Out the Door

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Toni's POV
Sky is coming in today and Cheryl is so excited. Her parents asked if we could take her for the day- which Cheryl happily agreed to.
"Babe, Sky is here,"
"Ok, I'm coming," I yell back
I go into our livingroom and she's standing there smirking at me.
"Babe you look gorgeous today," I say
"I look like I normally do," she laughs
"Then you must just be gorgeous,"
She laughs and I kiss her.
"Let's go baby," I say
She nods and i wrap my arm around her back. We walk down the stairs in front of our dorm and Sky runs up to us.
"Hey buddy," I say
"Hi Toni," she says hugging me
"We'll pick her up in a few hours?" Her dad asks
"Ya whenever, just text me," Cheryl says
"Perfect thank you," her mom says
Sky says goodbye and they get in the car and leave.
I bend down and pick her up.
"You got bigger kiddo," I laugh
"You didn't," she says
Cheryl laughs and high fives her
"Are you hungry?" Cher asks
"Mhm, mom said you two are taking me to lunch,"
"We are, and reggie is meeting us there," I say "and Pea and Fangs are coming up later,"
We laugh and Cher grab my hand that isn't carrying Sky and kisses my cheek.
"Where are we going?"
"The regular," I say "same place, everytime,"
She laughs and we walk to the restaurant.
"Topaz, I thought you weren't ready to be a mom," RJ jokes
"This is Cheryl's little sister, Sky," I laugh putting sky down "Sky that's RJ, a guy on my football team,"
"You play football out here too?" She asks
"Not very well," Austen says walking in
"I'm ranked number one right now,"
"Who's this?" Will asks
"I'm Sky, Cheryl's sister,"
"That you are, you're too pretty to be related to Toni,"
"Wow, why are we all bashing me today? Did I do something?" I ask
"Nope, we just don't like you,"
"Good to know,"
"There's my kid!" Reggie says coming in
"Reggie!" She says excitedly
"Hey kiddo, what's up?" He asks
"Pea and Fangs are coming later!" She says
"I heard, I'm excited too," he laughs sitting down "now do you think Toni should pay for my meal?"
"She should probably pay for everyone," she shrugs
Jesus Christ.
Everyone cheers
"Hey babe, I forgot my wallet," I say looking at Cheryl
"Then how are you going to pay for everything?" She asks innocently
"Well we are getting married and your debit card will be my debit card," I say pecking her lips
"Not how that works babe, but of course I'll pay," she laughs
"Thanks baby,"
"You two are still like this?" Sky asks
"Everyday," Reggie says
"You shut up and eat your mozzarella sticks, and Reggie- no mozzarella sticks for you,"
"Toni you cannot tell a child to shut up," Cheryl says
"What? I gave her mozzarella sticks,"
"Still babe,"
"I was told to shut up and then locked in a room without mozzarella sticks and I turned out fine," I counter
"And how would you rate your childhood?" She asks
"Not great, but it would've been better with mozzarella sticks,"
"Now you shut up," Cheryl says
I roll my eyes and she kisses my cheek.
"Hey it's the gang!" An all too familiar voice says
"Brynn what the hell do you want?" I ask
"Antoinette," Cheryl scolds "no more swearing,"
"Fine babe," I sigh "Brynn what the heck do you want?"
"I was wondering if you want to go to LR today?"
"Holy moly," Reggie says "they aren't interested,"
"Thank you," I say "but the answer will always be NO,"
"But it's your right and responsibility, don't you want an easier time for this cutie than you had?" She asks pointing to Sky
"I've already been  to conversion therapy," Sky says "for 5 years, it wasn't fun,"
"Well what about your kids?"
"Our kids will have a fine time coming out or not coming out- they'll have 2 mothers," Cheryl says
"Doesn't mean they'll feel safe especially if Toni's involved- she's a little aggressive- probably don't want kids with her,"
I stand up calmly.
"Babe, I'll be right back," I say "me and Brynn have to have a chat,"
"Brynn and I," Sky says
"Alright smarty pants, Brynn and I need to have a chat," I laugh ruffling her hair
"Toni, play nice,"
"No hitting, I know Cher. I love you,"
She smiles and I go outside with Brynn. I turn and cross my arms infront of my chest.
"What is your issue with me?" I ask "do you like my fiancé or something?"
"Fiancé," she laughs "I hate it when you say that, or when you say you're engaged,"
"Why? It's true," I say "the proposal is in national tv and all over YouTube,"
"Ya but you two are just playing pretend," she says
"In what way? She has a pure diamond ring worth more money than the tuition costs at this university. I got her grandmothers blessing when she gave me the ring before she passed, my name is on the deed to her house and probably the only face that actually matters in this conversation- we love each other,"
"She doesn't love you,"
"I think I have the marks to prove it," I challenge pointing to my neck
"Lust- maybe, but not love someone like you. Someone of your... choices,"
"Choices? What does that mean? I'd give anything up from her, my gang, football, anything," I say "no choice that I've made has made her angry,"
"Maybe not angry- but insecure. You aren't pure enough for her,"
Pure enough?
"You mean my bisexuality," I say shocked
