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Cheryls POV

"Hey Lex?"
"Ya mom?" She asks putting her book down
"Can we talk?"
"Sure.." she says confused
I sit on the edge of her bed and sigh
"Baby I've noticed over the past week or so you're.. struggling, and mom sees it too,"
"Struggling? All my marks are good and I doing great at football,"
"Not in school or football," I sigh "mentally,"
She goes quiet and looks at her hands
"May I ask you a question?"
"Do you like Hudson?"
"N-no of course not I-I'm.. I'm," she stutters for a second "gay,"
"Lexi, you can be honest with me okay?"
She nods and keeps playing with her fingers
"I've seen the way you look at him babygirl, and I'm not pressuring you in any way shape or form, but I see it Lex," I say putting my hand on hers "baby especially at your age, sexuality is fluid. At your age I was trying to convince myself that I was straight," I laugh "but then I found your mom and there was no denying it,"
"How did you know you loved mama?"
"I think I knew I loved your mom since the first second I saw her, because she genuinely asked me how I was and that never happened, but I couldn't have feelings for her- because I was in a relationship. But after that, I knew I loved her because every single time I look at her, even to this day- I feel safe, and loved,"
She smiles a little and nods
"Did you ever think you didn't like her?"
"On and off for the first couple weeks of knowing each other. And I was going to break up with her after our third date," I laugh
Tones walks by just as I say that and she turns around
"Say what now?"
"I told you that babe," I say "come sit,"
She comes and sits on my lap
"Tones that can't be comfortable,"
She sighs and gets off and sits behind me.
"What are we talking about?" She whispers
"What we talked about last night,"
"I don't know mom," Lexi says "I thought I was a lesbian like you!"
That's the problem
Lexi idolizes me and never wants to disappoint me.
"Baby do you think I'm going to be mad if you're bi?"
She nods slightly and starts crying
"Lexi. I just want you to be happy okay? And I'm not saying I think you are bi," I say hugging her "I'm saying it's okay, and not to hide your feelings,"
She nods and I kiss her forehead.
"Do you understand what I'm saying?" I ask
She nods and I laugh
"We just want you to be happy okay?"
"Thanks mom,"
"Get back to your homework," I say standing up
"Football homework learn your plays," Toni says
"No real homework," I laugh "tones leave her alone,"
We leave and T sighs.
"Wanna lay down babes?"
We go into our room and T takes her leg off and lays beside me.
"Still getting blisters babe?" I ask
"No it's good,"
I fall asleep in T's arms.
Life can't get much better than this.
"Baby," Toni whispers waking me up
"Time to wake up,"
She kisses my neck and up to behind my ear.
"I love you cheryl,"
"I love you too Toni,"
"You're amazing you know that?"
I laugh and kiss her
I hear TJ and AJ yelling and laughing and I sigh
"I'll go see what's going on," I laugh
I go downstairs and find my kitchen a disaster.
"What the fuck,"
"Language mom,"
"I woke up from a great nap for this," I mumble
I leave and go back upstairs
"Toni your son sucks!" I say going in
"My son?"
"Your son, he messed my kitchen up, it's you and Reggie all over again,"
She laughs and keeps putting her leg on.
"Here baby I'll help you," I laugh
I put it on for her and then kiss her
"Go help TJ,"
She laughs and I see Lexi leaving
"Lex where are you going?"
"The fields,"
"Okay baby, have fun,"

Lexis pov
I'm going to the fields to run the track.
I think my mom's right.
Shocker I know
I really like him, and I think he likes me too.
I run almost 4 miles before someone matches my pace.
"Do you ever slow down Topaz?" Hudson smiles
"Not usually," I laugh "you need to?"
"How many more laps?"
"I got just over a mile, so 4 after the pole,"
"I'll try and keep up then,"
We run for a bit and he starts breathing weird
"Hudson you okay?"
"One more lap topaz, I'll be good,"
I laugh and nod.
We approach the last hundred,"
"Ready to sprint?" I ask
I start sprinting and I can hear him behind me doing the same
I beat him and turn around to see him bent over and gasping for air.
"I guess when Jhorry said you've been training since you were six- he was right,"
"I was always a good runner," I laugh "when I played basketball I had to be,"
"You balled?"
"Mhm, I was good,"
"Riverdale or club?"
"Full of surprises Topaz,"
I laugh and nod
"Why were you here?" I ask
"I was going to test my vertical, but I forgot I don't have the keys to the locked equipment,"
"You're lucky I'm here," I laugh grabbing my moms keys
"You have keys?"
"My mom does, so I took them in case I needed something else,"
He laughs and we go over to the lock up and I grab the vertical test out.
"Is this for a university?"
"A few have reached out and just wanted to make sure all my stats were correct,"
"How about your mile time,"
"Might've beat my record,"
I laugh and help him set it up.
He does his jumps and then we sit in the grass to cool down.
"So your mom used to be a bulldog right?"
"Mhm, and Cheryl was captain of the River Vixens,"
"That's so cool,"
"I know, but it's hard. Playing the same position as her," I sigh "people are always asking if I'm as good as her and stuff,"
"Well thats probably because they think you are,"
"No I'm not," I sigh "no one will be as good as her, ever. She was amazing,"
"You're amazing,"
"I'm good, but my mom was just... she was spectacular. I watch her tapes and Reggie and her. They both were just born to play football,"
"Maybe you can show me sometime,"
"Ya for sure, what's your story in basketball?"
"I just started playing when I was a kid and never stopped," he says "nothing special,"
"Everyone's story is special," I laugh "it's just how you tell it,"
"That's a great way to look at it,"
I laugh and nod
"How are your siblings?"
"They're good, crazy, but good,"
We talk for almost an hour before deciding it's time to go.
"Let me walk you to your car?"
"I walked actually," I laugh
"Then let me give you a ride home,"
"I'll be alright," I laugh
"Hey, I might be new around here, but I know you shouldn't be walking around the streets this close to sundown,"
"Okay," I agree
I get in his car and he sighs
"It's a little dirty, sorry,"
"It's fine," I laugh "it's a nice car,"
We get to my house and he looks at me
"I've heard.. some things about you. But I would like to ask you out, on a date?" He says
I stutter and smile
"Yes, I would love to,"
"Good.. tomorrow at 6- I'll pick you up?"
"Can we make it 7? I have practice until 5 and my mom stays at the fields until 6,"
"Of course,"
"Thank you for understanding,"
"No problem at all,"
I kiss his cheek and start walking towards my door
I turn around
And he's still looking.

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