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Toni's POV
"Pea I can't decide," I huff coming out in the pant suit
"T if I'm being honest this looks better on you," he says "but that's my opinion,"
"I think C wants me in a dress but I kinda like this too,"
"It's your wedding T,"
"Let's be honest here Pea. It's Cheryl's wedding," I laugh "I said to go to the courthouse,"
"You had to of known that wasn't doing anything good for you,"
"I know I know,"
"Just get both and decide later," he suggests
"Ya maybe I'll do that," I sigh
I pay for both and we leave. I put the stuff in my side of the closet that Cher is not allowed in for the time being and go downstairs to where she's typing away on her computer.
I grab her hips and kiss her neck all the way up to her cheek.
"You scared me baby," she giggles as I plant a kiss on her lips
"Sorry princess," I laugh "what are you up to?"
"Just finishing my essay for my online course," she says
"I didn't know you took a summer course," I hum hugging her from behind
"It's easy," she says "just literature shaping modern cultures,"
"Sounds super easy," I laugh sarcastically "youre just smart babes,"
"You're smart too,"
"Now What did we say about lying?" I ask kissing her cheek
"You passed all your courses,"
I kiss the back of her head and she finishes her essay.
"What do you wanna do?" I ask
"I'll make lunch," she says
"I can make it if you're tired baby," I say
"I got it love, sit down,"
I sit down and she starts making lunch.
"Hey babe? Did you go with a dress or a pantsuit?" She asks
"It's a surprise,"
"I hate you Topaz," she sighs "I wanna know,"
"I'll tell you later babes,"
"I love you," i say kissing her
"I love you too Tones," she laughs
We lay on the couch and watch a lot of movies.
"I miss California," she sighs "it was always warm,"
"But I'm always warm," I tease playing with her fingers
"Mhm," she hums cuddling into me
"What do you wanna watch?" I ask
"Let's watch your highlights," she says playing the PVR'd sportcentre on me
"I thought you hated football," I hum
"I love you though and you look hot playing,"
"Toni Topaz, since enrolling in Riverdale High in Junior year she's taken the USA by a storm. Our first female and first bisexual mega athlete has broken down barriers and surprised everyone with everything she's been through she's still playing," the announcer says
A few clips of me and Cheryl on different red carpets and at different events pop up.
"Who's that cutie?" I ask as the focus on Cheryl's face
She readjusts herself on me and kisses me.
"You're funny babe," she smiles
"Topaz is not shy about her bloooming young relationship with Cheryl Blossom- the owner of Blossom Empire Corp. and full time student. Blossom, one of the richest people in the world is reportedly extremely intelligent with her high school records showing a 99% average. Her and Topaz are America's youngest power couple and as we've seen they're pretty solid,"
"They forgot to mention you're the hottest girl in the country," I say
She rolls her eyes and they play some of my best plays from Globals.
"Cheryl Blossom isn't the only major relationship Topaz has. We've been able to see Toni and Reggie Mantle,"
A whole bunch of throws to Reggie plays and talk about our chemistry
"I remember that play," she says as they play a Globals film
"So do I, I did that one when you told me to go back to my roots," I laugh
It finishes and we get up to go to the kitchen.
"Baby I love you," Cher says hugging me from behind and biting my ear
"Why are you biting my ear?" I laugh
"For fun,"
"You're a weirdo," I laugh turning around and kissing her
I back her into the counter and she hops up and wraps her legs around my waist.
"You're beautiful," She says cupping my face
"You're beautiful too baby," I say kissing her
I get a call and Cher continues to kiss my cheek and teases at my hair.
"Hey Topaz are you busy?" Reggie asks
"Not too busy, why?" I ask as Cher keeps bugging me
"Coach has a press conference and he's wondering if we'd go too,"
"Babe do you wanna go to Riverdale High to a press conference?" I ask
"Sure T," Cheryl says
"Ya we'll be there- pick us up in 15?"
"Ya sure,"
He hangs up and we go upstairs to change and get ready. Cheryl is very clingy today and I love it but I wonder why.
"What's gotten into you today?" I ask
"Nothing I'm just in love with you- like totally," she smiles kissing me again
"Well I'm totally in love with you too," I laugh kissing her
We wait for Reggie outside and Cheryl puts her head on my shoulder and yawns
"You tired baby?"
"Just a little," she says
"Awe princess," I tease
"Stop T, I'm just resting," she says
"I know baby,"
Reggie pulls in and we get in his car.
"Hey man," I say getting in
"Hey Topaz," he says "Blossom what's up?"
"Not much," she says from behind me
"Got most of our wedding arrangements finished right babes?" I ask
"Almost finished and I'm very excited," she says
"Liz is flying in next week," Reggie says
"Good She has to get her bridesmaid dress, but I haven't told her so don't spoil the surprise," Cheryl says
"I won't blossom,"
"I forgot to tell you, you're my bridesman," I say "that's what Georgie called it anyways,"
"Sick Topaz," he says "thanks,"
I laugh and we go inside to a panel interview. Cher sits at the back and I smile at her.
"Toni how are the wedding arrangements going? Is it planned for after university or a couple years after that? What's the word?" A reporter asks for my first question
We've kept the wedding out of the media so I look back at Cheryl and she gives me the go ahead to talk about it.
"Actually, the wedding is in a few weeks, August 14th," I smile "I'm really excited, Cher's done all the work so far and it looks amazing,"
"Where will the wedding be?"
"It will be in Riverdale and then we fly out to Spain the next afternoon," I say
They ask coach a few questions then turn to reggie.
"We're assuming you'll be in attendance for Toni's wedding- correct?"
"I don't know it depends, my invite must've been lost in the mail," he jokes
"It wasn't we really just don't like you,"
"Well there's your answer," he laughs "no, no of course I'll be there- I'm one of the whatjamacallits? Bridesman?"
"That's what we're going with," I laugh
We take some photos- some of me and Reg and coach, some of me and Cheryl and then whole group shots.
I can't wait for the rest of my life to start

A/N: heads up
- Toni is cutting her hair
-still haven't decided if she's wearing the dress or not
- drama will not start until the honeymoon (near end)  so dw they get a break

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