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Cheryl's POV
Still bawling I pick up my phone.
"Hey blossom, are you two on your way to practice yet?" Reggie asks "I kinda need a Gatorade and T just bought some,"
"Toni just broke up with me," I cry into the phone
"Pardon? You kinda cut out, it sounded like T broke up with you,"
"She did!"
"Why?" He gasps
"I don't know," I whimper "she said she wasn't pure enough for me, she didn't look herself,"
A commotion on the other end makes reggie stop talking.
"Holy shit Cheryl," he says
"Toni just quit the football team and she said she's dropping out,"
What the hell is happening?
"Try and keep her there," I say grabbing my key
I'm still bawling and I run down the stairs into the main area.
"What's wrong Cheryl?" Brynn asks
"None of your fucking business," I hiss
"Has it something to do with Toni?" She asks
I grab her by her collar and smash her into the wall
"What the fuck did you do to her?" I hiss "What the fuck?"
"I opened the door to new opportunities,"
"If I can't get her back, if I can't get her to believe me, I will kill you,"
Her eyes go wide and i throw her at the ground.
I run towards the football fields and when I get there Toni is vomiting into a trash can, Reggie and coach are panicking and all the boys are kinda just standing around.
"What's going on?" I ask Reggie, still looking at Toni
"She's been throwing up for 3 minutes, no sign of stopping, we don't know what to do,"
I cautiously walk over to her and put my hand on her back.
She stops throwing up, jumps backwards and stares me down.
"Who the fuck are you?" She hisses
"Woah, ok calm it T," Reggie says "that's your fiancé,"
"I'm not engaged,"
"Ya ya, ex fiancé since you've hit a psychotic break," I sigh
"I don't even know who you people are," she says "stay away from me,"
"T, it's Cheryl," I say "Cheryl Blossom?"
"That means nothing to me honey," she says "now can I leave?"
"No sweetie, you can't," I sigh
I try and feel her forehead and she shoves me
"Antoniette, Stop it,"
"Why do you keep calling me these names?" She asks
"What names?"
"Toni, T, Antoinette," she says "that's not my name?"
"What is your name?"
"Like I'd tell some weird ass girl,"
"What's your sexuality?" Reggie asks
"Pardon me?"
"What gender do you like?"
She stutters for a second
"Boys, I guess,"
"What about girls?"
"What about them? I'm not a dyke if that's what this is about,"
"Can you come sit down with me?"
"No I have no fucking clue who the fuck you are,"
"TT it's me," I say crying again "it's me T, why can't you see that?"
I get my phone out and show her my lock screen.
"That's us, in New York, the day after you proposed to me," I say
I search her eyes for anything that shows me she remembers
"I don't know who you are," she says "and I don't have pink hair,"
"Yes you do, I'm looking at your pink hair," I say "babe please,"
"I need to get home, my boyfriend is going to be pissed at me for even talking to you,"
"What's your boyfriends name sweetie?"
"Dougie," she sighs
"T you dated dougie 4 years ago," I say
"Do you remember Ronnie?" I ask
She shakes her head
I get a picture of me and Ronnie up.
"That's me, and that's my ex girlfriend Veronica," I say "when we met I was still in a relationship with her, I broke up with her 3 months later and we started dating a few weeks after that,"
"I don't believe you,"
What can I do? What can I say?
"Reggie a second?" I ask
He nods and I take him aside
"What if I brought up Italy and the pregnancy?" I ask
"Why would you do that?"
"That was the worst thing that ever- ever happened to her, it might break her out of it,"
"Ok try," he says
"Babe," I start
"I'm not your babe," she sighs through gritted teeth
"Right, anyways, do you remember going to Italy?"
She looks confused, like she remembers something.
"Ya, it was fun and we had lots of great laughs, until..."
"Until what?" She asks intrigued
"Until you were shot, oh and at the time you were pregnant and you lost the baby,"
"I lost the baby," she says looking at the ground
"Ya T, you did,"
"I named it Charlie," she says "because it's gender neutral and I liked it,"
"Mhm," I say "you did, you won 2 international championships for football,"
"I did?"
"You did," I nod
I show her the pictures of her and the trophy and with her and me at Globals.
"I look happy," she says confused
"You were very happy," I laugh "you were over the moon,"
"And that's you?" She asks
"That is me," I say
"You're a cheerleader?"
"Mhm, you were captain of the bulldogs and I was the captain of the river vixens,"
"I don't remember,"
"Do you know where you are?"
She looks around.
"You are at a football field," I giggle "do you know where, or why?"
"I had practice, I go to Stanford, is this.. Stanford?"
"This is Stanford Toni," I say "do you remember dougie being here?"
"Dougies here? Where?" She asks
"He's not here Sweetie," I sigh "he died,"
"He died? Really?" She asks
She looks at her hands.
"I don't remember you," she says "I can't,"
"That's ok," I say "can I see if you have a fever?"
She nods and I check her temperature. She's fine.
"Am I ok?" She asks
"Your head isn't warm," I say
"That's good," She says
Reggie talks to her and I go over to coach.
"Is this a panic attack?" He asks
"No, she's not afraid of me, she remembers some stuff, she's lucid," I sigh "she's not concussed- she didn't hit her head today,"
"Can we do tests?" He asks
I nod
"Are you okay?" He asks
"She doesn't remember who I am," I say trying not to cry "What if she never does?"
"She will Cheryl, we'll figure it out,"
Reggie comes over and they go over to do tests on Toni.
"Cheryl, are you ok?"
I shake my head and he hugs me.
"What if she can't remember me, and falls for someone else. Or just, for the rest of her life doesn't believe what I tell her,"
"She will Cheryl, she's always going to love you- even if it's all over again,"
Toni starts throwing up again.
