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Tonis POV

Mia and KC fell asleep, Lexi went to get food and Mateo is still awake.

"Hey baby, let me try," Cher sighs taking Mateo

"How are you holding up C?"

"I'm scared Tones,"

"I am too," I say as she sits beside me

The doctor comes in and asks us to talk outside.

"So TJ is I'm a more stable condition," he says "the surgery is expected to take 5 more hours, we can set you up in a better room on the 11th floor with 2 beds and a bathroom,"

"That would be amazing, thank you," I say "and updates will be sent to us?"


"Thank you,"

We get to two girls up there and by the time I get back down, Hudson is here.

"Hey, Hudson. Lexis on her way back up she wanted to get a drink," I say "if you don't mind I'm going to see if she'll go home and get changed and shower and I don't want to leave,"

"Of course, I have my car," he says "and my parents said you you guys need anything at all to let them know,"

"We will, thank you Hudson,"


"Hey Lex," he smiles "why don't I take you home to change?"

"I have to stay here," she mumbles

"Lex, the doctor said TJ will be at least 5 hours in surgery," I say "go change and shower,"

She nods and they leave.

Hudson's POV

"How long are we leaving for?" Lex asks when we get to the car

"Not long babe, I'll take you home to shower and change and then we can go straight back, unless you wanna stop and get some food,"


We get in and I kiss her

"He's going to be okay Lexi,"

"I know,  I'm just scared,"

"I know babe,"

We get to her house and she brings me up to her room.

I haven't come up here before since we usually just watch movies when I come over.

"You can look around or whatever, I'll just be a couple minutes," she says


She goes to her bathroom and I look around her room.

It's really nice, I'm guessing she designed it with Cheryl.

I see all the photos of her and TJ and smile

They're super close.

My mom calls and I go into the hall.

"Hey mom, WHATS up?"

"Are you at the hospital?"

"No Toni asked me to take Lexi home to change," I say "we're at her house now, she's showering and I might try and talk her into stopping for food,"

"Well we were just making something if you two wanna stop by,"

"I'll ask her and text you,"


I go back into Lexis room and go back to looking at pictures

"Hey baby," she hums standing beside me

"Oh hey, I was just looking at these pictures,"

"These are some of my favourite ones," she says with a small smile

"My mom is making some food if you wanna stop by before going back,"

"Can I grab one of your sweaters?" She asks

"Yes of course,"

We get in the car and I drove to my place. It's super early in the morning so my brothers are still sleeping.

"Hey mom," I say going into the kitchen

"Hey guys, Lexi hows your brother?" She asks

"They haven't told us a lot but he's still alive," she shrugs

My mom hugs her and sighs

"I'm so sorry," she says

"He'll be okay," Lexi shrugs

"Babe come grab a sweater," I say

She nods and follows me upstairs

She's been here a few times, so she goes to my closet and hums

"Huds which ones do you not want me taking?"

"It doesn't matter lex, I don't care," I laugh

She grabs a maroon sweater from Nike and puts it on.

"I haven't worn this in a while," I say fixing the strings

"You wore it the day we met, in the hallway," she says with a small smile

"Did I?"

She nods and kisses me

"My mom said the doctor told her your saved TJ's life," she says "thank you,"

I hug her and kiss the side of her head.

"He'll be okay Lex,"

She nods and we go back down and my mom made us sandwiches.

"Lexi, I made your moms and sisters sandwiches as well," she says handing Lex a bag

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much,"

"Well we better get back eh babes?"

She nods, thanks my mom again and we drive to the hospital.

Her parents got two rooms in the "hotel-ish" part of the hospital so we go up there and she knocks on the door.

"Feel better Lex?" Toni asks opening the door

"Yes, and Hudson's mom made sandwiches,"

"I am starving, tell her we say thank you," she smiles

"Lex, I'm going to head home to sleep, call me if you need me okay?"

"Okay," she says "thank you,"

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