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Cheryl's POV
We made it home safely and have just been hanging around for a while.
Toni's symptoms are getting worse but she's dealing with them.
"Baby can you grab me an Advil?" She asks putting her head on the counter
I give her the bottle and she pushes it away.
"My hands are too shaky,"
I open it and give her a pill
"Did the doctor refill the painkillers?" She asks
"Not yet babes,"
"Everything hurts,"
"Just let the Advil kick in Tones,"
She nods and puts her head on my shoulder
"Mama!!" Tony says running inside
"Shh Baby, Mama has a headache,"
"It's alright Cher," she says bending down to pick him up "hey baby boy, how are you?"
"I'm good,"
She kisses his head and ruffles his hair.
"Your hairs getting longer sweetheart," she says
"I like it,"
"I like it too buddy,"
Mia starts crying and I go get her
"Cheryl can we go to football," she asks
"Babe we talked about this, take another month. It's bad for your mental health,"
"Ya football ya ya ya" Tony junior says
"See Cher?"
"Fine, Lexi is still at her play date. Let's walk," I sigh
The four of us walk and get to the fields in the middle of practice.
"Baby boy can you stay with mommy so I can go talk to uncle Reggie?"
He nods and she takes him off her shoulders
"I'll be back babe,"

Toni's POV
I walk over and Reggie hugs me
"You've been a stranger Topaz,"
"Cher thinks it's bad for my mental health to be on the field a lot," I sigh
"I know I gave her the idea,"
"You're an asshole,"
He laughs and I watch their practice.
"Why isn't Ralphy practicing?"
"His grades dropped and Harvard wants them back up,"
"He was a 90's kid,"
"He stopped handing stuff in after Globes,"
"My fault right?"
"I think so," he sighs
"Fuck, I thought telling them would help,"
"It did, we're getting in front of it though,"
"Coach Topaz! You're here!" Trey says
"It's Toni, Trey," I say
"It is not, it's coach Topaz," Reggie says
"Shut up Reggie," I laugh
We talk for a while and then decide to go to Pops.
"Wheres my baby?" I ask as Mia grabs for me "there she is,"
I take her and she giggles
"Did this help?" Cher asks
"A little, I just wanted to see how they were doing,"
"Reggie's good Tones,"
"I know,"
Mia puts my hair in her mouth and I laugh
"Baby get that out of there," I laugh "that's yucky,"
She starts crying and Cher gives her a soother
"See Baby? That's better,"
She comes closer to me and keeps fussing.
"Let's go to Pops," I say
She nods and we walk to Pops
"Mama I have milkshake?" Tony asks
"If you let me sit with Mommy,"
I sit beside Cheryl and kiss her cheek
"What's that for?"
"I love you,"
"I love you too," she says "how are you doing?"
"I'm okay right now babes,"
"You look pale,"
"I'm okay,"
She rolls her eyes and I kiss her
Reggie comes in with Liz and AJ and they sit down.
"TJ!" AJ says excitedly
"AJ guess what?!" Tony says
"My mama let me get a milkshake,"
"Mommy can I get one too?" AJ asks
"Sure buddy," Liz laughs
The boys cheer and we put them in the table across from us.
"Mama What I eat?" Tony asks
"Well maybe if you ask Auntie Lizzy and Uncle Reggie really nicely- you can split a big boy meal with AJ,"
They both look at Liz and Reggie excitedly
"Pleassssseeeee," AJ asks
"Okay, agree on something,"
They laugh and look through the big menu
"Mama does Mia want some?"
"No baby, Mia's going to have milk,"
"Mia always drinks milk," Tony says to AJ
"Milk is gross," AJ says
"Ya it's really bad,"
We all laugh and order
Mia babbles and grabs Cher's hair.
"Mamas hair is a lot nicer, and it's pink, go grab her hair,"
Mia giggles and pulls at the hair
"Ow fuck," Cheryl says
Mia lets go and starts crying.
"Oh I'm sorry babygirl," Cher says bouncing her
She screams and reaches for me
"Here babe," I say taking her
I bounce until she's calm enough for a soother
"It's okay baby, Mommy's Okay," I say "See Mia? Mommy's Okay,"
She grabs for Cheryl and wants a hug
"Oh baby, it's okay," Cher whispers
"she has Cheryl's entire personality down pat," I laugh
"Ya no shit," Reggie says
"Shut up," Cheryl laughs "she gets upset sometimes,"
"And then needs attention for hours," I laugh
"100% Cheryl," Liz laughs
Cheryl rolls her eyes and I laugh.
