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Tonis POV
Reggie, RJ, and I are going to Camis house with her to get all her stuff.
"They might not even be home," cami says
I think she's a bit overwhelmed
"Well we can help you get some stuff then, we can't have you getting hurt," I say
We walk in and immediately know her uncle and cousin are here since the stench of alcohol is strong.
"Topaz you good?" Reggie asks
"Flashbacks," I say remembering everything that happened
"You're good T," RJ says
I nod.
"They might be passed out," she whispers
She goes to a room and I hear someone start walking towards us
"Who the hell are you?"
"Toni Topaz, your niece is staying at my house for a few nights,"
"Like fuck she is," he slurs
He tries to get past me and I push her backwards
"What the hell,"
"Leave her alone," I warn
"Are you that.. what's her face.."
"Alexis," the younger one says
"You're her mother,"
"What's it to you?"
"Your daughter made my niece a fucking slut ass dyke,"
I grab him by his collar and slam him into the wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
He goes to say something and I punch him in the face.
"Your daughter is a whore,"
"Say it again?" I challenge
He says it and I punch him, breaking his nose.
"Mrs. Topaz, I'm done,"
"Okay let's go,"
We leave and go outside.
"I'm sorry I punched him," I sigh
"That was great," she says "I've wanted to do that forever,"
I drive her home and she gets set up in a room.
"Hey baby," I say kissing C's cheek
"Hey T,"
"How are you? We've barely talked today,"
"I'm good, and I'm sorry i had so many calls- something's going wrong,"
"You'll figure it out babe,"
"Mhm," she says "so Cami.."
"C she was attacked by her uncles,"
"Do you have a plan though T?"
"Yes, her dad comes home next week- so I'll talk to him and we can find a more permanent solution,"
"You're so good Toni Topaz,"
I kiss her and Lexi comes in
"Mom why is Cami staying with us again?" She asks
"Because," I say
"Oh.. is something up?"
"No honey, don't worry," I say
"I know she can't sleep in my room but can we watch a movie there?"
"Of course Lex, just keep your door cracked open sweetheart," Cher says
"Thank you,"
I nod and she leaves
"They seem very good together," I say "camis a good kid,"
"I heard she skips class a bit," Cher says
"I only ever see her right after lunch and she has that teacher that pretended he was drunk and grabbed my boobs when I first started?"
"Ugh him,"
She goes off to bed and about an hour later I check on all the kids and only Lexi and Cami are awake.
"The movies almost over mom," Lexi smiles
She's half on top of cami, her head resting on her collarbone and Camis playing with her hair
"It's alright babe, it's getting late," cami says starting to get up
"Don't worry about it, I was just making sure everyone's still in the house,"
"Safe and sound mom,"
"Goodnight, not too late okay?"
"Of course,"
I go to our room and fall asleep

Lexis pov
The movie ends and cami gets up
She kisses my forehead and my lips
"Goodnight Lexi,"
"Goodnight Cam,"
She winks and goes to leave when I see her makeup came off a bit.
"Baby, What happened to your face?"
"Nothing, I'm alright Lex,"
"Come sit?"
She nods and I grab a makeup wipe from my drawer.
"Tell me then,"
"My uncle and cousin only come into town when they know I'm home alone and they.. beat me up. Baby I'm okay, it's not a big deal,"
"It is a big deal Cami," I say hugging her "I just want you to be safe,"
"That's really why I'm staying over,"
"Oh.. my mom knew?"
"After he threw water on me my makeup came off and she asked to talk to me about the marks,"
"She's supposed to call CPS if she sees.."
"I asked her not to, my dad is so good with me Lex. He lost so much when my mom left- he can't lose me too- and I wouldn't be fostered in Riverdale anyways,"
I nod and she kisses my temple
"I'll see you in the morning," she whispers "goodnight,"
I wake up and check my phone. A text from Cam?

Cami ❤️🥺: hey baby, when you wake up can you please show me how to work your shower?

I laugh and walk down to her room and knock.
"Cami it's me," I say
"Come in,"
She's in a crop top and shorts
"It's October babe, you can't go to school in that," I laugh
"I just worked out, calm down," she says "if you're family all showers in the morning I can use the ones at school, I forgot I had the gym key now,"
"Just use the one in my bathroom C," I laugh
She grabs my hips and tries to kiss me.
"Haven't brushed my teeth yet,"
"Don't care,"
She kisses me and I smile
"C'mon we can't be late for school,"
I show her how to use the shower and then go get ready myself since I showered last night.
"Hey cutie," she says coming back into my room
"Hey, help me put my necklace on?"
"Of course,"
She puts it on and smiles in the mirror to me
"Thank you,"
"Any time baby,"
We go eat breakfast and then go to head for school
"Lex we're leaving in 5!" Toni yells
"Mom I'm going with Cam!"
"Oh ok,"

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