3 days

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Cheryl's POV
The wedding is in 3 days and I'm so fucking excited
"Tones you're going to be late," I call up
She runs down the stairs and kisses me.
"Are you coming?" She asks
"I can drop you off if you like- then pick you up by I have some errands,"
"Can you drop me?" She asks
"Of course love," I smile kissing her
We get to the car and I drive with my hand on her thigh.
"Are you okay with me cutting my hair?" She asks as I pull into the parking lot
"You do whatever you want baby," I say "I'll love it no matter what,"
"Okay," she smiles
I kiss her and then she gets out of the car.
"I love you babe," I say
"I love you too babygirl," she smiles "see you soon,"
"Text me,"
She winks and walks into the salon.
I do my shopping and everything, just enjoy myself and I run into Reggie.
"Hey Cheryl, wheres Toni?" He asks
"Getting her hair cut," I say
"Will she be done soon?" He asks. "We can go out for lunch,"
"I can't see her being to much longer it's already been a couple hours,"
I get a text from her and look at it.
"Speak of the devil herself, she's finished," I laugh "I'll go pick her up and we'll meet you at Pops?"
"Sounds good," he says
I drive down to the salon and Toni's standing in the parking lot
She's fucking hot.
"Tones," I yell out the window getting her attention
She turns and smiles getting in the car. I just look at her- damn, its so nice. I didn't know if I'd end up liking it but oh my god. She's hot.
"Hey baby," she says kissing me
"Heyy," I say still looking at her hair
"Do you like it?" She asks
"I absolutely love it TT, it looks so good,"
"Thanks baby, I like it too,"
A little shorter than I thought she'd get it but it looks really good on her.
"Reggie asked if we wanted to go out for lunch and I said we'd meet him there," I say "if that's okay,"
"Sounds good baby,"
I drive to Pops and we walk inside.
"Topaz looking good," Reggie says
"Thanks man, I like it a lot,"
"You keeping it for football season?"
"Ya probably," she says
We sit down and I play with her hair while they talk about football. Reggie goes to the bathroom and Tones turns to me and says something
"Hm?" I ask making eye contact
"I asked if you were having fun over there," she giggles
"Ya I'm just trying to get used to it. I won't be able to braid your hair anymore,"
"Well you can play with it whenever you want," she says kissing me
I smile and kiss her again.
"Hey girls," Pea says walking in
"Hi Sweetpea,"
"Topaz, you lose a bet?"
"No I wanted to cut it,"
"It's nice,"
"Thank you," she says
"Have you made a decision on if you're wearing the dress yet?" He asks her
"Tones you haven't decided?" I gasp "you need to get something we get married in 3 days!"
"Cher I have something- I got both,"
"BOTH," I gasp "Toni that's not in the budget,"
"Cheryl we have no budget, have you even looked at prices,"
"No but I didn't think you'd get both,"
"You can just return it if I don't wear it,"
"Fine," I say kissing her cheek
"Do you have a preference?" She asks
"No babes it's whatever you're most comfortable in," I say "I don't care, you'll look cute either way,"
Reggie comes back and we all finish eating.
"Baby you wanna go for a drive?" I ask
"With you? Always," she laughs
She drives and we just go around town for a little while.
"You're pretty," She says looking over at me
"So are you babe," I giggle
She puts her hand on my thigh.
"It's crazy that we're getting married in like 55 hours,"
"It's exciting," she says smiling at me
"Have you written your vows?" I tease
Her face drops and she hits the steering wheel
"I knew there was something I needed to do,"
"You're funny babe you still have lots of time,"
"I know, I'll just wing it," she winks
"Don't talk about my ass,"
"Damn there goes half of my material," she jokes
"Alright baby, lets try to make sure we actually get married and that I don't leave you,"
"You wouldn't, my face is too pretty," she says parking in the driveway
I kiss her and smile against her lips
"You are lucky you're so damn cute," I tease
"I know," she shrugs
We go inside and lay down
She pulls me half on top of her and kisses the top of my head while rubbing my back
She's a keeper

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