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Lexi's POV

I drove TJ and Mia to school since my mom came early. 

"Lex do we have practice tonight?"

"Just film, room 187,"

"Awesome thanks," 

We all go in and our separate ways to our lockers. 

I open my locker and see Hudson in the mirror. 

"There's my girl," Hudson says grabbing my hips from behind 

"Hey," I smile grabbing one of my books "how are you?"

"I'm good, how about you?" 

"I'm very happy to see you," 

"Good, cause I'm happy to see you too," 

I see Seth coming down the hall and sigh. 

"What's wrong?"

"Just someone I don't like talking to," I sigh 

"Tooopppazzzz," seth says 

"Here we go," I say "Hey, Seth,"

"Since when did your taste drop from football gods and head cheerleaders to basketball players?"

"Seth, leave me alone," 

"What? You sent your last boyfriend to jail and drove Camilla out of the country.. so you needed to get with someone who wouldn't leave you,"

"Come on man, leave her alone," Hudson says 

"Seth you know I never dated Quintipacki and that Camilla moved because of her dads job,"

"She was going to break up with you anyways,"

"Probably, just beat it Seth. AJ and TJ are over there and will beat your ass," 

He leaves and I close my locker. 

"Sorry about him," I laugh "he's just pissy I sent his BFF to jail,"

He kisses me and I smile.

"Can I walk you to class?" He asks 

"We're probably going to pass my mom and possibly my uncles," I tease "you still scared of Reggie?" 

"A little bit," he laughs "but c'mon," 

I laugh and he carries my books in one hand while his other is on my back. 

"What do you have first?" He asks 

"English, you?"


"Raeleigh, that hand better be at an appropriate spot," Reggie says 

"Uncle Reggie, please stop harassing him," I laugh 

"Why Lexi? It's so much fun," 

"Because I'll call Auntie Liz and you'll sleep on the couch," 

"Get to class," 


We walk past and I laugh at Hudson. 

"You are scared of him," i say nudging his shoulder 

"He's scary," 

"He is," I agree "this is my class," 

"I'll see you at lunch?" 

"Of course," 

He kisses me and I go sit next to my friend Emma. 

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