She smiles and nods
"I saw you, it was against seaside?"
I nod and laugh
"You're funny,"
She kisses my temple and dries my tears
"Babe never regret coming home. I love you and missed you so much,"
Mia peeks in and giggles
"Mama you wanna hug?"
I nod and she runs over
I pick her up and kiss her cheek while she hugs me
"I missed you mama,"
"I missed you too Monkey,"

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