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Tonis POV

Mateos at school with me again.

He's good at walking, but he gets over confident and falls on his face.

I walk holding both his hands above his head down the hallway

"Coach Topaz?" Someone yells from behind me

I pick Mateo up and turn around

"Principal Relait how are you?" I ask

"I'm good, you?"


"Good, good," he says "Mateo with you for the day?"

"Yeah, unfortunately my wife is in the city for the day and Maté doesn't do well with babysitters," I sigh

"No no, that's fine. The football schedule just came out, Globals are in New York. Nationals are in Hawaii, States in Riverdale again,"

"That's awesome," I say taking the sheets he has "season starts tomorrow,"

"Yes, I will be there," he says "how old is Mateo?"

"14 months, right buddy,"

"Ya!" Mateo giggles "mama baw?"

"Later honey," I laugh "is my budget okay?"


I nod and he leaves


"Yes baby boy?"


"Of course,"

I put him down and we walk to my office.

"Eggie!!!" He yells running over to Reggie

"There's my little nephew," he says picking him up "how are you?"

"Mama and I walk and pay aweday," he giggles "and I got lag!"

"You do have a new leg,"

"Baby, Reggie has work to do,"

I take him back and kiss his temple

"What are you doing first period?" He asks

"Probably badminton,"

"Yay!" Mateo claps

I go to the gym and the boys start coming in.

"Mama walk please?" He pouts

"Stay close to me buddy,"

He nods and I put him down and he just walks in circles

"You're funny Mateo,"

I start class and pick him back up so he doesn't get hurt

Next period comes and Hudson walks in.

"Mama I show Hud walk?" He asks

"Sure baby," I laugh "Hudson?"

He comes over

"Hud watch," Mateo says as I put him down

He walks and looks back

"Good job Mateo," He laughs

"Okay buddy, lets let Hudson warmup now," I say picking him up

He high fives Hudson and I pick him back up


"Yeah honey?"

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