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Tony's POV
My moms are fighting and I'm supposed to do a phone interview in 10 minutes with ESPN.

"Mama?" I ask walking in to the kitchen

"What TJ? I'm kinda in the middle of something,"

"I- I have an interview in 10 minutes with ESPN.. s-should I do it outside or is it going to be quieter in here?" I ask

Both their faces go softer and they sigh

"I'm sorry TJ, I totally forgot," Cheryl says

"Yeah mom and I can talk later, do your interview where you feel comfortable kiddo,"

"Okay, thank you,"

"Good luck baby boy," Cheryl says kissing my head

"Thank you,"

I go into the study and call in to the network.

"And we're on the phone with young football superstar Tony Reginald Topaz, good morning Tony,"

"Good morning, thanks for having me on,"

We talk about football and the upcoming season for a bit before talking about the anthem.

"So, was it your idea to take a knee? And why?"

"It was kind of collective between Louis, Antonio, and I. I guess I brought it up first and I guess it's just because.." I sigh collecting me thoughts "I grew up with privilege for so long I never thought about injustice or anything like that and then I was shot, and almost died and I got to see first hand how it affected everyone around me and that it's not just the action but everything that happens after and the shockwaves that happened. The officer that shot me had no reason to think I was armed and didn't listen when I tried to explain what was happening, I just want to be heard that's all,"

"What were you doing?"

"My sister had a photography project and wanted to do it at the fields. My cousins and I went early to set up and find the lights and everything. We did have permission from the school and we are allowed access to the field at anytime since we play on the team. AJ and LJ went with Emma and Ryland, who were also with us and I stayed back with Charlie- my girlfriend because I'm the only one who can unlock the gate,"

"And he just approached and shot you?"

"There was a small conversation, he asked my girlfriend to go over to see him and she's.. she's shy and didn't want to so I asked him what was wrong and when he asked for my ID, I took my eyes off him and he shot me, twice, which is when Lexi pulled up with my other siblings and Hudson,"

"We've al seen the video of Lexi yelling at the officer, what did the others do?"

"Hudson is the only reason I'm alive. The doctors confirmed it. He took his sweater off and held it against the wounds and did everything possible to help me be okay, so I'm obviously so grateful to him for everything he did, Lexi calmed me down after she finished yelling which to her credit she definitely is our moms daughter, I think I've seen comparisons of Cheryl and Toni yelling and Lexi and it's hilarious. Mia, she's 12 and called 911 and KC whos 10 called my moms and made sure Mateo wasn't watching,"

"LJ and AJ?"

"They were in shock. They helped Hudson and started the car for Lexi and helped out, but they were scared. I can't speak for them, but I think they felt bad that they left me alone- even though we've done that countless time's before,"

"Some people say taking a knee is disrespectful to our soldier's- any comment on that?"

"Well, I talked to my mom and Reggie, and some of their friends after that started coming out and they all said they have no problem with it. Obviously I mean no disrespect for the military as I know what my mom and uncle sacrificed for our freedoms and our country. I've felt that first hand and actually lost my mother for a portion of time because of her time in the army. I think it's more important for people to
Realize that we really don't have freedom until everyone in this country is as free as the rest,"

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