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Hudson's POV

Toni called me and said they'd be home in 15 minutes so I drive over to their house and picked up flowers on the way.

"Wow Hudson," TJ laughs coming over from his workout with AJ and LJ "still trying to impress her?"

"Oh you know your sister," I joke "but how are you doing with this?"

"It gave me another reason to never go shopping again,"

"How's Charlie?"

"She's good, she's in SAN Fran right now,"

We sit with the other two and talk for a couple minutes.

"How are you still with Lexi? She's such a bitch," AJ says

"She isn't to me," I shrug "usually when I'm around she's not as mean,"

"That is true," TJ sighs "did you hear what's happening next week?"

"No.." I say confused

"Wren Quintipacki might be coming back to school," LJ says "Lexi is not happy,"

"Fuck, how's that even possible?"

"It'll only be temporary," TJ says "my moms are fighting it, but he's being let out on a technicality,"

They pull into the driveway and we all stand up.

"Babe?" Lexi asks getting out

"Hey Lex," I say hugging her "your mom called and I thought I'd stop by," i smile

"Thank you,"

"I got you these," I say giving her the flowers

"Babe these are amazing," she says kissing me

"How are you Cheryl?" I ask as she walks over

"I'll be alright, not my first accident- probably won't be my last,"

"Hm?" Toni asks

"Anyways Hudson, Lex said your parents are out of town. You're welcome to stay for dinner, if you'd like,"

"Is that okay with you Lex?"

"Of course," I say "mama, can we go watch tv upstairs?"

"Of course Lex,"

I follow her upstairs and she puts the flowers in some water and we lay down.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask

"Sports," she giggles

I nod and turn on football highlights.

Half an hour later she starts snoring and I turn the Tv down.

I watch tv for a bit before she starts tossing and turning and mumbling.

"Baby, it's okay," I whisper kissing her cheek "wake up,"

She jolts awake and starts mumbling

"I want my mom," she says looking at me "my mama, I need her please,"

"She's just downstairs Lex, I'll get her,"

"Toni Topaz, Antoinette Topaz please- just let me see her- she has to be here,"

She gets up and starts walking before she stops.


She starts seizing and I catch her before she hits her head, and do what I know how to because of my seizures.

"TONI, CHERYL," I yell

I hear running up the stairs just as she stops seizing, but doesn't wake up.

"What's wrong?"

"She had a seizure," I say rolling her to make sure she doesn't choke on anything

"What?" Cheryl asks bending down

"She fell asleep, and woke up confused- said she needed you guys and then used Tonis full name and got up," I say "she seemed scared,"

"She had two at the hospital," Cheryl says "because of stress,"

Lexi groans and rolls over

"Where am I?"

"In your room," Cheryl says fixing her hair "how are you feeling,"

"Where's mom? Is she okay?"

"I'm right here Lexi," Toni says

"I'll go get her some water," I say getting up

I go to the kitchen and KC is there.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, is Lexi?"

"Yeah, she'll be fine,"

"Another seizure?" She asks


I get water and some food to get something back in her and go back upstairs.


"Hey babe," I say sitting next to Toni "you should drink some water,"

She nods and Toni smiles

"I guess you have a little experience with this stuff," Toni sighs

"MOM!" Lexi says

"No lex it's fine, she's right," I say "yeah, I started having seizures when I was 8. They're getting better,"

"They hurt," Lexi says

"They do,"

"Do they always hurt this bad?"

"No, I usually don't have much pain anymore,"

Toni and Cheryl go to call the doctor and I play with her hair.

"I wanna stand up," she says

"Not yet babes, don't want you passing out on me," I smile

She giggles and I kiss her

"Are you feeling better?" I ask

She nods and I peck her lips

"Your sister looked scared,"

"She'll be okay,"

Mateo crawls in and Lexi smiles

"Hey Maté," she says "you excited for your birthday?"

"Ya!!" He cheers

"I love you buddy,"

He claps and she giggles

"Tomorrow right?"


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