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Cheryls POV

I'm sitting in the lounge waiting for Toni to get out of the shower so we can get to her class. 

"Hey i'm Brynn," a girl says sitting across from me

Be nice, you need friends.

"Cheryl," i say putting my phone down

She's my height, short brown hair- died blue at the ends, wearing a flannel over a band tshirt. She's gay, probably, lets off a cool vibe though, not a weird one.

"Where are you from?" She asks

"Riverdale, New York. You?" I ask

"Vancouver, British Columbia," she says

"Never been," I say "Seen pictures though, very pretty," 

"It's nice, kind of boring," she says "I just got to campus though, is it nice?" 
"I like it," I sigh "it's not bad,"
"I like your bag," she says looking at my backpack on the floor 

"Thank you, I bought it on campus actually," I say 

"I have the same pin on mine," she says nodding towards my lesbian flag pin

"You're gay?" I ask

"I make it a little more obvious than you," She laughs "do you know if anyone else here is?" 

"I've met a few girls who are bi, maybe a few lesbians, not many though," I laugh 

"My roommate is straight and she does not shut up about boys. Straight girls are the worst," She laughs "What about your roommate?" 

She looks behind me before I feel hands on my shoulder. I jump a bit and hear laughing.

"Jesus Christ Antoniette!" I say looking up and seeing Toni 

"Don't be a drama queen C," She laughs 

"Brynn, this is my roommate, Toni," 

"Roommate?" Toni laughs 

"You've been demoted, that was a bitch mood," 

Brynn looks confused.

"We're engaged," Toni explains "Cheryl's just a bitch," 

I roll my eyes and Brynn laughs

"we have to get to class, but it was nice meeting you," I say 

"You as well,"  She says

We walk down the stairs to the class and sit through half of it. Toni doesnt look well so I put my hand on her leg and she starts calming down. We finish the class and leave quickly. 

"Are you ok?" I ask rubbing her back

"I'll be fine, I haven't felt great the last few days," 

"I know baby, if you need to take a few days off.."

"No, I'm ok, but I do want to work out," 

"With the boys?" I ask

"Ya they alll said they'd meet at the Maroons,"
"Okay," I sigh 

"Oh fuck I forgot," she says "Let's just get lunch,"

"No, no, I'll finish my paper and do some homework, at The Peak," I say 

"are you sure?" she asks

"100% babe, get reggie to send me his work too,"

"You're something else Blossom," she laughs 

I peck her lips and she jogs off. I go to our usual table at The Peak. 

I do my homework when a couple boys sit on the other side of the booth. 

"Hello?" I say not taking my eyes off my computer

"we bought you a drink," One of them says sliding a cup across to me

"Not interested, my fiance doesn't like me to take drinks from random guys," I sigh "That's how I got drugged,"

"We aren't drugging you," One says "You and Toni Topaz are engaged right?"

"Yes," I sigh closing my laptop "What does she have to do with this?"

"We want to play football,"

"I don't think T has any say in that,"

I get a better look at them. 

These aren't college kids- they're undercover cops.

"We just want to be her friends," 

"How dumb do you think I am? Did your bosses not tell you who you're dealing with?" I ask

They all stutter and one throws their head back.

"How did you.." the presumably oldest one starts

"You are clean shaven, not 1 guy on this campus who can grow facial hair knows how to do it properly, the guy on your left was in Riverdale investigating my brothers murder, the guy on your right has a frown line," i say "None of you look like football douches who would be the ONLY people to approach a QB's fiance to get on the team, two of you have wedding rings on and on the west coast nobody knows that me and Toni are engaged- its almost like there was a media blackout out here,"

"Greg, man, Hall is gunna kill us," 

Toni walks in and looks concerned

"Uh whats going on here?" Reggie asks 

"Ya?" toni says "What's up?"

"These amateurs," I smirk "Just sold themselves out. Undercover cops, or actually- you used to be FBI,"

"We are FBI," the guy says 

"Oh even more embarassing, goodbye, I want to spend some time with my fiance,"

They leave and Toni laughs 

"How did you figure that out?" She asks 

"i'm not dumb," I say "Plus I finished all of your homework,"

"Mine too?" Reggie asks

"Of course,"
We sit down and eat for a while when RJ walks in.

"cheryl i need to talk to you," he says 

"Mhm," i say standing up

we go to a back hallway

"You were right," he says 

"I usually am," I say "what are you talking about?"
"I killed him," he says "I killed Dougie," 

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