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Cheryls pov

After 5 hours, and Toni falling asleep on my shoulder the surgeon comes back in.

"TT, wake up," I say

She does and the surgeon give a small smile.

"We couldn't save his leg, I'm sorry. We tried our best,"

"Above or below knee?" Toni asks

"Above unfortunately,"

"He'll be okay," I say kissing her cheek "we'll help him,"

"You can take him home now, he's doing well in recovery,"

"Thank you so much,"

"He'll probably sleep through the night once you get him down," He says showing us to the room he is in

We go in and Mateo is fussing a little, bit probably just because he's alone.

"Hey baby boy," Toni smiles

"Mama!" He says happily

"Hey baby," I say picking him up "you did great Matty,"

He looks at his stump and taps it

"You're okay Mateo, I promise okay?" Toni says

He grabs to Toni and she takes him.

"Wanna go back baby? Ya? Let go to sleep right,"

"Tones you shouldn't be carrying him honey, don't wanna rip your stitches,"

She nods and I take him back.

We get to the hotel and Mateo starts crying.

"Oh sweetheart, you're probably so tired," Toni says "want me to take him?"


I get into our room and check on Mia and KC.

"Mommy?" KC asks

"Hey baby, we just got back,"

"Then who was just in here?" She asks sleepily

"What do you mean Kayc?"

"The woman was just in here," she says sitting up "I didn't think it was you but she said I was just tired,"

"Maybe it was a dream?"


"Go to sleep princess, we'll talk in the morning okay?"

"Okay mommy, I love you,"

"I love you too baby,"

I go over to Mias bed who's sound asleep and kiss her temple.

"Sleep tight Mia,"

I go back into our room and see the tones is already sleeping too.

"Hey baby," I say getting into bed beside her

She hums and I kiss her neck up to the back of her ear.

"What's wrong my love? You're so tense,"

"It's my fault that Matty lost his leg," she says starting to cry "I tried to fight back but he kept pushing me down babe.. I usually could do it,"

"You were scared T, it's okay. Mateo is going to be just fine. He's going to grow up with it, you had to learn all over again how to do everything, he's going to learn from the beginning and he's going to have a great role model with it too," I say cuddling closer to her "he's going to be just fine because he has some amazing people in his life okay?"

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