"I need water," I say feeling faint
"My stall has some, go for a walk, we'll figure it out when you get back,"
I nod and walk to their changeroom.
I knock and Austen lets me in.
"Blossom, wheres Toni?" Will asks
I start bawling and Austen hugs me.
"What's wrong?"
"She broke up with me and then came down here, quit football, started throwing up and she has no memory of me,"
"Where is she?" He asks
"With reggie and coach, I needed to grab water from Reggie's stall,"
He shows me where it is and I grab a bottle.
"Where's Tonis?" I ask curiously
"Over beside RJ," he says pointing towards the other side of the room "we separated her and Reggie because they were always together,"
I hum and walk over to her stall. It has her practice stuff all ready to go, her favourite sports bra, her energy bars, and what's this?
Her motorcycle keys?
"Why does she have these?"
"she plays with those damn keys before games for some reason,"
"That bitch," I laugh
I run back with the keys.
"She still doesn't remember," Reggie says
"She will," I say "out of my way,"
He lets me past and I go right to Toni.
"You again?" She sighs "I told you I have.."
"Stop talking," I say cutting her off "do you remember me getting in a motorcycle accident?"
She shakes her head
"We were fighting, right after we got back from the cabin and I was hit by a car on your motorcycle," I say "your bike was totalled,"
"You broke.. your jaw and your leg?" She says
"That's right, that's good T," I say "I had my jaw wired shut and had to stay in the hospital but you drove my car since I destroyed your bike and I bought you a new one when I got out,"
"But that wasn't your fault, it was Vanessa's,"
"Veronica's," I correct
"Right Veronica, She was in the car,"
"That's right," I say "good girl. Now why do you have these damn keys?"
"Because I didn't want you driving my motorcycle when you were alone in... Riverdale? And you would've if I didn't take it,"
She hugs me hard and I kiss the side of her head.
"You're ok, you're safe baby," I whisper
"I'm okay?"
"You're fine,"
"Cheryl a second?" Coach asks
I let go of the hug
"Sit here with Reggie ok?"
She nods and looks around. She looks really uncomfortable.
"We rushed her blood tests," he says "what prescriptions is she on?"
"None right now, why?"
"Her test-showed a significant amount of antidepressants, pure alcohol, Lead 3, Iron 4, and oxytocin. The combination made her like this, and until it's completely out of her system she'll go in and out of knowing her surroundings,"
"How would this happen?" I ask
"Well, there has been a drug circulating the school that does contains similar things- minus the oxy, it's administered in smaller doses through needles. Could she be on drugs?"
"There's no way, she won't go near them," I say "could someone else administer it?"
"If they had an epi pen or were fast then yes," the doctor says
"That fucking bitch," I say shaking my head
"A girl named Brynn has been stalking us and following us around for a while now and she dresses like Toni and does her hair like Toni. She likes me and is extremely biphobic,"
He nods.
"Sit with her, she's not going to be herself for a while," he says "not normal anyways,"
I nod
"When are we ever ourselves coach? And we left normal in Junior High,"
I walk over and sit next to Toni.
She gives Reggie a look.
"She wants to know if your single," he laughs
"Does she?" I laugh "well cutie I don't know if I'm single,"
"Why?" She asks
"Because my fiancé said she was done with the relationship, and like her I can't tell reality from fiction right now,"
"What's she like?" She asks "your confusing fiancé?"
"She's perfect," I sigh "she's everything I ever wanted in a girl and everything I'll ever need. I just want to be happy and protect her but she doesn't let me because she's always protecting me. It's sad to see her in the state she's in,"
"I'm engaged, well I think I am, I can't remember,"
"What about your fiancé?" I ask
"She's amazing, I love, just about everything about her. There's not a flaw in her. It's not fair to the rest of us," she jokes "she looks like you, kinda,"
"Actually exactly like you," she says confused
I look at her and purse my lips
"Cheryl!" She says "you're my fiancé, what's happening to me Cheryl? Why do I keep blacking out?"
I sigh and look at her.
"You were given a drug that's affecting your memory, are you ok right now?"
"I'm fine, what's happening babe?"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"We dropped SKY with her parents and went upstairs,"
"And what happened upstairs,"
She starts crying and shaking her head
"I didn't mean to, it wasn't me," she says "I don't know why.. I don't,"
"Toni it's ok,"
"I still want to marry you," she says looking at her hands "if you want to.. I know I'm kind of messed up right now,"
"No no babe, it's not your fault, you're ok," I say "I want to marry you don't worry,"
She smiles and I kiss her cheek.
"You're really pretty," She says
"Thanks babe, so are you," I laugh
"Why is your mascaras like that?" She asks "oooh because I broke up with you,"
I nod and laugh
"Do you remember feeling a pinch or like someone had given you a needle at some point?" I ask
She nods
"And someone called me, there was a high pitch and then a weird voice telling me things,"
I kiss her temple and hug her.
"Hi, I'm Toni," she says
"Cheryl," I say
"That's a pretty name, suits you,"
I try and look happy, just to get her comfortable.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing T, I'm just happy to be here babe,"
"But you're upset," she says
"Ya, I am," I sigh "I don't like seeing you hurting,"
"We just met,"
"Still hurts,"
"I'm ok Cheryl," she says
"I know you are," I say "you always say you're fine,"
She's confused and I rub her back.
A half an hour passes and she snaps out of this one.
"What's wrong with me Cher?" She asks "what's going on?"
"Baby, they're figuring it out,"
"Just sedate me,"
"They can't put drugs in your system babe, it's too dangerous,"
"Then please just shoot me! It hurts too much,"

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