What the Fuck

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Hudson's POV
Uh, what the fuck.

I thought Lex said she would drive me.

I go back inside and grab my keys.

I drive to her house, as I also have her fucking phone.

Her car isn't here, but it might be in the garage.

I knock on the door and Toni answers.

"Hudson.. I thought Lexi was with you,"

"She was.. she invited me for dinner and I just needed to tell my mom and when I turned back around she had already driven off," I say "she's not here?"

"No she isn't," she sighs "ill call her,"

"Actually.. I have her phone," I say "she gave it to me at the river since she only had pockets in her jeans and has something against putting her phone on those pockets,"

"Yeah her mother does too," She sighs "come in, let me talk to Cher,"

I nod and go inside to the kitchen with her.

"Hi Hudson," she smiles

"Hey," I nod

"Babe, you need to stay calm okay?"


"Lexi asked Hudson over for dinner and then just kinda disappeared,"

"What, Toni that makes no sense,"

"We went for a walk and everything then we go back to my house and she asked me to come over and I said yes and went to tell my mom. When I turned around her car was gone," I say "I drove here and thought maybe she just didn't wanna drive me back after dinner but I have her phone,"

"Tones call the police, that's not good,"

Toni nods and goes to call the police.

"Did she say anything?" Cheryl asks

"She was just upset, and usually she doesn't like to get upset around me but she wasn't embarrassed or anything today which was kinda weird to me. She said they found people in your basement, and the day I went to get ice and got lost I thought o saw someone and when I was walking around some of the rooms gave me a feeling that someone had slept in them and she shrugged it off and joked about it," I shrug "she thought I'd be angry because she didn't believe me,"

She shakes her head and Mia comes in, pretty beat up.

"Hey Mia, how are you feeling?" I ask

"Okay," she shrugs "where's Lexi?"

"We don't know honey,"

"Oh," she says sadly

I follow them down to the police station and a detective asks if I can answer questions.

"Yeah of course,"

I follow her into a room and start getting nervous.

"You're nervous?" A different detective asks coming in

"Yeah a bit,"


"I've never been questioned like this, just intimidating,"

"So you and Alexis are dating?"

"Yeah, almost a year now,"

"And that's going well?"

"Yeah it's good,"

"You're quite a bit bigger than Alexis?"

"I don't understand.."

"I've never met her, you're 6'4", athletic.."

"Oh, yes I'm bigger than her. She's about 5'9, maybe? I don't know, but she has a lot of muscle, she has to Yknow?"

"Why would she have to?"

"For football, she's a quarterback,"

"You know Alexis's parents described her as 5'8","

"Oh, I don't know that might be more accurate then,"

"Describe her,"

"She's 17, uh her hair is light brown with red highlights through it, she's... I don't know," I say "she's pretty, her eyes are brown with gold specks,"

"Her parents described her hair as dirty blond,"

"Is there a difference between light brown and dirty blonde?"

"You should probably know your girlfriend better,"

"What are you talking about man! I was an inch off and I don't even know what dirty blonde means," I say

"Where is she Hudson?"

"You think.. I hurt her?" I ask

"I think you know more than you're letting on,"

"Sir, respectfully- we went on a walk and then went back to my house- I didn't see her again after that,"

"Likely story," he says "what did you talk about?"

"People found in her basement, uh our games coming up and.. some personal stuff,"

"What personal stuff,"

"It doesn't matter," I say "I promise it has nothing to do with anything that happened,"

Toni walks in the room.

"You people are unbelievable, Hudson had nothing to do with this," she says shaking her head "c'mon Hudson, you're done here,"

I nod and stand up.

"Son, what else did you talk about,"

"None of your concern, it's something Lexi wouldn't want me talking about anyways,"

I follow Toni and she sighs

"Sorry they aren't very good at their job,"

"Oh it's fine," I shrug "it didn't bother me,"

"Good, your games tomorrow right?"


They just announced starting lineups and I lineup next to Trey.

"Riverdale High would like for you to join us in observing a moment of silence. Alexis Topaz, a student and quarterback of Riverdale highs football team went missing yesterday and hasn't been heard from since. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Topaz family and the safe return of Lexi,"

Jhorry puts his hand on my shoulder as I start crying a little.

I changed my number to 54 for the game

I hope she's okay.

They end the moment of silence and start the anthem so our team kneels.

It finishes and shake my head

Lex promised she'd be here

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