Off Hinge

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Cheryl's POV
I got my wires off and just walked in the front door to Mia and Lexi laughing and running around.
"Mommy home!" Mia giggles
"Mommy's home sweetheart, come give me a hug,"
"Mommy talk!!" She cheers coming over and hugging me
"I love you Monkey,"
She giggles and kisses my cheek
"I love you too Mommy,"
Lexi runs in giggling and hugs me.
"Hi babygirl,"
"Hi mommy, how are you?"
"I'm good Lex, how are you,"
"I glad you're okay," she says
"Thank you," I say "where are your brothers?"
"Playing football,"  Lexi says
I pick them both up and go outside
"Go play girls," I say
They run around and I sit on the bottom step watching the boys plays football and the girls play soccer
"Mommy! Mommy! Did you see that?" Tony asks
"I did, baby boy- good job,"
He gasps and runs towards me
"Mommy I dunno you talk,"
"I just got the wires off baby boy,"
He claps and I kiss his forehead
"I missed talking to you baby boy," I say as he sits on my lap
"Me too mommy," he says "I play lots of football though,"
"I know, I watched you,"
"I wanna be just like Mama, I think I can be,"
"You will be Monster, you know why?"
"Because whenever i see you play you look like Mama did, you look happy,"
"I am happy,"
I kiss his temple and he smiles
"Does it hurt to talk? Your voice sounds different,"
"A little TJ, but I'm okay,"
"Mommy I need talk," he says
"About what sweetheart?"
"The m-man at Pops call Mama a- a bitch and hoea," he says
"Baby we don't use those words okay?"
"Mommy what do they mean?"
"He was using them in a way to try and demean and hurt Mommy's character,"
"Oh, so he's a bad man?"
"He is,"
"He hit you,"
"He did sweetheart," I say "how did that make you feel?"
"Angey and scared,"
"Why angry?"
"Mama told me to make sure you're okay, and happy,"
"I'm very happy baby boy, don't worry okay?"
He nods and I ruffle his hair
"Go play Tony,"
He nods and goes to play with his sisters
"You feeling better mom?" Robbie asks
"I am," I sigh "it's nice to talk to them and know they're happy. How are you doing with everything?"
"I wish I could've done more to help you with the guy that attacked you, ive been down about that,"
"He's been trying to kill me since I met him. He would've if you didn't show up," I sigh
"Does it still hurt?"
"A lot, but it's okay,"
He nods and I hear the doorbell ring
I get up and go get it
It's a package from Blossom Industry
I take it and go to the kitchen counter
I open the envelope and read it
Dear ms Topaz
The research inside contains a cure to the infection U-1243 . It's is 99.9% effective in humans.
Blossom industry research facility 12U

They found a cure?
I glance at the date on the box and start bawling my eyes out
Reggie comes in and hugs me
"Cheryl what's wrong?" He asks "why are you crying?"
"Th-they found a cure Reggie. For Toni's disease," I mumble "they found it,"
"That must be hard, but there's nothing we can do about it now," he whispers hugging me
"Look at the date Reggie. 6 days before Toni died! I could've saved her!"
I walk out front and sit on the stairs
I could've saved her.
"Cheryl, we cant say what would've happened if you got this on the date. It could've meant more pain for Toni,"
I nod and wipe my tears
"I just miss her so much Reggie," I sigh "so so much, every single day,"
"So do I Cher," he sighs "I actually meant to talk to you. The boys and the school want to have a memorial game for Toni. On our home opener? Is that okay with you?"
"Oh of course," I say "can I come?"
"We want you there C," he says
We sit on the front steps and I call the military.
"Mrs Topaz?" Her General says
"General George, you mentioned having a bunch of other soldiers with the same infection as Toni correct?"
"Almost two dozen Mrs. Topaz,"
"I found a cure sir. If you or one of your superiors need to see my research I can fax it over. I don't want anyone dying like my wife did,"
"That's... outstanding," he says in disbelief "can you also send the pricing for treatment so families can get that set aside?"
