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Cheryls pov

The doctor said TJ just woke up and Tones and I run down. The other kids are at school.

We get to his room and he's still I. The early stages of waking up.

"Mama? Mommy?" He whispers

"Baby it's us," I say put my hand on his "you're okay,"

"Ch-Charlie, is she.."

"She's okay, she wasn't hurt,"

"Is everyone okay?" He asks

"Yes, everyone's okay," Toni says "I'm so happy you're awake baby boy,"

"How long have I been out for?"

"A couple days Tony," I say with a small smile "your sisters were very worried about you,"

"Where are they?"

"At school,"

"I have a test in history,"

"Baby it's okay, don't worry okay?" Tones says

"I'll call Lexi to come by, is that okay?" I ask

He nods and smiles and I go out to the hall.

"Hey Lexi," I say as she picks up

"Hey mom, WHATS up? What's wrong?"

"TJ woke up Lex, wanna come down?"

"OMG YES. I'll grab Mia and KC too,"

"Thanks Lexi,"

"Is he okay?"

"He seems to be,"

She hangs up and I look at Tones and him through the glass door.

She's such a good mom.

I see her foot spazzing and am kinda concerned.

"Mom!" TJ says

"Hey TJ," I say "Alexis is on her way with Mia and KC,"

"When do I get to leave?"

"Couple days," I say

He smiles a little and I sit next to Toni.

"How are you feeling?"

He shrugs and sighs


"And?" I laugh


"About what honey?"

"Why did he shoot me?" He asks looking at his hands "I didn't mean to be disrespectful, I don't remember.."

"Baby that man is going to jail for a long long time," Toni says "he didn't do it because of anything you did,"

He nods and T kisses his head.

"And Charlie's okay?"

"She was shaken up, but she was okay. She was supposed to come by later today,"

He nods. He goes in and out of sleep for almost an hour until the girls come in.

"TJ?" Toni says shaking him a little "your sisters are here,"

He wakes up and smiles.

"Hey TJ, how are you?" Lexi asks

"I'm okay," he says "I remember you ripping the cop a new one,"

She laughs and nods

"There's a video of it," she laughs

They talk for a while and I ask T to talk to me in the hall

"What's wrong?" She asks

"You need to get tested again,"

"Why?" She asks

"I've been noticing symptoms Toni," I say grabbing her hands "I need you to get tested,"

"Oh okay," she says "of course C, when?"

"Go now, TJ is fine and I wanna make sure you're okay,"

She nods and kisses me.

Tones says bye and brings the younger girls to Lizzys to go shopping.

"Mom am I allowed to eat?"

I nod and Lex laughs

"Burger?" She asks

"And a milkshake,"

"You got it TJ,"

"Need the car Lex?"

"No Huds is picking me up,"

I nod and sit with TJ for a couple minutes.

"Mom, why did he shoot me? I didn't mean to do anything wrong," he says

I sigh and grab his hand

"Mama and I wanted to wait until you were healed honey, but.." I stutter "he shot you because of the colour of your skin,"

"But I'm not even.. dark?" He says looking at his hands

"I know it's confusing Tony, but mom and I are dealing with it okay? You don't have to worry,"


Charlie's mom texts me to make sure it's fine for her to drop Charlie off.

"You wanna see Charlie?" I ask

He smiles and nods so I text her yes and we talk until she comes up.

"Hey Char,"

"Hey," she says shyly

"Come sit,"

She sits across from me and he grabs her hand

"How are you?"

"I'm okay,"

"Mom can you give us a minute?"

"Of course TJ,"

Tony's POV

"How are you feeling?" She asks

"I'll be okay," I say "you look sad,"

"I blamed myself a lot,"


"I should've listened to him,"

"Char, look what he did," I say shaking my head "he's an ass and he would've done something to you,"

She nods and I tug her hand.

"Do I not get a kiss,"

She giggles and kisses me

"How's school?"

"Some of the football and basketball guys were making fun of me but your sister, Hudson, and Jhorry told them to leave me alone,"

"I'll be back next week too," I say with a small smile

Lexi walks back in with Hudson.

"Hey Charlie,"


"Here's your food," Lex laughs "gross ass chocolate milkshake,"

"Shut up,"

She laughs and hands me the bag.

"Only you could get shot in the stomach and then start eating greasy ass food," she jokes

"I guarantee Mama did,"

"You might be right,"

We laugh and talk for a while

I wanna get back to my life.

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