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Cheryl's POV
Tonis been smiley all day and I can't figure out why.
"Hey baby, do you mind if I meet up with RJ and Reggie? I can bring Lexi,"
"You don't have to I can watch her,"
"It's alright babygirl, you can come if you want,"
"I do have cleaning to do and I think Liz is coming over,"
"Okay baby, home before dinner?"
"Of course C, it'll only take an hour or so,"
"Okay, bring a diaper bag,"
"I know,"
"Mama!" Alexis says as I pick her up.
"Ya, you get to go with mama and see uncle Reggie,"
"Reggy?" She asks
"Ya you get to see Reggie,"
She claps and I kiss her.
"See ya later baby," she says kissing me "I love you,"
"I love you too Tones,"
She takes Lex and puts her in the stroller and leaves.
I clean up until Liz knocks
I open the door and hug her
"Hey bitch," she says
"Hey whore," I laugh
"How's Toni?" She asks
"Being weird as usual, and Reginald?"
"Also weird," she says "but has great taste in rings,"
"Once I point him in the right direction," I laugh
"I thought so," she laughs "he hasn't ever had a good taste in jewelry since I met him,"
"He's a good guy," I laugh
"Did I hear you two have some history?" She asks "like before Toni?"
"Not like romantic, but he was my girlfriends lap dog and bullied me on her command," I sigh
"So he was a total asshole before her?"
"Actually no, only around Veronica," I sigh "you haven't heard the story?"
"What story? He never talks about high school- except for the football stories,"
"Oh Toni loves those as well," I laugh "but seriously Reggie saved my life. I was attacked at a party and was feeling really down about it. Ronnie said it wasn't a big deal and my so called friends ignored me and I decided to give Reggie a chance and I called him. He drive over here and what must've been 2 in the morning and talked to me and comforted me. Few months later I had a panic attack and he came over right away- almost knocked Toni out," I laugh "he saved me though. In more ways than one,"
"I think you two saved each other,"
"You might be right," I laugh
"I always think about what it would've been like if I met Reggie before you and Toni,"
"Personally, I think you would've thought they were dating,"
"Oh 100%," She says "sometimes I get confused still,"
I laugh and nod.
"Have you guys talked about kids?" I ask
"A little bit, I want to wait until after the wedding to get pregnant though,"
"Ya that makes sense,"
We talk for a while, about Lexi's birthday and my anniversary.
Liz gets a call from reggie and puts it on speaker.
"Hey babe," she says
"Hey princess, Toni and I were wondering if you wanted to come take pictures by the docks,"
"Ya sure babe,"
I give her a signal to not tell them I'm here and write a note with a plan.
"Babe you still there?"
"Oh ya sorry Reg, I spaced. Um I was supposed to meet up with Cheryl in a half hour, should I ask her to come?"
"Oh uh, Topaz want your girl to come?"
There's a small conversation
"Okay Liz promise this stays between you and me?"
"I mean it depends, Cheryl is my friend.."
"And Toni lost Lexi,"
"She lost Alexis?" Liz yells "what the hell you two?"
"We're just kidding Toni doesn't want Cher here. I think she says they're fighting or something... Toni's not really talking about it. Babe please don't mention to Cher, trust me you don't wanna get involved,"
He hangs up and I shake my head
"We aren't fighting.. I don't understand.."
I get a call from Toni and put it on speaker phone.
"Antoinette?" I ask pissed off
"Hey babygirl, you coming to pictures?" She asks
"What do you mean?"
"Babe we could hear the classical music in the background of Liz's call so we pranked you. And then I didn't want you yell at me so I wanted to call,"
"Toni.." I start
"Cher I didn't actually lose the baby and we aren't actually fighting, and we aren't meeting by the docks, come to the fields,"
"Fields? Toni they're tearing up the fields,"
"No the field near the lake," she says "with the sand,"
"The beach?"
"Oh okay, cute. Is anyone else coming?" I say ignoring her stupidity
"Were meeting RJ and Liv after for dinner,"
"I love you, see you in a bit,"
"I hate you and we'll be there in 10,"
I hang up and shake my head.