"No cost sir, it's okay,"
"Mrs. Topaz,"
"It's what Toni would've wanted sir, no one is missing out on this treatment or losing their lively hood because of this,"
"Thank you Mrs. Topaz,"
"It's Cheryl," I say
"Thank you Cheryl, I'll review the tests and research immediately,"
"Thank you,"
I text Ronnie the fax number and put my phone down.
"Reggie I want you to get tested again for the infection," I sigh "I know i have no right to tell you what to do, but I can't lose anyone else right now Reg,"
"I'll get tested again, okay, it's not a big deal Cher- and any time you need help with the kids you call me or Liz okay?"
"Reggie you've done way too much for us anyways, I'll be okay,"
"We're always here Cheryl, but I have to go home okay?"
"Go sleep in your own bed Reggie," I laugh
He laughs and drives away.
Not five fucking minutes later I see Jughead coming up the road.
"Babies, we're going to come inside okay?" I yell going out back
"Okay!" The three little ones yell
"You too Robbie,"
He nods and chases the others into the house.
"Rob, take them upstairs. Keep away from the windows,"
He nods and takes them all upstairs
I watch Jughead walk up the stairs and take a deep breath when he knocks.
I press the panic button Veronica installed that send silent alerts to her, Reggie, and RJ's phones
"Jughead, hi," I whisper going outside making sure the door looks like it's supposed to
"Why are you whispering?"
"I just got Mia down for her nap," I lie "what the hell do you want?"
"I want one date," he says
"I'm a lesbian. What do you not understand about this?" I ask
"One date blossom, or... I could pay Robert a visit, or Lexi at her elementary school, or Mia and Tony at daycare when you have to go back to work. 4 kids Blossom, can't watch all of them, especially since the oldest is going out west,"
"What do you even mean by date?" I ask
"Lunch, that's it. And I meet your kids,"
"Absolutely not,"
"Just the oldest,"
I sigh and nod
"Robbie can you come down here please?" I yell unlocking the door "the other three are alright alone for a second,"
I hear Robbie run down the stairs and he comes in the main area.
"Isn't this.." he starts- getting angry at the memory of Jughead strangling me at Toni's funeral
"Actually Rob, this is Jughead," I say
"Your mom and I thought it was a good time to tell you were dating," he says "and it's starting to get serious,"
"Cheryl.." he starts
"Oh uh ya," I lie "very serious,"
"My mom's a lesbian," he says taking a step towards Jughead and I
"No she's not, she loves me,"
He bumps my back and I jump a bit
"Oh ya of course Rob. Sometimes you get confused with your sexuality. E-even at my age,"
He looks at me confused and I try and give him a smile
"What about Toni? She only passed away.. what? 3 months ago?" He says starting to almost cry
"We've been dating longer than that, right cher-bear? Like 10?"
I gasp a little and give Jughead a look
He glares at me and hastily grabs my hand
"Mhm," I say in tears "almost e-eleven now,"
"You are trying to tell me you were cheating on Toni?"
"I let her down Rob. There's a lot she never knew,"
"I hate you, how could you do this?"
I can't believe he actually believes me
"Lexi and Tony are going to too,"
"I hate myself for it Rob. I know," I half whisper
"There's no way this is actually happening. Dude you're making her so uncomfortable,"
"She's just sad that her oldest kid can't be supportive of her new relationship,"
Robbie looks at me confused and beaten down.
"I'm going out Robbie. I promise I'll make things right," I say
We walk to pops basically a car length away from eachother and I SOB
Robbie hates me, everyone's going to
"Who the fuck just texted you?" Jughead hisses as I sit across from him
"Reggie and Veronica," I whisper
He grabs my phone and replies
He talks and I'm just silent the entire time and thinking about Toni
"Are we done?" I ask
"Oh Blossom. The best part of the date isn't even done,"
"What part? You ate, I paid, goodbye,"
"The part where I fuck you so hard you shake the house," he whispers
"I have a plane ticket to Stanford and I heard your son is into boys anyways,"
"Fuck you,"
"Yes blossom. Fuck me,"
He drags me home and into the house
"I just need a glass of water,"
"I'll wait here," he says
I go into the kitchen and thankfully Robbie and Ralphy are here.
