She's Home

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Cheryl's POV
"Omg Toni," I say looking down at the cut off pant leg on her military uniform
"I'm okay," she says with a few tears streaming down her cheek "there was an infection and I woke up like this, I'm okay, just can't stand,"
Reggie hands her the crutches. I hug him and he squeezes me really tight.
"I missed you Cheryl," he says
"I missed you too Reginald," I say
"Babe I'm so glad you're back," I say kissing Toni
"Me too, I'm sorry though- I told you I'd come back in one piece," she says
"It's alright baby, I forgive you," I laugh
"Where's my little girl?" She asks excitedly
"With Ty, cmon," I say slowly walking so she has time to catch up to me
We go through the door back to where we were sitting and I smile.
"Tyler did she tire you out that much?" I ask seeing him half asleep
"She was crying and almost made me cry," he says "no children for me,"
"Awe sweetheart did you miss mommy?" I smile picking her up from the stroller
She looks at me and smiles while offering me her duck
"Thank you Lexi," I laugh bringing her over to where Toni sat down with reggie
"Say hi baby girl," I say passing her to Toni
"Does she talk yet?" Toni asks
"She's two months old Toni, she doesn't do much," I laugh sitting beside her
"She's really pretty," Toni says "I could never really get a good look at her, all our iPads were ruined,"
"She's really pretty, her eyes remind me of yours,"
"Cher you know they're your eyes," she laughs
"I know but they look inquisitive and beautiful," I say
She kisses me and I smile.
"I missed you babe," she says
"I missed you too Toni," I say with a small smile
Alexis yawns and reaches for me.
"Oh are you tired babygirl?" I ask taking her "she still doesn't know you and she won't sleep with anyone else,"
"She's just like me then, I only get a good nights sleep with you," she winks
"Funny Topaz," I say shaking my head and rocking Alexis
We decide to head back out so we get the actually stroller from the military embassy and General Hughes stops us.
"Topaz, Mantle," he says saluting
Reggie salutes and Toni tried to by drops her crutch and loses her balance.
"Sorry sir," she says "still trying to get used to these sir,"
"It's alright Topaz, Thank you for your service- both of you. Topaz, your prosthetic is paid for through military benefits so don't worry," he says
"Thank you sir," she says
"Take care of the little one," he says
She nods and Ty gets the stroller.
Alexis starts crying and I smell her bum
Yup diaper change
"But I need to change your diaper," I laugh "Ty can you hand me the bag?"
He give it to me and I say I'll be right back
"I have to go to the bathroom anyways, so I'll come with," Toni says
I nod and she crutches along side me and Lex. Lex keeps looking at Toni. She can tell that Toni is important to everyone, but she's never actually met her so she's wary.
I change her diaper and Toni tries to grab her crutch after washing her hands but it falls.
"Babe I got it," I say as she tries to bend down
"Thank you," she sighs
"Anytime baby,"
Lex starts babbling and looks from toni to me.
"Mama's hurt and can't carry you sweetheart, but she'll sit next to you okay?" I say as if she understands
She yawns and Toni laughs
"Someone's tired," Toni teases tickling her
We get to the car and squish in, the two boys up front and me and toni squished together beside the car seat
"She's smaller than I thought she was," Toni says watching Alex sleep
"She's still a baby Tones," I laugh
"I know, I just thought she was bigger- in my head if that makes sense,"
"Of course it does T,"
"Does she sleep through the night? I don't know much about babies,"
"Not yet, she wakes up on a schedule though so I'll be able to let you sleep and feed her,"
"You don't need to let me sleep,"
"You've been in a war zone for almost a year TT, I'm letting you sleep,"
She sighs and nods.
