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Hudson's POV

Last night was the worst.

Lexi says she's alright which is great, but I never thought my friends would do this.

I stand up and I know one is coming.

I have a seizure disorder. No one except Jhorry and Coach knows because its embarrassing.

"You coming to breakfast?" Jhorry asks

"I think I'm going to have a seizure," I sigh "so I'll will skip,"

"Need someone around?" he asks

"No, I'll be alright. Wanna bring me up some food?"

"For sure bro.. what about your girl?"

"Just tell her... I'm sleeping,"

"Alright, catch you later,"

He leaves and I lay on the ground of my bedroom.

Lexi will not stop calling me.

I finally pick up and sigh.

"Hey Lex,"

"Baby, are you avoiding me?" I ask

"No, of course not," I sigh "just really tired Lex,"

"What if I come up and bring you food? We can just chill?"

"Not right now babes, I'm so sorry," I say "we'll hangout later,"

"I have to be at the fields for 1," she says disappointed "I thought you said we could hangout before that,"

"Lex I gotta go," I say quickly "I love you,"

I hang up and start seizing.


I "wake up" from the seizure just as Jhorry comes back

"Dude, you okay in there?"

"Ya, for sure, you can come in,"

He comes in and I sit against my bed still on the floor.

"Hey, I know it's not my business- but Topaz was pretty upset you wouldn't go see her,"

"I know, she called me," I sigh "I hung up pretty fast,"

"She really likes you, she'll understand,"

"I know, I just don't want to change anything,"

"I don't think it will man, call her,"

I nod and shrug.

"I will,"

He leaves and I pick my phone up.

"H-hey Lex,"

"Hey Huds,"

"Are you in your room?"

"Y-yeah, I'm just getting ready,"

"May I come down?"

"Yes," she says sniffling

She's been crying


I go downstairs and knock on her door.

Emma answers and shakes her head.

"You screwed up,"

"Just let me talk to her, I had.. a thing,"

"She's scared,"

"I know,"

She lets me in and I knock on Lexi's bedroom door.

"Come in," she says

Black Leather Jackets: College Boundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें