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Cheryl's POV
"With the memory she's retained and her vitals where they are, we think it's best if she returns home and to a regular schedule," doctor radley says "even if that means she's confused half the time. It'll get better as long as she takes these medications,"
"So she can come home?" I say excitedly
"Yes she can,"
I smile and hug him
"Thank you,"
"My pleasure,"
I sign the forms and go back into Toni's room
"Tones you can go home," I say
"Really?" She asks
"Yup," I say "are you excited?"
"Where do we live?" She asks "do we live together?"
"We do," I laugh "since we were 16,"
"Oh," she says simply
"You have to use a wheelchair until your leg heals enough for a new prosthetic though,"
"Okay, do I have a wheelchair?"
"I'm getting you one silly," I laugh
"I'm sorry I can't remember anything,"
"It Okay Toni, we'll work it out," I say "you have to go in to see your football team today though. They're very worried about you,"
"Oh okay,"
"Don't worry babe, Reggie will take you,"
"Not you?"
"No, I have to take our little boy for a doctors appointment,"
"Is he sick?"
"No he's okay, he needs to get his vaccinations,"
"And his name was... Tony?"
"That's right baby,"
"And yours is..." she says
"Cheryl honey,"
"Right Cheryl, Robert, Tony Junior, and Alex?"
She smiles and nods
"I'm getting the names,"
"You are and im so proud,"
I call reggie so he can bring Tones to school and pack up all her stuff
"Thank you for helping me,"
"No problem TT," I smile "it's what we do babe,"
She nods and we go downstairs to wait for Reggie.
"Hey girls," he says "ready to head out T,"
She nods and looks at me
"Bye Tones," I laugh kissing her temple

Reggie's POV
I help Toni in the van and she looks very confused
"You aren't expected to remember the van, it's new. Lizzy bought it,"
"Lizzy is..."
"My wife,"
"Right," she sighs "sorry,"
"No problem T,"
"So we coach football?" She asks
"Yep, it's our second season,"
"Do I like football? Like did I play?"
"You are still thought of as the greatest player ever in the USA,"
"Wow, I can't believe I don't remember that,"
"You will,"
We get to the school and I push her in the wheelchair through the front doors
"Coach Topaz! Glad to see you're back," the principal says
Toni looks up at me confused
"Am I Coach Topaz,"
"Yes," I say
"And who the hell is that?"
"Principal Danvers," I say
"What's a Principal?"
"Coach Topaz are you back permanently?"
"Uhhhhh yes?"
"Is that a question or a statement?"
"Ask reggie,"
"She's back permanently but her memory is not, she's getting better though right Topaz,"
"Right, I know who my wife is half the time now," she jokes
"And that sense of humour is coming back too," I laugh "we have a meeting, see you later,"
I wheel her into the room with all the football guys and they go quite.
"Hey guys," I say parking the wheelchair
"Coach Topaz, Rob said you weren't coming in until tomorrow," Ralphy says
"Oh uh ya I was let out today," Toni says "Reggie do I know a Rob?"
"Your son,"
"Not the baby right?"
"No the other one,"
She nods and looks back at the team
"And I know all of these kids?"
"Yes Toni," I sigh "boys Toni has some major memory issues but she needs to get back to normalcy so she can begin to remember everything,"
"Please don't be mad if I don't know your name or who you are. I need to ask... um... help?" She asks "the uh the one I live with,"
"She asks Cheryl about 3x per day for her name," I say "we're going to help her out a bit and put name tags on your helmets. I know it looks dumb and other teams are going to be making fun of you but-"
"It's fine Coach Mantle," Trey says "it's doesn't matter,"
"Thank you," I nod
"I heard you guys won your first two games? D-did I remember that right?" She asks
"Ya we did," Ralphy says "by a long shot,"
"Good that's good. Do we win a lot?"
"Undefeated Global champs last year Topaz," I say
"Oh cool,"
"Where's Rob?" I ask
"On his way, he was just finishing a test,"
He walks in as Trey says that and looks at Toni
"I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow,"
"They let me out today," she says with a small smile "How was your test?"
"It was good,"
"Do you remember my name this time?"
"It's Robbie," she says
"You're getting better!" He says
She nods and we wheel out to go see the rest of the coaching staff
"Topaz you're back in action!" Ty says
"Can we get nametags?" She asks
"Ya I'll grab them,"
She starts mumbling under her breath and counting her fingers
"Toni are you okay?"
"Remembering names," she says "I got C-Cher, Tony Junior, Alex, Robbie, Reggie, Lizzy, Livvy, and that's all I remember,"
"That's better than yesterday," I say "you missed RJ and Ty from the cards,"
"Right, Rielly and Ty,"
"I'm not on the cards?" Georgie jokes
"Who's that?"
"Georgie," I say "and Mox is ignoring us in the corner,"
The twins walk in and Toni looks confused
"Reggie I have double vision again,"
"Those are twins dumbass,"
"Well sorry," she says sarcastically "I need names,"
"Will and Arthur,"
"Oh hi, nice to meet you,"
"Huh?" Will asks "what did we miss in Manhattan,"
"Toni hit her head and can't remember anything," i say
"I can remember 7 names," she says
We laugh and go through practice and Cher picks her up.
"Hey baby,"
"Hi Cher,"
"Look at you remembering names and shit," Cheryl laughs "how are you?"
"I remember 8 names now,"
"That's my girl,"

Cheryl's POV
I peck Toni's lips and she smiles.
"You're very smiley," I laugh
"I'm feeling better,"
"Good, wanna go home?"
She nods and I thank reggie and we go home.
"We life here?" She asks
"We can afford this?"
"It was my family house. But we make a lot of money babe,"
"Where's the kids,"
"In the kitchen with Livvy,"
I wheel her in and Tony immediately points at her
"Mama home!" He says excitedly
"That's right baby! Mamas home," she says smiling
I hand her Tony Junior and she bounces him
"I missed you my baby boy, yes I did. I missed you so much,"
"Remember his name?"
"Tony Junior," She says smiling up at me
"Good job baby,"
I kiss her head and say a little prayer that she continues to get better
I want my wife back

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