"She has your hair," she says turning back to Lexi
"I haven't gotten it cut yet, might have to soon though,"
"What's she like?" She asks "I know she's just a baby but I feel like I missed so much, and like I should know her better,"
"Well, she's usually very quiet- rarely has any meltdowns. Loves country music, I play it as she sleeps at night and she started sleeping for like an hour longer than usual. She's very smiley, always a happy baby and when you see her smile it'll hit you every time and you'll love it," I say "she loves that stupid duck I bought her- absolutely loves the thing, she hates it when I leave her with Ty, and she loves you,"
"She doesn't know me,"
"She knows your face," I say "I look at pictures all the time with her, she recognizes you that's why she keeps looking at you because you're familiar and she doesn't know where from,"
"Oh," she says simply
I move her arm so it's around my shoulders and cuddle into her.
"What am I going to do?" She asks
"What do you mean baby?" I ask
"I've never been a mother, I barely had one. And I won't be able to help you out a lot until my leg heals enough for a prosthetic.
"Well you aren't the only one coming home babes," I say "RJ and Liv are moving in down the road. Georgie and Ethan are coming back from. Canada, the twins are moving to town, and coach is still there. You need to heal, you need to relax- I got this babe,"
"I know you do," she says kissing me
It's a long kiss but it's what I've been waiting for. I think I hear Lex getting fussy but I don't move because I want this moment to last forever.
"Hey horndogs, I think your daughters trying to tell you to stop," Reggie jokes
We break apart and Toni shakes her head
"Mantle why don't you shut up," she says
"Toni keep it down," I say "you need to yell with your indoor voice,"
Alex starts crying and Toni's eyes go wide.
"Here babe, watch me, okay?" I ask
She nods and I grab my keys from beside me and her soother.
"Hey sweetheart," I say leaning over Toni to calm her down "it's okay, you're okay baby,"
I put the soother in her mouth and start jingling the keys and she stops but is still upset.
"Tyler can you please turn it to 107.3?" I ask
He nods and turns the country channel on and she calms right down.
I give her the keys and sit back where I was.
"Why do you give her both the soother and the keys?" She asks
"So she doesn't put the keys in her mouth," I sigh "she did that a lot,"
She starts shaking the keys and looking at Toni.
She's babbling through the soother and Toni smiles.
"What do you want?" She asks tickling her stomach
"You're going to be a great mom T," I say as we pull in the driveway
"I hope so C," she sighs
I help her out of the car and then walk around and take Alexis out.
"You wanna hold her?" I ask Reggie
"May I?" He asks
I hand her to him and he smiles. Then she opens her eyes and starts screaming.
"You better be good with kids Reginald," I hear a voice say from down the drive
"Liz!" Reggie says as he hands Alexis to me
"Hey babe," she says hugging him tight
"Didn't know you were coming down?" He says
"I got your text and got the day off to come up," she says
"I missed you," he says
"I missed you too,"
I'm trying to calm Alex down but it's not working and she throws her cow at Reggie.
"Hi baby girl," Elizabeth says coming over
She calms down for a second before screaming again
"I think she's hungry," I sigh "you two can come inside, Ty's making something to eat I'm sure,"
"He's always making something," Elizabeth and I say In Unison
"Cute," I say "anyways, I need to feed her quickly,"
We go inside and I warm up a bottle for her
"Hey babes I was looking for you," to I says crutching over to kiss my cheek
"I was just about to head upstairs because this little bug is stubborn and won't eat unless she has skin to skin contact,"
"Oh you're complaining about someone being stubborn," she teases
"Yes I am, it doesn't help when I try and get her out of the house and she gets hungry,"
"I guess that would be annoying," she says
"You go relax, I'll be down in a bit- try and get her to sleep after,"
"Okay, Thanks babe,"
"No problem Toni," I say kissing her
I go upstairs and start feeding her.
"Are you glad mama's home sweetheart? I am, very very glad. She's hurt, and I know she's hurting really really bad but she'll be okay baby. She came home to us. I love you and so does she baby. I promise. Always and forever and for the rest of my life you'll know it. I know you don't know her yet but you'll love her, you'll know her," I say "she's home baby, she's home,"

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