Date Night

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Lexis pov
We finish practice and I just change into workout clothes so I can shower at home.
"You aren't showering here Lexi?"
"I have a date tonight," I smile folding my jersey
"Who's the lucky girl?" AJ asks
"Guy, actually," I laugh "Hudson Raeleigh,"
"Hes pretty cool," LJ says "one of the only nice basketball guys,"
"Basketball? Oh come on Lex, we have standards,"
"Shut it AJ," I laugh
"He better be nice," TJ says
"What are you going to do about it?" I laugh "all 5'4" of you is gunna get mad or something,"
"Shut up, it's not my fault mamas short,"
I laugh and mess his hair up
"I'll see you later,"
I leave and go to my moms office
"Mama I'm going to run home okay?"
"I have a date remember?"
"Oh right, I need to get home soon,"
"Mama.." I sigh
"I know I know," she laughs "I'll see you at home,"
I run home and shower.
I change into a nice black dress and leather jacket, flats and curl my hair.
I put a little bit of makeup on but not a lot.
I hear a knock at the door and try to get downstairs before anyone...
Fuck me
My mom brought my uncles over.
"Raeleigh..." my mom starts
"Mom stop. Now. Please,"
"Were just talking to him Alexis," Reggie says "uncle Reggie please stop,"
"It's alright Lex,"
"Hi Hudson," I smile
"Ready to head out?"
"Of course,"
"Now, what are you planning to do tonight Hudson.." Reilly asks
"Mom!" I yell
Cheryl comes in and I give her a look
"Toni Topaz, I swear. Leave them alone,"
"Hi you must be Hudson,"
"I am, it's nice to meet you,"
Toni goes to say something.
"I'm not joking. And you two, I'm calling your wives,"
"Thank you," I say
"Have fun baby, don't be too late,"
"I'll text you,"
Hudson offers his hand to me and I take it.
"It was nice seeing you all," he says to them "and meeting you, Mrs. Topaz,"
"It's Cheryl, Hudson," she says
He nods and we leave
"I am so sorry," I say as he opens my car door for me
"No it's cool, they weren't saying anything bad. Don't worry,"
"I always worry when it comes to those three,"
He smirks and shakes his head
"They care about you,"
"They do, a lot," I laugh
We pull into pops and get out of the car 

He holds out his hand and i take it and smile 

I feel really safe with him. 

"By the way, I didn't want to say this infront of your family but you look stunning," 

"i thought you said they weren't saying anything bad," I tease

"Coach Mantle frightens me," he laughs "a lot," 

"He's not that bad once you get to know him," I laugh "but you look amazing as well,"

He's wearing khakis with a mint green button up. 

It goes really well with his tanned skin and brown hair.

"Like what you see Topaz?" he laughs

I nod and fix the front of his hair 

"was it out of place?"

"Just a bit," I smile 

"You have a really pretty smile,"

"Thank you," I say blushing 

"Can I ask you something personal?"


"The reason I was so nervous to ask you is because a lot of the basketball guys said you were gay," he says 

"I.. I like girls. Or rather I liked one girl, but she moved away and we broke up," I sigh "couple months ago, it was fun while it lasted but we both knew it wasn't a forever thing," 

"Ended on good terms?"

"Ya for sure, we were best friends before so we were okay," 

"That sounds good, the girl I dated in Hawaii went ballistic when I broke up with her," 

"How long did you two go out?"

"3 months," 

We talk for a while before our food comes and we start eating. 

I'm having so much fun

We've gotten a lot closer physically over the night. As we wait for dessert I put my legs over top of his. 

"This is nice," he says 

"Ya it is," I agree "I like you, a lot," 

"I like you too Topaz," 

He starts leaning in to kiss me and the worst thing that could possibly happen, happens. 

My brother walks in 

With AJ and LJ 

"Lexi has a boyfriend," AJ teases as they walk towards us 

"I'm so sorry," I whisper

"Leeexxxx," TJ says "guess what?"

"You're going to get it TJ,"

"Oh come on, Lexi- you love us," LJ says 

"No," I hiss "get the fuck out of here," 

"Hi I'm AJ, her cousin," 

"Hudson," he laughs 

"What's so funny?" AJ challenges 

"Leave before I call your mom, AJ," I say fast "you two as well, beat it," 

"Lexi i want it known this was not my idea," LJ says 

"Never is," I say "get the turkeys out of here," 

They finally leave and I shake my head. 

"My family is the worst," 

"No they aren't, that was funny," 

"No it wasn't- it's their entire goal to humiliate me," 

"You're super cute when you're embarassed,"

He kisses my cheek and i smile 

He pays and we head out. 

"Wanna take a walk before I drop you at home?" 

"Ya, I would like that,"

I take his hand and we go to the trail behind Pop's

"It's a beautiful town huh?" he asks 

"I'm sure Hawaii was a lot prettier than Riverdale,"

"It had it's perks, but so does Riverdale," 

"Ya, like what?"

He smirks at me and grabs both my hands

"The girls from her are a lot prettier," he says "well.. at least one girl," 

He kisses me and my hands go to the back of his neck.

Wow. Wow. Wow. 

I feel... free.

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