Date Day

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Cheryl's POV
I wake up with T playing with my hair with her casted hand and on her phone with the other. We have a day off today- like completely and she promised we'd be alone all day and go on little dates around campus and just hanging out together.
"Staring problem Blossom?" She laughs
"You're just really pretty," I smile
She leans down and pecks my lips.
"Did I wake you?" She asks
"No," I hum
"Did you sleep well?" She smiles
"Other than being hit in the face with a cast, yes," I tease
"Awe I'm sorry babe," she says sincerely "I didn't know,"
"It's ok," I giggle moving up and pecking her lips "I forgive you,"
She laughs and hides her face.
"I miss your laugh," I say
She continues to cover her face.
"Babe I want to see your cute face stop it," I tease
She looks at me and I peck her lips.
"I love you," shesays
"I love you too baby," I smile
We cuddle and watch tv for a while.
We decide to walk around campus and just look around. We come across one of my teachers and I stop.
"Hey Mr. Rig!" I say
"Good afternoon Cheryl, how are you?"
"I'm doing pretty good," I say "this is my fiancé, Toni Topaz,"
"I've heard a lot about you," he laughs shaking her hand
"As with you, Cher raves about your class,"
"Good to hear," he laughs "your fiancé has a bright future,"
"She's definitely the smart one,"
He laughs and says his goodbyes and we walk away. Toni trips on a root and falls.
"Are you ok?" I ask bending down
"Leave me alone," she snaps
"Pardon?" I ask
"Stop Cheryl," She says "please stop babying me,"
Jesus Christ not this fight again.
"Ok T I'm sorry," I say putting my hands up
She gets up and we walk in an uncomfortable silence.
"You shouldn't have stopped at me like that, I was just trying to help," I say breaking the silence
"I get it I'm just done with everyone thinking I'm weak,"
"And I'm done with your walls Toni," I snap "you told me I could be myself around you that I could be vulnerable and that's what I've been, but you still have your walls. You act the same around me and your friends. You should struts me and you should feel comfortable enough around me to talk about shit- but you don't. Why? Am I that horrible of a person?"
"No," she mutters
"Then tell me why you won't talk to me and won't let me help you,"
She sighs and grabs both my hands.
"Because I love you, and i know what you've been through and what's happened to you because of me. I don't want to cause you anymore stress, or pain. I love you and I've caused you so much pain that I feel maybe one day you'll see I'm not worth it, that you love me but not enough to go through all the shit that happened because of me,"
"Baby You never have to feel that way," I say lightly grabbing her face "I love you and you didn't cause me any pain, you didn't,"
She nods and looks down
"TT, look at me," I say "I'm yours, forever. You're all I ever want I promise,"
"And If one day you wake up.."
"I'll wake up turn over and see your absolutely perfect face cuddled beside me, and I'll fall deeper in love," I laugh "it happens ever morning, and has for 3 and a half years,"
"Thank you Baby," she says
I peck her lips and she smiles
"I'm sorry for snapping," she sighs "I didn't mean to,"
"I know babes," I say "it's okay,"
"I love you baby,"
"I love you too Tones,"
We walk and eat dinner.
I decide that we should walk to the top of a small hill and watch the sunset.
"Cheryl have you thought about when we should get married?" Toni asks
"What about this summer? In August?" I suggest
"Is it too soon?" She asks
"Why babe you having doubts?" I ask concerned
"No no, not for that," she laughs "I meant to get everything together,"
"I could do it, 100%," I say confidently "have you met me?"
She kisses the top of my head and nods
"I have and I shouldn't have doubted you,"
"What about other parts of our future?"
"What do you mean love?" I ask
"Do you want to move back to  Riverdale?"
"Ya, I think so," I say "have a big adventure, travel, then settle down. 2-3 kids, and maybe a dog," I say "you'll be whatever you want to be and I'll be... probably mayor or something,"
I think for a minute
"Maybe not mayor- just a really good lawyer and I'll represent really famous people,"
"That sounds nice,"
"You still want to be a photo journalist right?"
She sighs and shrugs
"I don't know Cher, I'm not that good at photography,"
"Shut up," I say "you're amazing at photography,"
"I might be able to get drafted into the NFL," she says "but I don't know if I'd wanna do that with all the concussion stuff going around,"
I nod and sigh
"But I meant to talk to you about this actually," she says in a serious tone "after we graduate, Reggie was thinking of going to the military for a tour or two in the Middle East- and I was thinking of going with him,"
"What?" I asked shocked
"I know, I know, it's a stupid idea, but I wanna help people Cher and I want to help the country that stood by me," she says
"I think if it's what you wanna do, you should do it," I say "I'll miss you, and I'll be scared but as long as you come home to me- I'll be okay,"
"I still have a long time until graduation, I'll decide then,"
"What about after the military?" I ask
"I want to go to Riverdale and coach football after coach retires," she says "I want to coach our kids too,"
I laugh
"My kids won't be playing football,"
She looks at me kinda confused/angry/scared this will hurt us.
"I'm kidding baby, as long as you teach them,"
She nods and kisses me.
"It's too bad we can't make a baby, it would be so cute,"
"If it got your looks it would be adorable," she flirts
"Cute T,"
"Imagine kids with your brain, my muscle mass and both of our looks put together? They would be unstoppable,"
"Maybe that's why god said lesbians couldn't reproduce,"
I laugh and so does she. We laugh until the sun goes down.
"Let's head back babygirl," she says standing up
I nod and grab her hand as we walk back to the dorms.
"Hey Cheryl, Hey Toni," Elizabeth says "I didn't know you two were back together?"
"We never actually broke up, we were trying to get Brynn to leave us alone,"
"She's the worst, I shared a room with her for like 2 days and all she talked about was lesbians and why they're superior. Don't get me wrong, love whoever you want but she talked so weird about it,"
"Trust me, we know," Toni says raising her arm "she attacked me with a brick since I am Bisexual,"
"She's a wacko," Elizabeth laughs "I'm meeting up with my boyfriend now, but it'll be good to catch up later? Breakfast tomorrow?"
"Ask your boyfriend to come, it'll be a double date," I suggest "we'd love to meet him,"
"Sounds like a lot of fun actually," she says
"Who is it?" I ask "you never told me his name,"
"I'll give you a hint- he's on your team Toni,"
I think and I don't know
"Well you'll find out tomorrow, see ya later,"
We say goodbye and go inside our dorm and fall asleep.

A/N: my thoughts are
- finish this school year
- wedding
- trip (honeymoon)
- half of next school year
- time jump to some point in their adult lives


Love you all

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