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Cheryl's POV
I wake up to Toni crutching out of the room and the slight cries of Alexis.
I get out of bed and go to her room and see Toni puzzled as to what she should do.
"Babe, sit down- I'll get her," I say
"I'm sorry C," she sighs "I tried to let you sleep,"
"It was time for me to get up anyways Tones," I say picking Alexis up and smiling at her "you don't get up to a cute face like this for almost three months and not get a sleep schedule,"
"I know Cher, I'm trying to help,"
"I know your are baby," I say giving her Lex and sitting on the ground infront of the chair "you get your prosthetic today and it'll be better after that,"
"I hope so," she says
"Oh ah ma!" Alex says pointing at the door
"You want food? Are you hungry babygirl?" Toni teases
I get up and take her so toni can crutch downstairs.
"Should I ask Reg to babysit?"
"No it'll be fine love, I wanna get this cutie out of the house," I say kissing Lexi's cheek
"Are you sure?"
"Ya she'll be fine babes," I say warming up a bottle
Toni plays on her phone and Lex reaches over her high chair and taps T's arm.
"Oh!" Lex says smiling
"What do you want sweetheart?" Toni asks kissing her forehead "mommy's making your bottle,"
"She wants your phone babe," I say "she likes pressing the buttons,"
She puts the phone down and Alex starts hitting it.
"Wa! Wa!" She says gleefully
"Someone has a lot of energy this morning," she says moving fallen hair out of Alexis's eyes
"She's excited for you babe!" I say checking the bottle temperature "ow what the hell I doing?"
"What's wrong baby?"
"The bottle is way too hot, fuck," I say putting it down
I grab another one and heat it up.
"Finally," I mumble check the temperature
"Want me to do it babe?" T asks
"Would you? I have laundry to fold," I sigh
"Of course Cher, just pick her up for me?"
I get Alexis out of her high chair and give her and the bottle to Toni.
She's getting the hang of this, Lex started letting Toni feed her which is good
"Love you babes," I say kissing her cheek
She smiles up at me and I press a long kiss to her temple
"I'll be right back TT," I mumble
I go fold the laundry and start singing "Fight for Me"
I finish the laundry and keep singing as I walk into the kitchen.
"Is that mommy? Is that mommy?" Toni giggles as Alex smiles and looks at me and then back to her
"Hey sweetheart, did you finish you breakfast?" I ask kissing her forehead
"Yes She did," Toni says "and then we threw up on mama and smiled when she heard you singing,"
"Cute T,"
"I'm not joking,"
She kisses me and I take Lexi.
"Let's head out babygirl," I say kissing Toni's head
"I'll catch up, wanna put her in the car seat?" She asks
I nod and walk out with Lex
"Ma wa," she says looking at me
I have no fucking clue what that means.
"Ya Baby?" I tease "is that right?"
She claps and I kiss her cheek.
"Alrighty girlie you have to be good today because it's a big day for mama," I say clipping her car seat in "she's getting a new leg, she's going to be able to play with you and walk and run again,"
I finish her car seat and make sure her hands aren't near the door and turn the car on
"Ready to go baby?" Toni asks
"Waiting for you slowpoke," I joke
She rolls her eyes and I kiss her cheek
"Love ya babes,"
"Love you too," she smiles
I drive to the hospital rehabilitation ward and we go inside.
"Hey are you Toni Topaz?" A Young doctor asks
"I am," Toni says
"I'm doctor Stuka, I'll be fitting your prosthetic today," he says "and you are?"
"Cheryl Topaz, her wife," I say "and this is our daughter Alexis,"
"Anyways, we'll just fit it and get you out of here," he says with less enthusiasm
He shows us to a room and says he's going to get the prototypes
"He's kind of a weirdo right?" I ask
"Ya he started acting weird after you said wife," she says "he's a military doctor though, some of them have ptsd or other issues,"
I shrug and hand Alex to Toni so she can bounce her.
"Hey baby," toni smiles "you're a cutie pie,"
Toni kisses her cheek and rubs her back.
A nurse comes in, checks on her leg and I take Alex back
"Hi girlie," I say as she grabs my hair "You like my hair?"
The doctor comes in and starts fitting her leg.
"I like your tattoo, some guys in my contingent had it too. It was for the first engagement in Saudi Arabia right?"
"Ya it was, were you with the Smith brothers?"
"No, they came up once or twice but they were at base," she says "I had a football tattoo on this leg but I'm getting it on the other now,"
"You played?"
"2 years in high school and 4 years all American NCAA,"
"That's cool, I played high level soccer,"
They talk about sports for a while before seeing another tattoo on his arm.
A swastika and anti gay symbol.
I almost say something and catch my tongue.
"How does this feel?" He ask pushing the prosthetic towards her
"It's pinching here and here," she says
"Well that'll go away you're done," he says
"Like done, done?" She asks confused "it's too loose I won't even be able to walk,"
"It's your leg," he says "bye,"
He leaves and she looks at me confused.
"He didn't even help me figure out how to walk with it- am I supposed to make another appointment?"
"I don't know babe," I say
I help her up and she takes a step and cries out in pain.
The leg he gave her is like 3 inches too short.
"Baby sit back down," I say helping her back on to the table
I give her Alex and go find the doctor.
"Ma'am are you okay?" An older doctor asks
"Actually can you come help my wife?" I ask "the doctor said she was done but her prosthetic is hurting,"
He walks with me and takes a look at Toni's leg.
"This is ridiculous," he says "I am so sorry, I'll fix this,"
Toni says it's no problem and he gets a whole new prosthetic.
"That looks better,"
He helps her walk in it and shows her different attachments on the leg to help her run.
"Take it off when swimming and showering, but if it accidentally gets wet it should be fine," he says "come back in 6-8 weeks for a refitting, ask for me- not Adrien,"
"Awesome thank you so much," I say gratefully
"And who's this little one,"
"This is Alex, she just turned 3 months old a few days ago,"
"She's very well behaved for a infant that young,"
"She's always been quiet,"
"You're very lucky, my son at that age was a menace,"
"How old is he now?" I ask
"21, goes to Stanford university out west,"
"Really, both of us went to Stanford. It's an amazing school," Toni says
We talk for a few minutes and he leaves to go get another patient.
"Babe why are you still using your crutches,"
"I don't know if I'm ready to walk," she says
"Okay, that's alright," I say rubbing her arm "whenever you're ready,"
"Thank you," She says
We get in the elevator and Alex tries to reach out of my arms to grab Toni
"What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask kissing her head
She looks at me with her mouth in a shape of an 'o' and then back at Toni and giggles. She again tries to get out of my arms.
"Baby she can't hold you, she needs her crutches," I laugh kissing her cheek
"Soon Lexi, very soon," Toni says
I laugh and we go to Pops to meet up with everyone who's moving back home.

I'm really surprised no one has caught on to who is actually behind Alexis's name 😂

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