First Day!

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Mias POV
it's my first day of high school- finally. I'm too smart for eighth grade and everyone sucks
Moms are so worried, but they shouldn't be.
I'm the smartest one here too.
I walk into my first class.
"Hi you must be Mia," the teacher says "class we have a new student today, her name is Mia,"
"What are you? 12?" Someone yells
"11," I correct
"You wanna tell us about yourself?"
"Uh, I was supposed to be in the eighth grade at Riverdale PS, but I knew the curriculum so the sent me here," I say quietly
I might have my moms attitude, but I also have problems socially.
I sit at an empty desk and a guy leans over to me
"You're TJ and Lexis sister right?"
"I play football with them,"
The teacher starts handing out tests until he gets to me.
"You don't have to take it, but if you want to try it to see where you're at and where I can help you out a bit?"
"Sure," I say
I look over the test
Oh this shit is easy.
I finish my test in less than 10 minutes and hand it in.
"I'm finished,"
"What did you have difficulty with?"
"Nothing. I'm all good, I did all the questions,"
He looks stunned and tells me I can sit down.
I sit there for another half an hour when he calls me up.
"How did you do this?" He asks
"It's easy to me," I shrug "I just know this stuff,"
"You got a 100,"
I nod and he shakes his head baffled.
"Where's your calculator,"
"I don't use one,"
"Can I talk to you in the hall?"
We go in the hall and he still looks baffled.
"And your 12?"
"No I just turned 11," I sigh "my moms tried to keep me in my normal grade but it was too boring,"
"And you did this whole test without a calculator?"
"I've never used a calculator, and I help my mom with her business taxes," I say "it's just how I work,"
"Mia.." I hear from behind me
"Yes mom?" I sigh turning around
"What did you do this time?"
"Nothing!" I say "I just finished my test early,"
"She didn't do anything Toni,"
"You're lucky Mia," she sighs "how'd the test go?"
She rolls her my eyes and my teacher looks at her confused.
"If she thinks high school is easy, she'll beg us to move somewhere else- and she's only 11,"
"Now I know why TJ and Lexi avoid you during school hours,"
she laughs and talks to my math teacher for a couple minutes.
He goes back inside and I sigh
"Mama May I please eat lunch in your office,"
"Of course baby, have fun in your next class,"
I nod and the bell rings for next period.
I go and apparently TJ is in my history class!
"H-hey TJ," I say walking over to him
"Hey Mia, you're in this class,"
"Ya.. do you know where I can sit?"
I don't do well socially and sometimes it's better when I'm around TJ or Lexi.
"Sit with me Mia, Xavier can find another seat,"
"How was your first class?"
"Math test,"
"So the best day of your life?" He jokes
"It only took like 5 minutes," I sigh
"Hey Mia," AJ says sitting in front of me
"Hey AJ,"
"Have you heard about this teacher?" He asks
"No I don't know who he is," I say confused
"He's a total perv," TJ says "don't be alone with him, that's what Mom told Lexi,"
"Oh okay,"
His friend Xavier sits behind us and the teacher walks in.
"We have a new student joint is today, Mia- wanna answer some questions?"
"Sure?" I say confused
"We all had to do this the first week of school, don't work about it," AJ says "just bullshit stuff,"
"Mia, what's your last name?"
"Middle name?"
"Elizabeth Olivia,"
"Where are they from?"
"They're my aunts names, two people that real made an impact on my moms,"
"How many siblings do you have?"
"Because my moms wanted to?" I say with a little more sass than I meant
"What are your parents names?"
"Toni and Cheryl,"
These are stupid ass questions
He asks me a bunch of questions that are just as stupid.
"If everything in the universe – including atoms and particles stop moving, does time stop? Or does time continue even if everything is frozen?" He asks smirking
"Time is a man made concept, not a universal law," I say simply "time as we know it doesn't actually exist outside of Earth so it's ignorant to say that time would or would not stop,"
He looks stunned and the whole class is silent
"Well, time was not a construct such as gravity or physics- but rather a system created by humans to create reliability and a sense of nature that humans need to survive. Outside of Earth, any beings would not understand most of our times," I say a little louder "so therefore it's an ignorant question,"
"Next question, if we are expected to learn from our mistakes why are we so afraid to make them?"
"All respect sir, but I'm not, because I don't," I say leaning back in my chair
"You have your mothers confidence don't you," he sighs "elaborate,"
"There's a reason I'm 11 and here, it's because I don't forget things and don't make mistakes," I shrug
He argues that it couldn't be true and TJ speaks up.
"She's not lying to you, she literally remembers when my mom was sick and all of that. I don't even remember that, she was like a year old,"
He finally leaves me alone and then I walk to my moms office.
"Hey sweetheart," she says as I walk in
"Hi mama, hi uncle Reggie,"
"Hey Mia, hows classes go,"
"Math was fun, but my history teacher is weird," I shrug "AJ, and TJ are in that class though so it was fun,"
"That's good,"
I start eating and mom and uncle Reggie are just messing around.
"Mama don't you judo any work?"
"Never Mia," she says "that's why we got a basketball net,"
"Are you going to play football?" RJ asks coming in
"I'm not allowed to do extra curriculars until I'm 12, but I wanna play soccer and do cheer like mommy,"
"Good for you kid,"
One of her football kids knocks and she sighs
"Mia can you give us a minute?"
"Ya sure, I'll go find the boys,"
I leave and a bunch of the basketball boys start making fun of me when I walk down the hall.
"Hey bitch?"
"What do you want?" I ask
"You're the new kid right? The child prodigy,"
"I guess,"
He shoves me and I fall backwards.
I'm literally 5'0" and he hit me really hard.
"Please leave me alone, I'm just looking for my sister,"
"The dyke?"
I stutter and crawl back.
"Guys what the fuck," someone says from behind us
"Bro chill, she's just a little dyke like her sister,"
"Scat before I tell coach,"
They all leave and a boy comes in front of me and helps me up.
"Hey sorry about them, I'm Hudson. I transferred from Hawaii to play basketball,"
"I'm Mia," I say quietly
"Are you okay?"
"I'm just looking for my sister,"
"MIA!" Lexi yells
She comes over and hugs me
"Hey I'm Lexi,"
"Hudson," he says with a small smile
"Mia what happened?"
I start crying and she hugs me again.
"Some of my teammates were pushing her around a little, I'm sorry,"
"Ya, I'm sorry,"
"Don't apologize, they've always been dicks," she sighs
"I'll see you around Topaz,"
She nods and he leaves
"Mia no tears, mommy will try and send you back to elementary," she says drying my tears "you're okay,"

Tonis POV
Lexi has to say goodbye to Cami today, so she said she's be late to practice.
"Reggie, and I will throw with the offence. RJ, George do tackling with the defence,"
They all nod and I throw for another a half an hour until Lexi comes on the field.
"Lex are you alright to practice today?"
"Fine," she says picking up a ball
We go through practice and then go home.
"How are you feeling Lexi?"
"Mom did you know Mia almost got beat up by a bunch of basketball jerks today?" She snaps
I let it go and we finish practice and go home.

I just hope my girls will be okay.

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