"Yes, it's disgusting,"
"How do you even know that?" I ask
"Easy, Cheryl looks uncomfortable whenever you guys are swimming and you and the boys are playing around, your hair colour, and the fact that posted something on bisexuality awareness day,"
"The last one makes sense, but the other two don't," I spit "my hair is pink because I liked that colour- that's it, that I'll share with you anyways, and never bring the first thing up again, there are several very different reasons Cheryl doesn't like swimming- none of which do not include me being attracted to the boys. Are they attractive? Ya, of course I find most of them hit- but Cheryl will say that as well. I only like Cheryl and I will only like Cheryl until the day I die,"
"Bisexuality is a place in between choosing straight or gay- that's it,"
"It's a type of sexuality, just like you're attracted to girls, I'm attracted to both. It's not a choice I made- it's who I am," I say "I don't know why I'm explaining this to you,"
"Baby, you ok?" Cher says coming out and putting her hand on my back
"I'm ok," I say "you wanna tell her or do you want me to?"
She shrugs, smugly and smirks
"Brynn thinks I'm not good enough for you since I'm bisexual," I say "thinks that you would be better off with someone more "pure", anyone who identifies as a lesbian,"
"Bullshit, I don't care that Toni's Bi," Cheryl says "it doesn't bother me when I know she loves me,"
"But she doesn't," Brynn says
"But I have the marks to prove it," Cheryl smirks
"I get it, ok? You too are disgustingly sexually active. But, lust isn't the same as love,"
"Just leave us alone,"
"Well then listen to this- maybe you'll see- finally, why she's not good enough for you," she says
She plays a recording of what I just said about the boys being attractive- leaving the part about me saying Cheryl says the same thing out.
"Have you seen any of them? They're hot, they all have 6 packs and tans, there's a reason they all have girlfriends," she says
"How can you think that? You're a lesbian,"
"I'm not blind, I was also forced to like boys for a long time,"
"Why do you look so uncomfortable when you are swimming with the boys and Reggie picks Toni up, or RJ tackles her?" She spits "because you know she's attracted to them too?"
"No," she says
"then why? Or are you lying to me?"
"Because I tried to commit suicide in a River? Or my brother died in a river? Or the fact that I'm anorexic and don't like a bikini sometimes?" She says "take your pick- but it's not about the dumb boys,"
"Keep telling yourself that Cheryl,"
"What is LR?" Cheryl asks "because it sounds like a cult,"
"A community for people like us," Brynn says
"Why would you invite me if I'm bi?"
"We help you work through the confusion," she says "to make you see that choosing is easier on yourself and your significant other,"
"Cmon T, you don't need this right now,"
"You will Come to see Cheryl, she's not what's best for you,"
Cher rolls her eyes and flips her eyes walking away.
"Are you ok babe?" She asks
"Fine," I say "what about you?"
"I'll be ok, I guess,"
"Talk to me if not," I ask
"I will," she says
I take her hand and walk back inside
"Are you ok Toni?" Sky asks
"I'm ok sweetheart," I sigh sitting beside her "that girl doesn't lol me that much,"
"Why not?" She asks
"Because I'm bisexual and my fiancé is the best person in the world,"
"Is it bad to be bisexual?" She asks
"No Sky, it isn't," Cher says
We eat and talk for a bit.
"Toni I have to go to the bathroom,"
"Babe you wanna take her?"
She kisses my cheek and they go to the bathroom.
"I thought Blossom only had a brother who died?" Austen says
"So did she until last year when sky showed up. She was sent to some weird conversion therapy place when she was a kid and Cheryl was told she was an imaginary friend,"
"That's messed,"
"Mhm," I say "she's a good kid though,"
We finish eating and Cheryl pays.
I go to the bathroom and someone sneaks behind me and inserts me with a needle?

Cheryl's POV

We spend the rest of the day with Sky and it's AMAZING
Except for the fact that Toni is taking phone calls and then coming back upset. We say our goodbyes to Sky and then head upstairs.
"Babe," I say "what's up with you?"
"We need to talk," she says
"Maybe Brynn is right," she says looking at her hands
"You being too good for me," she says "I can't do this anymore C,"
"Do what?" I ask confused
"Date a lesbian,"
"You aren't dating a lesbian, you're engaged to one," I say
"I'm breaking up with you until I can be reborn into someone pure enough to be with you,"
Her eyes look glossed over and she looks weird.
"Babe, sit down and talk about it,"
"No," she says "I'm leaving, for good, or until I'm pure enough to be good enough for you, have a good day,"
She takes her promise ring off and puts it on the table.
I'm bawling at this point.
"Please TT, please," I beg "stay here and talk to me, I don't know what you're going through but I can try and help and understand. I can't live without you Tones, I won't,"
She grabs her football jacket and without another word
Walks out the door

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