"Are you guys still thinking about having another,"
"We don't know," Liz sighs "Reggie was an only child and said he doesn't know if he'll want more. I think he'll have trouble bonding with a kid that's never met Toni,"
Everyone laughs except Reggie.
"I don't even like Toni that much," Reggie grunts "she sucks,"
"True," Cheryl says
"Mama Who's Lexi with?" Tony asks
"Her friend Katy sweetheart,"
"No that lady!" He says pointing towards the door
I turn around and sure enough
Lexi's holding hands with Veronica Lodge.
"Veronica get away from my daughter," I say standing up
"Mama! You didn't say I had an aunt Veronica!" Lexi says running towards me
I pick her up and kiss her cheek
"You don't have an aunt Veronica sweetheart,"
"Ya, she and mommy were best friends!"
Cher gives Mia to Liz and stands beside me
"Sweetheart go sit with your brother," I say putting Lexi down
"Veronica What are you doing with my daughter?"
"I popped by your house and her friends mom dropped her off," she says "very nice lady,"
"Please stay away from my family,"
"Is that Reginald Mantle I See?" She asks pushing through us "well you just got hotter after college,"
"Ronnie leave me alone please,"
"Oh and your... girlfriend what was it Libby?"
"Right," She says "and you have a baby now?"
"Mia's not my sister, she's TJ's sister," AJ says
"And who's TJ?"
"I'm Tony Junior," Tony says "but Mommy and Mama just call me Tony,"
"And who are you?"
"I'm Antonio James, but my daddy calls me AJ,"
"Baby quiet game please, both of you?" I say
They nod and go back to eating
"Who's baby is that then?" She asks "Elizabeth did you have an affair?"
"Veronica Leave," I hiss "Liz is actually nice, and last time I checked you had a husband,"
"Who's Baby is it Topaz,"
"Shes ours obviously," Cheryl says "Why are you even here?"
"I noticed Blossom has taken supplies out of their cancer research. And through some sleuthing I found that you're researching a cure for a disease that only has 15 confirmed patients. All of which are dead- even though the US Army says there is one confirmed case of a live person who I'm assuming is Toni,"
"So you came here to dance on her grave?" Cher asks
"No came to chat,"
Ya I might have been the one to contact Veronica.
Cheryl doesn't have to know that.
"Ronnie let's talk,"
"Babe," Cher starts
"I'm alright C, I promise okay,"
I cough up more blood and she hands me a napkin.
"Ronnie don't push please," Cher says
She nods and Cher kisses my cheek.
We walk behind the restaurant and I take out the envelope.
"So your coming to me for help?" She smirks
"I'm hiring you Ronnie,"
"I know, you still haven't told me for what though?"
"Move back to Riverdale, protect my family. I know you Ronnie, you don't people fuck with people you care about,"
"Why me?"
"Because I know you care about Cheryl, you just want what's best for her,"
"And the contract?"
"Says if you fuck with my family you owe Cheryl 1 million and each of the affected kids 3 million a piece. Outlines that you can't fuck up Reggies or RJs marriage, that you're getting paid to protect Cheryl if someone threatens her- that's it,"
"Deal, where's my upfront?"
I hand her the money
"Cheryl's going to find out,"
"I did it all through my lawyer," I say "she won't, unless you tell her- which I will leave up to you,"
"Can I sleep with her?"
"Absolutely not!" I snap
"Just testing you Topaz, we might fight but Blossom is still my girl,"
"Thank you Ronnie," I say
I hug her and she signs the contract.
I go back inside and Cher is fuming.
"You brought her here, didn't you?" She asks me
"Just had a question, didn't know she'd show up,"
"You're an idiot,"
"I know honey,"
She goes to kiss me and I shake my head
"I just coughed,"
"You actually suck,"
I laugh and sit down with her
"Here Liz I can take Mia," I say
She hands me my baby and Mia smiles.
"Hi baby," I laugh
She claps and I rub her back
"Remember when you thought you'd be a bad mom TT?"
I nod and keep patting Mia's back
"You're a great mom,"
"So are you babes,"
I start coughing and give Mia to Cher
"Topaz here's a napkin," reggie says
I take it and almost pass out because of the blood
I just want to die at this point

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