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Tonis POV

"Mrs. Topaz, we have your test results," my doctor says

"And I'm fine- right?" I say

"Not exactly, you have tested positive for the same blood disease that you had all those years ago,"

A tear falls down my cheek and I comb my fingers through my hair.


"I don't know, we're running more tests and getting the meds ready,"

"I- uh I need to get home. My sons in the hospital and I can't leave my wife with 6 kids,"

He nods and says he'll fax my prognosis to Cher.

I drive home since Cher texted me she needed to change and meet her there.

"Hey baby," she says

"You couldn't be wrong just once?" I say in tears

"Wha- tones?"

"It came back,"

She hugs me and sighs

"It's okay T, we know how to treat it now," she says "you'll be okay,"

"Should we tel the kids?"

She nods and sighs

"Lexis upstairs,"

We go up and sit on the side of her bed

"Are we going back to the hospital?" She asks

"In a bit, but I got some news today honey," I sigh grabbing her hand

"What happened?"

"Baby my blood infection came back, about 2 months ago," I say

Her jaw almost hits the ground.

"B..but there's a cure still right?"

"There is, I might have to be in the hospital or in bed for a week or so though,"

"But you'll be okay?"

"I'll be okay Lex,"

She nods and I hug her

"Please don't go away again mama," she whispers "please,"

"Oh I'm not leaving Lexi," I say rubbing her back "I'm not leaving alright?"

She nods and I sit up.

"We're going to see Reggie and your sisters at pops, you wanna come?"

She nods and gets up

We get into the car and go to pops.

"Topaz whats wrong?" Reggie asks hugging me

"I'm sick again bro,"

"As in.."

"The infection,"

"I'm so sorry Topaz,"

"I'll be okay,"

"Baby?" Cher asks from the booth


"Come sit down,"

I nod and I sit beside her and reg sits across from us, beside Liz.

"Hey Toni, don't worry about anything okay? We'll help out with the kids whenever you guys need," she says

"Thank you," I say taking Mateo from her

"Mama k!"

"Mamas okay," I say kissing his cheek

"Should we get him tested babe?"

Cher shrugs and sighs

"Probably couldn't hurt, might let us know anything he was born with," she says fixing his hair "I'll get my lab to send the baby test kit so it hurts less,"

"Mama?" He pouts

"Yes baby?"

"Yum yum,"

"Okay baby, lets get you some food ya?"

"Yes!" He laughs

We get him some fries and AJ and LJ come over and they've been super down since the shooting

"A-aunt Toni? Aunt Cheryl?" LJ says looking at his hands

"What's up boys?" C asks

"We're sorry we left TJ alone," AJ says "w-we weren't thinking and.. I guess I thought he'd be okay,"

Cher stands up and hugs them both.

"Boys he should've been okay, and any other day he would've been okay?" She says drying their tears "I think he's really like to see you two,"

"He's probably pissed at us," LJ shrugs

"He's not, I promise," she says "after lunch we were going to go back, he should be awake again if you wanna come with Aunt Toni and I,"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course boys,"

They sit with Lexi in the table across the aisle and Mateo points at them.

"Mama me?"

"You wanna sit with Lexi?" I laugh "she's eating silly,"

We finish and then drive to the hospital.

"You two stay with me and Cher will go make sure he's awake okay?"

They nod and Cher goes off.

"Are you mad at us?"

"Of course not boys, I'm happy you two are okay," I say bouncing Mateo "I love you guys and I think TJ is happy you two weren't hurt too,"

They nod and Cher calls us in.

"Hey TJ," AJ says

"Where have you two been?"

"At home," LJ says "we're sorry man, we shouldn't have left you,"

"It's all good bro, we've done that dozens of times," TJ says with a small smile

They talk and joke around for a while before I stop them.

"Boys, just so you know.. I got some test results today," I say

"What?" TJ asks

"My blood disease came back, but I'm going through the treatments and will be absolutely fine in a couple of weeks,"

"You're going to be okay?"

"Probably before you," I laugh

"Antoinette," Cher says

TJ AJ and LJ start laughing their asses off and I look at Cher

"See it was funny,"

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