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Toni's POV
It's the first day of tryouts so I have a meeting with all the boys at lunch.
"Baby please bring Tony?" Cher asks
"Sure Cher," I say kissing her "is he being a brat?"
"Love you,"
"Love you too, good luck,"
I kiss her again, grab tony and drive to Riverdale High
"Mama dwink?"
"You thirsty baby?" I laugh grabbing a water bottle
"Tank you,"
I kiss his forehead and go into my meeting.
"Mantle on time for once?" I laugh
"Topaz late as usual?"
"Sorry I forgot my binder and had to go back for it," I sigh
"Hey I brought my kid too!" RJ says
"OMG twinzies," I mock
He asks me to hold him so he can go to the bathroom before the meeting.
"Hi LJ hi baby," I smile
He babbles and I bounce both of them
"You're such a cutie, ya both of you are so cute,"
"Coach Topaz went soft over the summer," Ralphy teases
I roll my eyes
"Have you seen these two? They're so cute,"
"Coach Topaz just got home from Jamaica and missed her kids," reggie says
"Shut up, you wait u TIL you have to leave AJ,"
"AJ likes Cheryl more than he likes me,"
"All my kids like Cheryl more than me, I don't know what it is," I sigh
"Robbie, why do you like Mrs. Topaz better than Coach Topaz?" Ralphy asks
"Because Cheryl's better at cooking and she does the food shopping,"
Everyone laughs and RJ comes back in so we start the meeting.
"Alrighty, for those of you who don't know me. I'm Toni Topaz, I'm the head coach of the bulldogs. That's Reggie Mantle my assistant, RJ Morgan the head of Defense, the twins are Will and Austen Taylor are athletic trainers and therapists, Mox Wilson is an offensive specialist, Tyler is our manager, and new to the coaching staff this year is Georgie Tolson will be helping Mox with the front end. George played 3 years in the NFL with the Patriots and then played up north in Canada for 2 years. Right Georgie?"
"Yup, 1 year in Regina and 1 in Toronto with the Argos,"
"This year we're hoping to go back to Globes which we just got word will he hosted in Finland and Sweden. Natty's are in Dallas, States are in Riverdale,"
"We are taking the same amount of people as we had last year. Assuming everyone who played last year remain on the team that leave 3 defensive spots and 4 offensive spots including a possible jr. quarterback as Eddie will he taking over full time since Welly graduated,"
"In saying that, boys who played last year are not guaranteed spots- but have a leg up since we've been training with them,"
"Questions?" I ask
"What if we played for another school? Does that help our chances?"
"Doesn't help or hurt your chances. stay back I have paperwork to do," I say
"Are you going to listen to Mantle if you go into labour this year?" Devon asks
"Funny," I say "guess who just got cut?"
Everyone laughs and Tony claps
"Is that right buddy?" I laugh
"Topaz you going to introduce the kid?" Georgie asks
"No, they need to get to class," I say
"He's around more than Mantle," Ralphy says
"Fine, this is my son- Tony, he's 8 months, I have a little girl who's 3, LJ over there is RJ's boy, and Mantle has a boy named Antonio," I say "he named his kid after me because I'm cool,"
Everyone laughs and I send them back to class
"Remember we have tryouts tonight," I say as they leave "oh Robs hang back for just a sec,"
He stops and Stands to the side and the guys wait.
"Guys head to the new offices, I'll be there in one second. Reggie can you take Tony Junior please?"
"Sure Topaz,"
They leave and I close the door and pull papers out of my bag.
"Remember when you asked if you could change your last name?" I say
"The paperwork went through all I have to do is give them to my lawyer. And when you're ready I'll do that. Cheryl and I have also been granted permission to fully adopt you and to have full custody of you. Im not sure where you are in wanting that  versus not wanting that, but you can think about it and tell me," I say "don't feel pressured either way, Cher and I just want What's makes you happy,"
"I-I'm okay with it, i want it," he says
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure, I been waiting my whole life for a mom who cares about me and now I have two," he says "if you guys are okay with it,"
"We're more than okay with it kid," I say
He hugs me and I smile and hug him back
"So my last name is Topaz now?"
