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Lexis POV

"Lex what's wrong?" Hudson asks

"My moms are fighting," I sigh

"About what?"

"Apparently Cheryl lost a lot of money gambling and needs to pay it back? Which Toni is pissed at because Cheryl hasn't gambled heavily since they went to Vegas,"

"That seems weird to me too," he says "just knowing how particular your mom is with her money,"

"Yeah.. you're right, I'll be back," I say kissing him

"Want me too..."

"No, it's cool,"

I get up and happen to see my mom turning the corner- bingo.

I follow her and she goes into a room with a man.

I press my ear to the door.

"Mitch , here it is okay? Give me the tape,"

"Yeah that goes up 5 grand,"

"What? You fucking dick,"

"Yeah I need 5 more or I release this,"

"My wife and I are already on bad terms Mitchell,"

"Oh Toni, our time at Stanford was a ride," he chuckles "You listen to me- you get more money or everyone finds out your baby daddy killed your wife's ex- then who's going to jail Cheryl? Never mind just him! You, Toni, Reggie, I'm guessing the twins? Maybe you even told that fireball of a daughter? Or your son?" He laughs "Cheryl they've been trying to get you in jail for years- you think they're taking any mercy,"

I search up Mitchell and Stanford during the time my moms were there

Student Manager attempts to rape star quarterback- accused of hate crime


I hide across the hall and Cheryl leaves alone.

I knock on the door

"Alexis Topaz?" He asks

"What can I do to get that money back?" I ask quietly

"Why? Mommies have millions don't you know?"

"Yeah.. I just want it back,"

"Well, you could sleep with me?"

"Absolutely not," I spit

"Then nothing princess,"

I leave and watch the room until he leaves.. without the money.


I use my Bobby pin to break the electronic lock and go inside.

There's my moms bag... and she said something about a tape.

I look around and find 3 tape recorders.

I grab them and quickly leave and head upstairs.

"Alexis, what are you doing with that bag?"

"I got it back so you and mama don't have to fight anymore," I say giving it to her "and these,"

She looks at the recorders and sighs

"You know?"

"Always have mom," I shrug "since I heard about the murder I knew it was him,"


"Because he loves mama and they listed him as a witness to the attack. Could've been Reggie but he's stupid and would've been caught,"

She starts crying and I hug her

"What's wrong mom?"

"I think.. never mind,"


"I think your mother wants a divorce,"

"You got the money back,"

"Doesn't matter Lexi, that's not how love works.. anyways- don't worry about me okay?"

"Hudson's expecting me.." I sigh

"Go have fun baby,"

I leave and pass Toni in the elevator.

"Mom thinks you want a divorce,"

"What? Why?" She asks "I'm pissed- not that pissed,"

"I don't know why mama, just that she does. Please talk to her,"

"Yeah I was just about to anyways," she says confused "thanks for the heads up,"

Tonis POV


Why would she.. oh shit

I said I didn't wanna be with her

I meant in the moment, that I needed some air.

"Cheryl?" I ask

"I'm here Toni," she calls from the bedroom

She's sitting on the edge of the bed crying and I sigh. I kneel inbetween her legs and she cries harder

"Honey, Lexi told me what you said.."

"That kid.. I didn't want her involved im sorry,"

"I'm not mad Cher.. I'm mad about the money, but I would never, ever leave you over that. I love you so much C, I just needed to cool off okay?"

"I have the money back,"

"Cher you said you wouldn't gamble again,"

"I didn't gamble it away!" She says "I was blackmailed tones,"

I hug her and sigh

"What happened?"

She plays a tape of her and RJ talking about Dougies murder and shrugs

"I didn't want to go to jail toni,"

"Oh babygirl," I say hugging her "it's okay, I get it,"

"If someone found this tape, RJ and I would both go to jail and all the kids would hate me,"

"How'd you get the money back?" I ask seeing the bag

"Lexi.. I don't know how she knew or got it back at all," she says shaking her head "she just came in?"

"Who had it?" I ask "someone I know?"

"Don't freak?"



"Mitch... I don't know anyone named Mitch,"

"Toni... your SM from freshman year? The one who.."

"Tried to rape me, yeah,"

"I didn't want you worrying about him,"

"Okay, it's okay honey,"

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