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Toni's POV
Reggie suddenly got a call from RJ and we decided to go back to my house.
I open the door and see Cher sitting, propped up by the side of the stairs and RJ kneeling beside her.
"What's going on?" I ask confused
Cheryl starts crying and RJ shakes his head.
"Wheres Lexi?" I ask concerned
"With Liv in the backyard," RJ says "she's okay,"
"Baby what's wrong?" I ask sitting infront of her "what happened?"
"I didn't mean to, it was a mistake," she says
"Of course it was, you didn't mean to what?"
"Promise you won't divorce me?" She whispers
"Of course C, I promise,"
"Lexi and I were going to go swimming and I got a work call and got distracted. I thought I had her with me. I thought I had her and she fell down the stairs. Then I fell down the stairs and hit my head,"
"Why didn't you call me?" I ask calmly
"Because it would've stressed you out and it's so bad for the baby," she says "and I didn't want you to be mad at me. I thought she was with me,"
"Baby it's okay, she's okay right?"
She nods
"Babe, shes an energetic kid- you probably did have her and she went to sit at the top of the stairs for you when you were getting stressed out with work," I say "kids fall down the stairs baby, it happens all the time,"
"So you aren't mad?"
"Of course I'm not mad, it happens babygirl. Are you okay though?"
She shrugs and looks at RJ.
"She passed out for like 15 minutes or so," he says "probably a minor concussion,"
She gets up and I help her to the couch
"I'm going to make sure Lexi's okay, I'll be right back okay?"
She nods and I kiss her cheek.
"Hey Liv," I say sitting beside her on the grass "what's up?"
"Hey Toni, we're just sitting on the grass right Lexi?"
Lexi looks spaced out.
"Hey Lex," I say touching her arm
She crawls over to me and smiles
"Mama su-im?" She asks
"In a bit Okay Lexi? I'll take you swimming,"
She laughs and kisses my cheek
I make sure she doesn't have any cracks or dents in her head and do a few infant concussion tests.
She looks fine.
"How's cheryl?"
"She's okay, kinda shook up and probably concussed but she looks like she'll be fine,"
"That's good," She says rocking LJ "I forgot my phone and when I got home there was a note on the door to come here,"
"Ya She didn't want me to be stressed out I guess," I sigh "she's crazy,"
She laughs and we decide to go inside.
"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I ask
"Good, I love you,"
"I love you too Toni,"
I give her Lexi and she says I can hold her.
"Baby.." I say
"I just don't wanna hurt her,"
"You won't Cher,"
She nods and smiles at Lexi.
"You feeling okay Sweetheart? Mommy's sorry, ya I shouldn't have left you alone,"
Lex puts her hand on Cheryl's face and they both giggle.
"I need to talk to Reggie and Reilly, is that okay?"
"Of course Toni," she says
I kiss her and go talk to the boys.
"Thank you for helping her out," I say to RJ
"Oh it's no problem, I wasn't doing anything," he says
"Tryouts are a week today at 3:00," I say "can you come up with a few drills? I have a couple good ones to see speed and catching. But I need one for when I take the QB's,"
"Can the twins take over and do conditioning?"
"Great idea," I say writing it down "I'll tell them that, RJ you stay with them and I will take reggie as a demo on my side. Then we'll come back together, let them go and lost cuts. Cuts done by Friday, lineups by Tuesday,"
"Sounds good,"
I give them all the dates for boards, states and nationals.
"And if we make it, Canada is hosting Globals," I say looking at the calendar
"Where in Canada?"
"Looks like games are split between Toronto and Quebec,"
Cher comes in to feed Lexi and we relax for a bit. Everyone decides to head out and we listen to music for a while
"Mama su-im?" Lexi pouts touching my arm
"Okay bug, I'm putting my swim suit on," I laugh kissing her forehead "baby you wanna watch her?"
"Ya T, I got her," she says
I change quickly and go back downstairs, Cheryl is putting sunscreen on Lexi and I can tell she already put hers on because she has some on her nose.
"What are you smirking at Topaz?" She asks
"You have a little something on your face baby," I laugh rubbing it in to her skin
"You want any?"
"No I'm okay," I say helping her finish Lexi's back
"I hate that you don't burn,"
I laugh and kiss her
We go into the pool and Lexi slaps the water splashing Cheryl.
"You're silly," she says
"Whenever I splash you I get yelled at,"
"That's because you aren't as cute,"
I roll my eyes and laugh.
What a crazy, crazy day.
I'm just glad both my girls are happy, pretty healthy, and alive.

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