"Hey boys," I say faking a smile and grabbing a glass
"Is that douche gone?"
"He's probably going to stay the night Robbie," I sigh
He looks me in the eyes and automatically knows I'm lying
"What's wrong?" He whispers
I look over my shoulder and Jughead is texting on my phone
I smash a glass on the floor and pretend it was an accident
"Oh fuck," I exclaim
"What the hell Cheryl!?" Jughead says storming in
"I- uh sorry, I just got ahead of myself Jug. I just need to clean it so the little ones are safe,"
He slaps me and Rob and Ralph take a step forward
"Boys it's okay," I say before Rob says something "I deserve it, I'm cutting into our.. time because of a mistake. I deserved that okay?"
"Blossom I need to make a call this better be cleaned up when I get back,"
"What are you going to do about it? It's my fucking house!"
He shoves me against the fridge and glares
"You know what happens," he mutters
I nod, scared and then he kiss my neck and tries to get my skirt down
"Jughead stop. My son is right there. Stop being an idiot," I say shoving him
"We'll talk about this later," he snaps shoving me again
He leaves, out the front door and I look at Robbie.
I start cleaning and keep an eye on the door
"I need the police,"
"He's been doing this to you for 10 months?" Ralph asks
"Absolutely not you dumbasses. He threatened me okay? I need the police fast," I hiss "I'm a lesbian for god sakes,"
"If he touches you like that again.." Rob starts
"You let him. Okay?" I say seeing Jughead still on the phone "he has a gun, I felt it in his pocket. And don't be like Toni and not care if you get shot because he's a coward and won't shoot you because you scare him. He will go after Mia or TJ,"
He gets his phone to dial 911
"Don't dial now. He'll see it, as soon as I leave with him okay? Try to get the little ones away from my room,"
He looks scared
"I'm sorry Rob okay? Just know I'm sorry,"
I see Jughead coming in and tell him to be quiet
"You're not done yet whore?"
"Oh Ralphy had a physics question for me,"
"You're Ralphy?" He smirks turning around
"Y-yes sir,"
"Wanna have a little fun.."
"NO.." I start "b-babe, I thought we were going to have some fun right now,"
He smirks and turns back to me and kisses me
"You're right cher bear, time for me to treat you like the slit your are,"
I gag and he grabs my ass
"Rob, take your siblings outside okay?" I say
"Keep em in here. Let them hear the pleasure,"
"Outside please,"
He nods and Jughead drags me upstairs
"Your son asks a lot of questions," he says locking my bedroom door
"He worries about me," I sigh "Toni was the love of my life,"
"Well now I am,"
"Rob will beat you up,"
He shows me the gun I knew he had and forces It in my mouth and loads it
"Will he? Weird that he wants his mom to die,"
Tears stream down my face and I nod
"Take off your clothes whore,"
"MOMMMM," Tony yells
"That's my son, I have to go check on him,"
"Leave him,"
I hear a knock on the door and try to push past
"I'll get it,"
"No, just let send him back downstairs," I say
He puts the gun to my back and lets me open the door.
"Hey baby boy,"
"Mommy. Who is that?"
"We'll talk about that later TJ. You need to go downstairs,"
"But I wanted to play with you," he pouts
"Later baby, okay?"
He nods sadly and goes down the stairs
I exhale in relief until Jughead slams the door.
"Good girl blossom,"
I hear someone open the front door but Jughead doesn't seem to mind
"What do have to do for you to leave me alone?"