"It is,"
"Get to class Robbie,"
"I will... mom,"
I mess his hair up and follow him out.
"Coach Topaz?" A male voice asks
"Principal Danvers, Nice to finally meet you," I say extending my hand
"I don't shake hands,"
"Got it," I laugh
"Did you know we have a strict policy against staff members being alone with students?"
"She's my mom, it's fine,"
"Robert get to class," I say "now, I'm not joking,"
He walks off and I turn back to Principal Danvers.
"He's my son, I just needed to talk to him about the adoption papers. He's been distracted and didn't want him to be distracted in class about this,"
"You adopted him?" He asks "you seem young,"
"I decided to have kids young so I could keep up with them,"
"Walk with me?"
"Sure?" I say confused
"How many kids?" He asks
"I like to get to know my staff Coach Topaz, I know you went to Riverdale High for two years before going to Stanford for football and then.. I got nothing until last year?"
"Well I travelled for a year and a bit and then I enlisted in the army and went to Afghanistan," I say "came home after being discharged,"
"Why were you discharged?"
"Shot in the lower leg, had to have an amputation,"
"Oh I'm sorry,"
"Ah it's fine, I'm good. Being home is fun anyways,"
"So is it just you with the kids?" He asks
This guy is dumb
Yes I'm a single, 26 year old, who is raising 3 kids alone.
"Oh no, I've been married for 8 years now," I laugh
"Your husband is a lucky man,"
"Wife actually," I say "Met her in high school and she helped me transfer here,"
"I'll catch up with you later," he says shaking my hand
I thought he didn't shake hands
I nod and keep walking towards my office.
"Topaz your boy missed you," reggie says
"Did he now?" I laugh taking him "hi baby boy,"
"What took you so long?"
"I was stopped by the new principal," I sigh "he's so weird and apparently knows nothing about me,"
"Awe someone doesn't know about you, don't feel like a superstar?" RJ mocks
"I'm serious, how do you not know I'm married. It's hard to miss in this country,"
"That's a good point," Reggie says
The principal comes in and says his hellos and leaves
"Someone has a crush on Topaz," Will teases
"Who?" I ask bouncing Tony
"Principal wandering eyes," reggie laughs
"He was probably looking at my baby, look how cute he is," I say smiling at Tony
"Topaz he was looking right at your ass,"
"Fuck you," I say rolling my eyes
They laugh and we talk about the tryouts.
"Lunch?" RJ asks
"I'll meet you guys at Pops, just need to go to my lawyers,"
"Ah getting another restraining order?" Austen jokes
"Dropping off adoption papers idiot," I hiss
They laugh and I take Tony Junior
I drop the papers and get to Pops
"MAMA!" Tony screams "MAMA MAMA MAMA,"
This tone usually means he wants Cheryl.
"Shh Baby, sh shh it's alright baby,"
"Miss mama," he cries
"I miss Mommy too baby," I say bouncing him "but I'll call her okay?"
He keeps crying and I go inside
Thank god my wife is here
"Hey babe, why is he crying?"
"He misses you Cher," I laugh "baby who's this? See baby? Mommy's here, she's okay, she's right here,"
"Mama," he says reaching for her
"Awe come here baby," she says
I hand him to her and she smiles.
"Hi mama,"
"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" I ask kissing Lexi's head
"I'm good,"
"Cheryl you have competition," Austen teases
"Hm?" She asks
"Our new principal has eyes for your wife," Will adds
"Uncle Will eveyone has eyes," Lexi says
"Lexi this is adult conversation," I say "it's okay to not understand,"
"What do you mean anyways?" Cher asks
"He was staring at Toni's a-s-s," Reggie says
"And b-o-o-b-s," RJ adds
"Why don't you shut the h-e-l-l up," I say
"Is this true love?" Cheryl asks
"Yes honey," I sigh
She huffs and stands Tony up on her legs
"Are you okay baby,"
"Mhm," She says "can I come to your guys tryouts?"
"Sure baby,"

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