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Cheryl's POV
I wake up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing
"Hello?" I groan
"Mrs. Blossom, the mother is in labour, can you make it to Smalville?"
"Yes, of course. Let me get my babysitter,"
I hang up and call reggie
"Reggie the mom is in labour, I need to go. Can you get here?"
"Ya I'll be over in a few,"
I get everything together and run out the door
It's a long ass drive and I finally get there.
"Are you Mrs Blossom?"
"I am,"
"Nice to finally meet you, the baby will be here within an hour,"
"That's amazing, and their mom is doing okay?"
"She's doing good,"
"Good I'm glad,"
"She's putting the baby up because she's having health problems lately and can't support a baby at this time,"
"Oh okay," I say "the baby will be mine right? This isn't foster care?"
"Okay good,"
"And it was confirmed that you are having a babygirl," she says "do you have a name?"
"Kaylee Cameron,"
"Topaz or Blossom,"
"Blossom as her middle name, Topaz as last,"
She nods and walks away
I pace the room until a doctor comes with a clipboard
"Your her mother?"
"I am, how is she?"
"Kaylee is doing amazing, you can come see her in the NICU- follow me,"
I follow her and she shows me What bed she's in,
She looks a lot like Mia did.
Olive skin, looks very healthy.
She's sleeping And I smile down at her
"Is she your first?"
"No, I have 4 kids at home,"
"Big family,"
"My wife always wanted a big family," I smile "she always wanted this,"
"Is she at home?"
"Oh no. She passed away earlier this year,"
"Of course, your wife was Toni?"
I nod and sigh
"You can pick her up if you want,"
"Oh okay,"
I pick her up and she starts fussing
"It's okay baby, it's alright," I whisper
I bounce her until she calms down
"I love you KC,"
She opens her eyes and looks at me
"Hi love, how are you?" I giggle "you are so pretty, so so pretty,"
I sign forms and grab extra diapers from the hospital.
"You wanna go home Kaylee? Ya? Let's go home baby,"
I put the car seat in the front and drive home with her
She wakes up with like 10 minutes left in the drive and gets fussy.
"You must be hungry, we're almost there girlie. And we get to meet your uncles.. and aunts.. Mhm,"
She calms back down and I pull into Pops.
"Alrighty kiddo, I think I see Reggie's truck. All your siblings love Reggie,"
I pick her up and she fusses
"Let me get your bottle sweetheart,"
I grab a bottle and realize only Reggie knew about the possibility of me getting another kid.
No one know it's actually happening.
KC coos and grabs at my shirt
"Shh Baby Shh it's alright,"
I walk inside and ask Pop to heat up the bottle
"Anything else?" He asks
"Fries and a strawberry milkshake please,"
He nods and turns to work.
"Cheryl?" Reggie asks
"Hey Reg, haven't seen you in a while,"
"And who's this?"
"The baby I was telling you about. Kaylee Cameron,"
"Very cute Cher,"
"I know, her eyes are so pretty," I say looking at her "she's perfect Reg,"
"You didn't tell me you decided,"
"I struggled a little bit with the decison but how couldn't I do this?" I ask "look how perfect she is Reggie,"
"Can I hold her?"
I nod and hand her over to him
"Hey baby, you're such a cutie,"
She yawns and opens her eyes
I expect her to cry but she doesn't.
"Here comes RJ Liv and Liz," he says looking out the window
The three of them come over
"Uh babe, who's you steal the baby from?" Liz asks Reggie
"That's my daughter," I say "the adoption agency Tones and I contacted after I miscarried found a mom that liked Toni and I and they still gave me the baby after I told them Toni had passed,"
"What's her name?" Liv asks playing with KC's fingers
"Kaylee Cameron," I say
"Shes very very cute,"
"I know," I smile
"You have a lot kids," RJ says taking her "but she's the quietest,"
"You haven't heard her cry yet,"
"Can't be any louder than Mia," Reggie says
"True that, give me my girl back,"
He hands me Kaylee and I bounce her and smile.
I notice a birth mark on her stomach and lift her shirt up.
"That's weird," I laugh
"Kaylee has a birthmark where Tones had her bullet scar," I say grazing over it
They dismiss it, but I saw Toni's scar more than them and it looks really similar.
"You're very special sweetheart aren't you?" I whisper "I love you,"
"Why Kaylee?"
"That's what Toni wanted to name her first kid, she thought it was pretty,"
Robbie and his friends come in and I wave him over
"Uh Mom where'd you get the baby?"
"Well an adoption agency contacted me and asked if I wanted a baby,"
"And you said yes.." he says
"Of course I said yes, I love babies,"
"Is this a midlife crisis?" He asks Reggie
"I am 28 years old. This is absolutely not a midlife crisis," I laugh "this is me with baby fever since all of you are practically in college,"
"I'm the only one even close to college," he says taking her "but she is cute, what's her name?"
"Kaylee Cameron," I say "your mom really liked the name,"
"Are you seeing Toni too? In ghost form? Is this psychosis?"
"I am not seeing Toni in ghost form, why do you think I'm going psychotic?"
"You said you were done with kids,"
"Can you ever really be done with babies?" I ask playing with Kaylees fingers "they're so cute,"
"Does this baby sleep,"
"This Baby is 8 hours old, she slept most of the car ride though so hopefully she's not like Mia," I laugh
Tyler comes in with my other 3 kids and Mia and TJ run towards me
"Hey babies,"
"Mommy we missed you this morning," tj says hugging me
"I know, I had something very important to do,"
"What?" Mia asks
Reggie hands me Kaylee and the bottle that pop gave him
"This is your little sister Kaylee," I say
"But you not pagnant?" TJ says
"I adopted her sweetheart. Her mommy couldn't take care of her, so Im going to raise her like I am with you guys,"
"She look me mommy?"
"She does look like you Mia, just a coincidence,"
Mia looks at her curiously and shakes her head
"No thank you mommy, I aready have sista,"
"She's your sister too baby,"
"Mia having two sisters is fun!" TJ says
"I'm fun," she says "Kaylee no,"
"That's what Lexi thought about you. You'll like her Mia I promise," he says "I love both my sisters and now all three,"
"You're cute baby boy,"
He laughs and goes to sit with Lizzy
"Mommy still love me right?"
"Mia of course I still love you,  I love you more and more every day baby,"
She kisses my cheek and sits beside me while I feed Kaylee
"Where's Lexi?" I ask
"Sitting with RJ,"
"Lexi come here sweetheart,"
She comes over and looks at Kaylee
"Who's she?"
"You're new baby sister Kaylee,"
"Oh, is she okay?"
"She's fine Lex why?"
"She's smaller than Mia and TJ,"
"Oh she's okay baby, don't worry,"
"Good," she says
Kaylee starts pushing the bottle away
"All done sweetheart?" I laugh
I get a blanket for my shoulder and burp her
"Why does mommy keep having kids?" TJ asks Reggie
"Because mommy is crazy,"
I laugh and rock KC so she falls asleep
"She seems to behave more than Mia," Reggie says
"Lets hope so," I laugh
"Mommy can we all go to Riverdale high?" Lexi asks "uncle Reggie said they have fun fair,"
"Sure baby, lets go now okay?"
We go and the kids all get there face painted.
I give KC to Reggie and start feeling faint
I pass out.
"Cher, Cher wake up,"

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