"Take your clothes off," he demands with the gun still trained on me
I'm going straight to the hospital for a Rape kit
I take my sweater and t shirt off leaving me in a bra, then I take my skirt off
"CHERYL!" I hear RJ yell
"I have to answer or he'll come up here," I whisper
He nods and I yell back
"Oh hey RJ, my jaw just started hurting. I wanna go down for a nap- I'll call you later though,"
"No Cher, we need to talk now," he says "I'm coming up,"
"No, don't," I say "I-I'll come down,"
I reach for my shirt and Jughead loads the gun
"You're not putting clothes back on,"
"My children are down there!" I gasp
"Then get on the bed,"
"RJ won't leave,"
"RJ will be shot then,"
I sigh and open the door in my underwear and bra.
"RJ send the kids outside,"
"They already are,"
I nod and go downstairs with Jughead close behind
He immediately recognizes him and looks at me confused
"Gun" I mouthe "on my back,"
His eyes go wide and he nods
"Aren't you going to introduce me Cherbear?"
"RJ, this is Jughead- my b-boyfriend. I brought him over to meet rob today,"
"We've been dating almost 11 months,"
RJ gasps slightly and I fake nod
"Toni didn't know," I sigh
"Man I got to talk to her alone," he says
"Not alone," I say quickly "he doesn't know his way around, might find his way places he shouldn't be,"
RJ nods and I sigh
"Well Rob called me,"
"He hates me I know,"
"How could you do this to Toni Cheryl?"
"I- I," i sigh breaking down "I didn't, he threatened Robbie and Mia. He knows where Lexi goes to school and TJ's day care, I saw him for the first time when he tried to kill me at Toni's funeral I swear RJ,"
He nods and Jughead shoves me at RJ.
"I'm sorry," I whisper
"It's okay,"
The cops walk in and all train their weapons on Jughead
"Drop the gun," an officer yells
RJ grabs me a blanket so I'm not exposed any more and Jughead drops his gun
"Watch your kids blossom," he says as he's taken away
I wipe my tears and just go sit on my bed
I put sweats on and just cry while RJ deals with the cops
I hear a knock at my door and I say go away
"It's me," Rob says coming in
"Oh sorry rob, I thought you were RJ," I say wiping my tears
"It's alright," he says looking at the floor "I just wanted to say sorry,"
"For what?"
"For a bit I believed that there was some truth to it, and that's not okay. It just reminded me of when my dad died, my mom moved on so fast and it scared me that you were doing the same,"
"Don't be sorry," I sigh "I'm the worst, I should've protected you,"
He shakes his head confused
"I heard what he said about me. He was trying to come at me if you didn't,"
"Toni was so good at knowing right from wrong- I should've.. I should've told him to screw off and call the police," I say putting my head in my hands "but I knew he was going to try and shoot somebody and if I lose another person i will die RObbie I will die,"
"Cheryl you did everything you were supposed to. Lexi, Tony, and Mia know nothing and he didn't do anything to me," he says "he's going to jail Cheryl,"
I nod
"Sorry I've been so out of sorts for a while now," I sigh "just so tired,"
He hugs me and I smile
"You're allowed to be sad and angry and tired Cheryl. The last few months have sucked,"
"Thank you Robbie,"
"Reggie's downstairs,"
I nod and throw my hair in a bun
Reggie runs and hugs me as soon as he sees me.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm alright, just shaken up Reggie,"
He nods and sighs
"You texted cancelling the alert,"
"He took my cell,"
"Mommy!" Mia says walking in and laughing
"Hi babygirl," I smile picking her up
"Mommy I'm tired," she says
"I know, you didn't even get a nap today monkey, want me to go put you in bed?"
"Yes peas," she says
I giggle and kiss her temple
"I love you Mia,"
"I wuv you too Mommy,"
I walk upstairs and put her in the crib
"Sweet Dreams sweetheart, okay?"
"Okay mommy,"
I rub her back as she falls asleep
I need more calm moments like this

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