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2 weeks later
Cheryl's POV
Things are starting to go into a flow. Some normal aspects of life came back at least.
I hear the doorbell ring and laugh
Robbie and Ralphy taught Lexi and Tong Junior the game ding dong ditch so it's probably just them.
I open the door and there's no one there
I laugh and look around the house for Tony and Alexis hiding spot
They aren't there
They're with Reggie right now.
I start running back to the door when someone grabs my hair and whips me to the ground.
"Blossom, " they say "time to die,"
He punches my in the jaw that I broke all those years ago and I feel the same way again.
He starts choking me, hard and I try and fight back but start losing consciousness
"HEY WHATS GOING ON?" I faintly hear someone say
I pass out and
Maybe it's time to see Toni.

Robbies POV
I was coming home from Ralphys house and we saw them
A man on top of my mom
Ralphy yells and the man runs into the forest and we run and kneel beside Cheryl.
"Cheryl, Cheryl can you hear me?"
No response.
Her nose is bleeding, her throat is pretty much purple
"Ralphy call 911,"
He nods and I call reggie
"Hey Rob, are you at home? Ask Cheryl if she wants to come over for dinner,"
"Reggie someone tried to kill Cheryl," I cry "I came home and he was choking her and he ran away but she doesn't look very good. I don't know what to do Reggie I'm scared,"
"Call 911,"
"Ralph is doing that," I say "Reggie I cant lose another parent please. What do I do?"
"Is she breathing?"
I Check
"A little, maybe?"
"I'm on my way,"
He hangs up and I look at Ralphy
"The ambulance is on its way," he says
I nod and start crying
"Ralph who would do this to her? She hasn't done anything. This morning was the first time I saw her smile in two and a half weeks!"
"I don't know Robbie," he says "but we'll figure it out. Maybe it was the guy from the funeral,"
"That guy's an asshat,"
He nods and we sit and wait for the ambulance.
Cheryl wakes up for a second and panics.
"Cheryl it's okay, the ambulance is coming,"
She looks just beyond us and panics
A man I've never seen before is approaching us
"Cheryl it's okay,"
She shakes her head and tries to talk but can't move her jaw.
"Ba man," she gets out
"Bad man?" I ask as the guy still walks towards us
She crawls backwards shaking her head
"Dead," she says "he's dead,"
That makes no sense
"Sir can I help you?"
"I'm a Doctor, do you need help?"
"Oh um," I stutter "no you're making her very uncomfortable,"
"Who are you?"
"Rob Topaz, her son,"
"You want what's best for her?" He says "since your other mom will hate you if she died,"
I stutter and look at Ralphy
"Who's this?"
"I'm Ralph, his boyfriend,"
"Topaz raised a fag," he chuckles "figures, I told her it would happen,"
"You need to leave," Ralphy says "Right the hell now,"
"What are you gunna do to me faggot?"
Cheryl must re break her jaw because she snaps
"Dougie leave me alone," she hisses "please, my wife died 2 weeks ago, just let me grieve and you can torture me later," she begs
"Toni's dead?" He says pushing through us to stand over her
Cheryl nods and starts crying
"You better not be lying bitch, and it's not Dougie- you know my name slut,"
I go to do something and Cheryl looks at me and shakes her head
"Robbie run, get out of here,"
She must see something I don't because she looks scared
"Run please, run,"
I run and then I hear a gun shot
I fall to my knees and start crying.
"Robbie! Ralphy!" Reggie yells
He comes over and hugs us
"W-we heard a gunshot," he says "she said the man was Dougie? If that makes sense, is she okay Reggie?"
He gets up and runs towards the other side of the house and screams and another gunshot goes off.
The ambulance and police get here and run over to us
"They're over there, there's one attacker and two gunshots. Please save my mom and my uncle they can't die,"
The police have to go first but they announce there's a dead body.
The first stretcher has a white sheet over top of it, too big to be Cheryl but could be reggie.
And then second is Cheryl hooked up to oxygen but covered in blood
"MOMMMM," I scream
The police officer holds me back.
I break down sobbing on the concrete

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