"The classical music gave us away," she laughs
I shake my head and laugh.
We walk to the beach and I see Toni setting up a photo
"Hey baby," she says kissing my cheek
"Babe cmon,"
"I'm just joking, where's my baby though?" I ask
"She's with Reggie," she says grabbing my hand
We walk over to Reggie and I take my little girl.
"Hey baby, hey," I laugh tickling her "you got your shirt all dirty sweetheart,"
"Mama?" She says pointing where Toni is
"Yea sweetheart mama's going to take some pretty pretty pictures. Ya.. some of you and some of me," I giggle
"Mama blah!" She says holding her shirt
"I know your shirt is very very dirty," I say "I'm going to ask mama to drive home quickly to grab a new one,"
"Bitch get over here," Liz yells
"Whore I'm coming," I yell back
"Why can you swear and I can't,"
"Calm down babe it was a joke," I laugh
"I know, I know," she says
"Babe her shirt is all messy want me to run home or do you want to?"
"Oh I have one in my bike," she says "I'll be back,"
She takes Lexi and I take pictures of Reggie and Liz.
I hear Toni giggling behind me and she's carrying Lex so I can't see her shirt but it looks... unfamiliar and there's a tag on it so it has to be new.
"Hey babe, where'd she get that shirt?" I ask when she's still pretty far
"Oh reggie and I got it today actually,"
"I like the colour, good pick babe," I say turning back to the camera and taking a few more shots
I turn around and see Toni bouncing her
"Babe you wanna look at these and make sure I did it?" I ask
"I'll edit them later but I'm sure you did great baby,"
I turn around and look at her
"I think I messed them up,"
"I guarantee you did not,"
She bounces Lexi and I finally see the front of her shirt.
"Toni does it say  something on the shirt?" I ask not getting a good look at it
"Come look at it," she says
I walk over and read the shirt
"Worlds best big... sister?" I read
Confused I loon up at her and she's smiling brighter than I've seen since she's been home.
"You- you're?" I ask
"We're having another baby," she smiles
I kiss her and hold her face
"We're having another baby," I repeat "when did you find out?"
"The doctor told me on Monday," she smiles "the pregnancy tests were all wrong, and I was also taking them wrong because I'm 2 months,"
"Oh my god," I say kissing her again "I love you so much babe,"
"I love you too Cher," she says
"Congratulations girls," Reggie says hugging me
"Reginald did you know about this?"
"I know everything Blossom," he winks
I squeal with Liz and then we take photos and I can't stop smiling.
"I love you Cheryl," Toni says grabbing my waist from behind
"I love you," I smile
"I'm going to ride with Reggie, you and Liz take the car?"
"Sure baby," I say "but, be very very careful,"
"I promise princess,"
I strap Lexi into her car seat and Liz says she'll drive.
"Two kids? That's so fun," she says
"I know, I'm so excited," I say
"How many do you want?"
"3 I think, maybe a fourth,"
"Really? Wow I always saw myself only having one, two at most,"
"I think I wanna adopt one, after the next is in school," I sigh "I don't know yet, we'll see,"
"We're still so young," she says
"I know right?" I sigh
We talk and laugh as we pull into Pops.
"Hey sweetheart, are you hungry?"
"Mama," She says
I smile and walk into the restaurant.
"You're in A good mood Red," Sweetpea says messing my hair up
"Did my mood ever improve by you touching my hair?"
"That doesn't change just cause you go to Canada for a year,",
"It was fun,"
"I'm glad you're home,"
We all sit down and Toni and Reggie walk in laughing.
"Babe what took you so long?" Liz asks Reggie
"We took the long way,"
"You two are weird," I laugh
Toni kisses my head and sits beside me.
"What's up with you two?" RJ asks "something's different,"
"You wanna tell them?" I ask
She nods and sighs
"Well I found out Monday that i am 2 months pregnant," she smiles "and I could not be happier,"

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