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Lexis pov

"Where did you get these pills?" Cheryl asks for the millionth time

I sigh and look at her

"A guy I know in town," I sigh looking at my hands

"How do you know a drug dealer in Miami?" She asks

"It's.. Cami's cousin,"


"Mom it wasn't my fault,"

"What wasn't Baby?"

"Cami kept trying to make me smoke weed and do different things when I hurt my knee back before states," I say looking at my hands "she put those pills in my water for a few days in a row and the pain went away and I couldn't stop, and then when she left- she gave me a bag of them- I flushed them, I was trying. But this hurt so much mom,"

I start crying and she hugs me.

"Oh baby, that's okay. It's okay," she says "we will get you better and make sure it doesn't hurt anymore,"

Toni comes and sits next to Cheryl.


"Camilla tricked her into it, because of her knee,"

"Why'd you stay with her after she did this?"

"She made me happy some of the time, i don't know. I liked her,"

"Who supplied you in Riverdale?"

"I told mom, Cami gave me a bag of them before she left, but I flushed them two days later- and last night her cousin gave me a bag because I was in so much pain,"


"Huds went to go find Jhorry and and I did it quickly,"

"I know you're angry at him right now, but he did the right thing by telling us," she says "he really cares about you, and didn't want you to get hurt,"

"I know mama," I sigh "I just told him to not tell anyone,"

"Well, he was scared,"

I nod and sigh

"I swear I was trying to get better, I say "I was just in so much pain that I couldn't handle it,"

"Baby let me tell you a story okay?"


"I was in college, and I hurt my ankle, but we were three weeks away from NCAA title,"

"And?" I ask

"Your mom and I were on a break and I didn't have a support system, I didn't tell anyone and I got addicted to painkillers," she sighs "the same ones as these,"

"What?" I ask shocked

"Addiction is something my entire side of the family struggled with, and I was scared," she says "but you have people who care about you babygirl,"

"I know,"

They hug me and Cheryl asks me for my key.

"Mama.. does the media need to know about this?"

"Of course not sweetheart,"

I smile and she kisses my head

"Any pills on you?" Cheryl asks

"No, they're all in my room- in a bag," I say "I promise, May I go find Hudson?"

"Sure baby,"

I go upstairs and fidget with my hands after I knock on his door.

Jhorry answers

"H-hey is Hudson here?"

"Uh, ya, I'll go get him- come in,"

I nod and close the door behind me.

"Hey baby, wanna go for a walk?" He says

I nod and he kisses me.

"Jhor, I'm heading out,"

"See ya bro,"

We go and decide to walk along the beach.

"I'm so sorry," I say-stopping and grabbing his other hand "I need to say that because the way I reacted was not okay,"

"Are you okay Lex?"

"I was addicted to pain killers, a while ago- Camilla got me hooked on them without me knowing. But I flushed my stash down the toilet a few weeks after she left- but yesterday.. everything hurt so much. So bad. And I.. called Armilo- her cousin and he brought me the bag you found," I say looking at our hands

"Oh princess," he says hugging me "I'm so sorry, I wanna help you through this okay? I was just scared,"

"My mom's are getting the pills tested to make sure they are what they think they are," I say "thank you for telling them,"

"I know you didn't want me to- but.."

"It's okay," i laugh "I promise, at least you didn't tell TJ,"

He kisses me and I smile.

"I love you Lexi,"

"I love you too,"

"Do you have a bathing suit on?" he asks


"Wanna go for a swim,"

"Sure, but I don't have my waterproof sling,"

"We can just put our feet in babes,"

I nod and we go into the water.

"You're so hot," he says grabbing my hips,


"Very," he says "there's this... party tonight, you wanna come?"



We go shin deep in the ocean and I sigh.

"I love the ocean,"

"Ya?" He asks

"Mhm, ever since I was little,"

"Me too," he laughs "I used to wanna be a professional surfer," 



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