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Toni's POVo
Waking up next to Cheryl might be my favourite thing. She's nice and warm too which really helps.
I kiss her forehead and she wakes up with a yawn.
"Good morning princess,"
"Hey," she yawns
"You're a cutie," I tease kissing her forehead
She leans up and pulls me into a long kiss.
"I can't wait until our wedding," she says
"Really? I'm more excited for the honeymoon," I flirt
She rolls her eyes.
"I meant, I love you- so so much and I can't wait to officially be your forever,"
"You will always be my forever baby,"
"I know T, I just like the feeling of it being official,"
She giggles and kisses me
"I know babygirl," i say "I can't wait either,"
My phone rings and I lean over. It's a facetime from sky.
"Babe it's sky," I say sitting up
I answer it as she sits up.
"Hi toni," she says
"Hey kiddo, your sister's here too she's just woke up,"
"Hi Cheryl!" She says
"Hey kiddo," Cheryl says readjusting herself
"Look what I got!"
She holds up a puppy. A little corgi.
"Her name is Blossom," she says
She changed her last name to match her parents obviously.
"Omg she's so cute, after exams we're flying back east and we'll have to meet her in person,"
We talk for almost an hour before she has to go.
"I love you Sky, we'll talk to you later," Cheryl says
"Love you too,"
"Bye girlie,"
"Bye Toni," she giggles
She hangs up and Cheryl sighs
"I miss her,"
"I know you do love," I sigh "so do I,"
"How many kids do you want?" She asks
"Maybe 2? Or 3,"
She hums
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I always saw my self having one kid," she says
"I was just thinking it's might give them a friend,"
"Or it could cause Fights,"
"We don't need to decide now babes, we'll figure it out,"
She giggles and kisses me.
"How's your eye feeling?"
"It's okay," I sigh "I'll play tonight,"
"Of course you will," she giggles
"I love your smile," I say kissing her
"I love your smile- but I like it more when there's no black eye,"
"Me too,"
"How's your neck?" She asks
"We aren't talking about my neck,"
"I know, I'm sorry," she says "but if you need to,"
"I promise,"
"Well let's get going cause you have media and then you're at the fields all day,"
I nod and sigh
"I have to wear a blouse to that," she sighs
"People know T, go in with confidence," she says getting dressed "tell em what you feel,"
"I feel like I'm a gross human being,"
"And I feel like you need to stop saying that babes," she says grabbing my hands "everything that's happened, everything you've gone through- none of it is your fault, none of it is,"
I nod and she shakes her head
"You don't believe me do you?"
"Not really," I sigh "a lot of this shit is my fault,"
"No I promise it isn't,"
I nod and she kisses me
"Let's go babe,"
We walk to the press conference and instead of a blouse I wore a maroon dress and leather jacket
"Toni, can we get a pre interview?" Someone asks
"For sure," I say
"Now reports say you are starting tonight- is that right?"
"But your eye and mouth.. is that not going to hurt your performance?"
"Not at all. We need this game to make it to playoffs and I have to play through things y'know. Things happen and we get through it for better or worse,"
"Team sources leaked that you were attacked by a person on the staff- care to comment?"
"Our Student Manager attacked me after my first game back. Basically tried to get me to sleep with him and threatened my scholarship and my fiancé if I didn't do what I was told,"
"Was this person fired?"
"He was not, but I'll just avoid him. I just wanna play football- that's it,"
"And you aren't charging him?"
"I'm looking into my options," I say
He thanks me and walks away.
"I'll be doing homework over there babe, if you need me Okay?"
"Thanks baby," I smile kissing her cheek
She goes and sits down and I go find reggie.
"How are you feeling T?" He asks
"Better, just wanna play though,"
"I know you do,"
We answer a few questions and then go for the panel interview.
"Reilly- What's the thing that's changed the most after getting Toni on the team?"
"The changeroom is a lot cleaner and smells a lot better," he jokes
"Toni cleans?"
"All the time- she hates our messes and will clean whenever she has a second,"
"Reggie, How is the west coast different from Riverdale?"
"It's a lot bigger, I get lost more and Toni and Cheryl are just as annoying,"
"Rude," I say
"It's true,"
I roll my eyes and laugh
"Anyways, Toni thats brings us to you. What changed in your life since moving out west?"
"Well I've gotten a lot closer to Mantle- I slept on his couch for a few weeks a couple months back now. I also just feel safer most of the time and it's been really fun exploring a new place with Cheryl,"
"And How is she?" A familiar reporter asks
"She's doing good. She loves the school and is doing very good in all her classes. She's enjoying the sun and ya- she's doing good,"
"Good to hear. How's your hand?"
"It's okay, still hurts some days but I'll be okay," I say
A few more questions pass until we go into the changeroom. Leaning on my locker is Mitch.
"Hey Reg- I'm going to get my ankle taped- can you deal with that?" I ask
"Hey babe," Mitch says turning around
"Ya I got it," reggie sighs
"I'll come with you T," Reilly says "I need my knee taped,"
"Okay," I say
We go to the trainer and he taped my ankle and his knee
"Topaz it just came through," Trainer Jim says showing me the iPad
Topaz, Antoniette: Random Drug Testing and Mandatory Pysch Exam. To be performed: PRIOR TO GAME 10
"Alright," I sigh
Stanford uses blood testing for drugs- not pee so he takes my blood and starts the pysch evaluation.
"You're all good," he says finishing the exam "better than last time,"
"What about my blood?" I ask
"Stay for 2 minutes and I'll let you know," he says
I nod as he leaves. Mitch comes in almost half a minute later.
"Mitchell," I say blandly "What do you want?"
"Remember What I said?"
"No," I lie
Of course I remember
"I said you shouldn't tell on me,"
"Did you? Weird," I say
He keeps getting closer and closer
"Mitchell? You aren't allowed to be in here. Toni's still in her appointment," Trainer Jim says walking in
"Do it again Topaz, I dare you," he whispers
"Go away Mitch- I have a game to win,"

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